South Africa's de Klerk: Israel must reach peace
Associated Press
Published: 29.05.14, 00:45
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54 Talkbacks for this article
31. # 4 No shit Sherlock
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (05.29.14)
One of these days your actually going to say something interesting...
32. That Rivkah.....
rom ,   israel   (05.29.14)
Early in 2011 she spouted this nonsense: "The Poles are expected to shift on March 18 of this year when Comet Elinen (Planet-X, Nibiru, Orchus) aligns its North Pole with the Earth's South Pole, causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and 200+mph winds in bands around the earth for an hour. Then the sun will rise in the West. This happens every 3600 years and the last time it happened was when Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt and YHWH fed the whole world with manna, historical documents of various cultures reveal. Guess what? San Francisco and most coastal cities of the world will be flooded as the oceans rise 250 feet higher than they are now when the ice in Antarctica melts because the North Pole shifts into Siberia" etc. etc. Perhaps she should be committed.
33. #18 you are as BIG a fool as #1
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (05.29.14)
You have no concept or understanding of Apartheid. It is not applicable to Israel. You can babble on all you like - you and your dickhead friends - but it will not change the fact and the reality which you DENY. Complete Bullshit.
34. # 24 Whoa Nelly!
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (05.29.14)
No Sodomites are animal rapists. The choose dumb animals that can't testify against them in court. There was a news paper article here not long ago of a man accidentally killed when 'coupled' with a horse, if I remember right, his bowels were burst. The article also said that the police mentioned this wasn't the first complaint of such normal behavior. The limits of evil cannot be imagined by the sane. SAVE ANIMALS... AND BUILD ISRAEL !!!!
35. # 23 EXCELLENT!!! No terrorists should!
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (05.29.14)
The Arabs are damned lucky to be allowed to live in Jewish Israel, only they continue to terrorize Jews. What other nation, other than Israel, allows the enemy within her own gates? Most nations would have killed them off like cockroaches. Hmm, that's an idea worth exploring. BUILDING IS WINNING, PAINLESSLY, BABY !!
36. # 20 Ivan 'reverse discrimination'?
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (05.29.14)
Sounds like 'obama health care' now also sadly, the VA health care. And, the demise of once great America, this happens when a Kenyan born Muslim is elected as an America (?) President. Can't blame Kenya..We the people are not only 'apartheid' we're getting F**ked. BUILDING ISRAEL IS THE BEST REVENGE!!!!
37. #21 don't we wish?
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (05.29.14)
Not all antions have the same G-d, laws, intelligence, society, history and reverence for life as does Israel. Muslim on Muslim wars for example, how can they ever make peace with Israel if they can't make peace with one another? G-d chose Israel... Not any other nation.
38. # 16 Animals do fight wars...
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (05.29.14)
Turf wars, wars to procreate, they war in an 'animalistic' way.
39. # 12 How about...
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (05.29.14)
The pals rush to Jordan and claim that their "Syrian" refugees this time? No Arab nation wants the pals.. Why should Israel? BUILDING ON TOP OF THE FICTITIOUS,'INVENTED' PHONIES, BABY !!!!
40. # 17 Same could be said of America....
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (05.29.14)
Until Dr. King and the vote for blacks, this too, was America. We called it 'segregation.' G-D CHOSE ISRAEL. Who are we mortals to disagree? Only that foolishness is reserved for Muslims, who, sadly for them are dying like Arabian flies. BUILDING IS WINNING, BABY !!!!
41. # 16 I think one incest is in charge of my county
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (05.29.14)
its taken over and thinks it can dictate my taxes and land use, LOL. and, the 'meak' shall inherit your house.
42. 4,6,7, 14, 16: The law of the jungle comes from a descripti
description of the ANIMAL world. Read The Territorial Imperative by Robert Ardrey, an anthropological book, to understand that animals and humans, too, live by the formula, AMITY=ENMITY + an X factor that changes enmity to amity. Enmity is the normal state between animals as well as between humans unless there is an X factor to change the enmity to amity such as love, mutual defense, etc. The human species would all go to hell except for the death at the stake of the Jewish Messiah, Yahoshua of Nazareth long ago. As dreadful as human nature is and as dreadful as animal nature is, fallen angel nature (DNA) is worse. Fallen angels and their descendants unless castrated or the ovaries removed are not eligible for the plan of salvation. That is an unspeakable mercy for those who died in the Great Deluge of Noah's Flood since if nephillim beings were eligible for salvation and were unsaved, they would go to hell. But instead, they ceased to exist. As it was in the days of Noah and of Lot, so will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man, Scriptures tells us. In the days of Noah and Lot, violence filled the earth and there was a lot of sodomy and the flaunting of sodomy AND GIANTS ROAMED THE EARTH. What are the GIANTS? When the fallen angels procreated with human women, the nephillim and rephaim races were the consequence, called GIANTS in some Scripture versions. They are more powerful and more beautiful at times and more intelligent than humans since they are part angel, part fallen angel. Coast to Coast AM Radio Show had a program on about the DNA tests in Africa of tribes and some of the tribes (not all) were not entirely human. That is also true of other races that are corrupted by fallen angels. The Hebrew tribes of Dan and Ephraim are not among the Hebrew tribes that have 12,000 virgins (true in faith) of Israel in the latter days of Gentile world rule. Why? I believe it is because they are polluted with fallen angel DNA to the point that Elohim rejects them. Ephraim is Great Britain and the Commonwealth. Dan is the northern European and Scandinavian nations. How very sad that you are illiterate in the Holy Scriptures, but then in all ages there were those who rejected Elohim and His Words. If you are entirely human, that means you go to hell when you die for unbelief. Hell is a place of torment and great thirst and great heat that is not as bad as the lake of fire where the unsaved go after the Great White Throne Judgments of the unsaved who are resurrected a thousand years after the Jewish Messiah comes to earth in glory to rule and to reign. But even after the resurrected bodies of unsaved humans are burned to ashes in the lake of fire, THE WORM DIES NOT. What does that mean? THE WORM DIES NOT means the SOUL dies not, consciousness does not cease and there is torment and darkness and no mercy and no love and no kindness and no relief of torment FOREVER. I suggest you get a Hebraic Roots Version Scriptures and study to learn about ELohim. Proverbs 30:4,5 is a good place to start. It says, Elohim has a Name and He has a Son who has a Name. Call on those names I believe are Yahovah and Yahoshua and beg Elohim to save your souls and lead you in truth to eternal life. Rivkah
43. 7 Brazilian Jew, S. Paulo, Brazil:The sungod and the moongod
are the most worshipped idols on earth. Roman Catholics and Sunday Sabbath Protestants worship a sungod named JeZeus and the Muslims worship a moon god that is a blackstone in Mecca. The black statue of St. Peter at the Vatican was previously a statue of Zeus and was a part of the Altar of Zeus in Pergamos which is in Turkey, now. Germany purchased the Altar of Zeus without the statue of Zeus which was in the Vatican in the late 1800's. After that, Germany started three major wars as the First, Second and Third Reichs. If that Altar of Zeus which is in Berlin in the Pergamon Museum in the Tiergarten is not put under water to hinder the demons and fallen angels attached to it, there will be a Fourth Reich and perhaps the E.U. with Germany as the economic engine is it and will start a fourth major war. You think this is gobbledegook, but sadly it is not. It is very real. Many billions of people are still deceived by false religions and the Jewish Messiah said religious unbelievers are children of the devil. Rivkah
44. Ariel Lototski: Well said.
45. Wake up everbody, wakeup
Samuel ,   Israel   (05.29.14)
Facts always remain fact. Before the Six Day War all the Arab nations joined together in order to destroy Israel completely. why in the world did the UN withdrew its troops? Why were not the voices of all the nations not heard? Shame on Kerry & Klerk. Always remember, before the Six Day War no Palestinian nation existed, it was Jordan. Why did these Palestinians not demand from Jordan its independence? Israel should be compensated for all the un just wars waged on Israel.
46.  Israel must reach peace
joe ,   uk   (05.29.14)
did F.W. de Klerk send a similar message to the Palestinians he should know the old saying it takes two to tango
47. 11,33 not mine.
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (05.29.14)
48. # From 34 to #41 BUILD FOR OTHERS BUILD
Harold ,   USA   (05.29.14)
de Klerk's prediction is right and balanced. Tell your leaders to listen to him otherwise APARTHEID will be right word for Israel's future.
49. To Rivkah
Devorah   (05.29.14)
Where can one find the peer-reviewed science regarding the DNA of fallen angels?
50. Mike's reply to Ariel on Facebook
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (05.29.14)
It isn't racist if it's the truth.
51. De Klerk's prediction
Harold ,   USA   (05.29.14)
De Klerk's prediction will come true if leaders like Netanyahu do not listen to him. He is much more experienced than all extreme Israeli leaders then and now. Moreover De Klerk is repeating what John Kerry predicted and both are right. What is good for Israel when the whole world recognize Israel with 1948 borders.
52. 10 Doc.Only us South Africans understand that Pals are
Alan ,   SA   (05.29.14)
expecting so called "Peace Process" and/or "Negociations" to lead to a FULL takeover of Israel... Nothing less!. Our SA ANC Politicians are encouraging the Pals to handle politics to lead to this "happy ending".They have organised Seminars,Workshops to instruct Pals how to go about the takeover.... even the Arch Tutuu tells us all daily that SA Apartheid was nothing serious compared to what the Pals are going thru.. Remember that Arafat chose the Mayfair Mosque in Johannesburg in the 90s to tell worshippers there that his "negociations" were a sham and just designed to play for time in the same manner that Mohammed misled the ? Qureshi tribe of Mecca
53. 49 Devorah: Go to Coast to Coast AM Radio Show's website
Rivkah   (05.30.14)
and look up the program that discussed the DNA of some African Tribes (such as Kenyans) that is not entirely human. Go to the researchers who spoke at that site lecture and they can answer your inquiry. The DNA of animals is known. For supposed humans to lack 100% human DNA that is not the known animal DNA (such as gorilla DNA or monkey DNA) then you will know what is the fallen angel DNA. It is what is not animal or human in people who are not entirely human. Thanks for your interest. Your posts are so excellent and I look for them to see your perspective on subjects.
54. To BUILD BABY BUILD, At nr. 37.
Sjoerd van der Velde ,   Hoorn, Holland   (06.04.14)
Thanks for your reaction/opinion. Peace cannot come only from Israel, unfortunately. Every country and everybody has to deal with a certain kind of reality, everywhere and always, for going on and surviving. About the so-called "islam"-world, we can gradually conclude, that it is un-democratic, dictatorial and criminal. "islam" is a word from the Arabic language. It means surrender and subjection to/for everyone, to "quoran", "sharia", terror/terrorism. Not just the Jewish and Israeli people are threatened by that. Also the rest of the present, entire free, democratic, civilized world, world-population/humankind. It is not only Anti-Semitic, also Jingoistic and Xenophobic and far more dangerous than Fascism, National-Socialism, Adolfhitlerism, Stalinism and Maoism, for example. Of course the Jewish/Israeli people are going on to build in Israel. Also, Israel, forever, ever and always! May G.d bless the Jewish and Israeli people, too!
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