Palestinian aide: 'Int'l community must tell Israel enough is enough'
The Media Line
Published: 04.06.14, 01:00
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23 Talkbacks for this article
1. "democracy"
CJK   (06.04.14)
the palestinian arabs have never practiced democracy, neither among themselves, nor in their dealings with the jewish state of israel.
2. A Few Problems
Ron ,   oc us   (06.04.14)
Yes the EU UN and the State Dept. will try to make sense out of this so called unity government. But, hamas is still ruling Gaza and will conduct its political and military per usual. It would be better if the US comes to its own conclusion about hamas and this unity government. And, they will. The new theatrics of the Pals will go nowhere.
3. Only because USA is hellbent on self destruction doesn't
tom ,   tel aviv   (06.04.14)
mean we have to follow. There is no point in arguing with someone who has it in for you: they'll find an excuse anyhow and the vast, unwashed masses after having been fed with poisonous lies will oblige the new regimes of western world. Times may come again, when the highly educated West will think of another Final Solution to it's Jewish Problem....
4. Democracy is wonderful, especially when there is no vote
Ed Stack ,   Jerusalem   (06.04.14)
Would someone please tell me when the people voted for this government? I had always thought that democracy required a vote by the people. Oh well.
5. This is no surprise, nothing better is expected from AbuAss
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (06.04.14)
6. To CJK, at No. 1.
Sjoerd van der Velde ,   Hoorn, Holland   (06.04.14)
Well and correct noticed. "islam" and democracy did not/does not go together. For example, also, the Jewish, Israeli and every other people, forever, ever and always! May G.d bless Israel, too!
7. Islamic-cult democracy does not exist..
Beary White ,   Norway   (06.04.14)
Even the Algerian FM just say the arab spring has paved way for more terrorism. And this seems to be an excellent start of an arab spring in between fatah and would hamas accept fatah rulings, when they have a history of throwing fatah-members from roofs, shooting blindfolded and handcuffed fatah prisoners laying on the ground,??, we have seen the pictures.!!
8. even pals public know coalition not real, has hidden agenda
mary_of_Bethany ,   Singapore   (06.04.14)
The Palestinian public is skeptical about this unity deal being for them. Some believe Hamas did this because they saw the Muslim Brotherhood fall from grace in Egypt and Fatah did this because the negotiations with Israel crashed.
9. @1 Don't kid yourself
Aron ,   NY, USA   (06.04.14)
Israel doesn't know the definition of "Democracy" either.
10. Israel have full control in J&S
who plays with fire?   (06.04.14)
Israel can cause the PA to collapse tomorrow if it wants to, and no one can stop Israel from doing it. Israel can annex every part of J&S it wishes to annex and build as it wishes there. The US or any other country can not stop Israel from doing it.
11. #1 What an opportunity for Israel then
Mark B. ,   Amsterdam / Holland   (06.04.14)
It can teach the Pals to practice democracy in the non-jewish / bi-national state of Greater Israel (after annexation of so-called Judea & Samaria). That is what the world will demand anyway if the two-state solution is of the table. Guess how that vote will turn out?
12. The Past is Enough
Zechariah   (06.04.14)
The Arab rejection of the 1937 Partition Plans the Arab Revolts and Pogroms against Jewish Return and self Defense in a small part of the Ancient Homeland.The Colloboration of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem with nazi Genocide that is enough .
13. #10, thats because Israelis cannot take short term pain
Danny   (06.04.14)
So they allow a situation that is to their long term detriment to continue. One day it will be too late to get rid of the PA, something they should and would have done in 1994.
14. The State of Israel ...
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.04.14)
... does not take its marching orders from either a tin-pot terrorist dictator (Abbas) or a foreign-born pretender to the presidency (Obama). There really is only one way to handle this: Israel must immediately and unilaterally annex the settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria. The rest of Judea and Samaria should also be annexed. The Arabs resident therein will not be offered citizenship -- they will be deported to "Palestine" (a/k/a Gaza) ruled by the freshly-minted unity government of Fatah and Hamas. The blockade of "Gaza.cum.Palestine" remains in place until the terrorist rabble prove conclusively that they are interested in actually building a state, and not merely coveting the one which was built by the Jews in the Jewish homeland. Enough is certainly enough, and the State of Israel has had enough of the "Palestinians." They have had nearly a century to prove that they wish to live in peaceful coexistence, and have failed to do so. They have certainly had ample opportunity, and have rejected each and every one. Israel should not allow itself to submit to international blackmail. Law and convention are quite clear -- nonsovereign territory acquired in the course of fighting a defensive war belongs to the victor. The vanquished lose territory as a result of waging wars of aggression which the aggressor loses, as has been the case on six separate occasions. The Arabs presently residing in Judea and Samaria are not stateless; they are Jordanian citizens. But, they uniformly identify themselves as "Palestinian" and there is no reason not to make Gaza the "Palestinian" state. It's time to put an end to the nonsense. Israel will not dismantle itself in order to satisfy an insatiable terrorist rabble and their Jew-hating, Israel-bashing supporters. Enough really has been enough.
15. To: No. 11
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.04.14)
Hate to burst your bubble, but the "Palestinians" in Judea and Samaria are all citizens of Jordan, courtesy of Jordan's 1954 Citizenship Law which bestowed Jordanian citizenship on all West Bank Arabs and their progeny, irrevocably. They are NOT stateless. Israel, of course, has every right to annex nonsovereign Judea and Samaria, but absolutely no obligation to extend citizenship to the Arabs therein. In fact, there is nothing barring Israel from repatriating them to Jordan. But given the newly-minted "unity agreement" between the "Palestine" Authority and Hamas, we'll just deport them to Gaza. I'm sure they will live in complete peace and harmony and work together to build a thriving and democratic "Palestine" in Gaza. What vote? Does Israel -- or any other country -- vote on who may be granted Dutch citizenship and who may not? I realize you're not particularly intelligent, but surely you realize the utter ridiculousness of your suggest that sovereign Israel's right to extend citizenship or not extend citizenship is subject to any country's approval! But if you want to beat that wardrum, why don't you start with Tibet?
16. To: Ron at No. 2
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.04.14)
Oh, it's much better than that! We know that the missiles will fly from Gaza -- Hamas cannot control all of the splinter jihadist elements. But Israel is long on the record as stating that ANY attack from Gaza will hold Hamas responsible. Hamas is now part of a unity government with the "Palestine" Authority. The missile may fly from Gaza, but there is no reason the response cannot be aimed at Ramallah. All for one and one for all, right?
17. # 9 Speaking of "Don't kid yourself"
BUILD BABY BUILD !!!   (06.04.14)
If Israel is so awful. why does every Tom DIck and Mohammed head straight for Israel bypassing countless Muslim nations en route? Why also is every Muslim nation ( most currently murdering their own protestors ) also at war with its own people??? Islam is a cancer eating itself. Jewish Israel looks like heaven next to these hell holes, that's why.. KEEP BUILDING ALL JEWISH ISRAEL !!!!
18. #9, apparently you dont either
Danny   (06.04.14)
19. 5 not mine.
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (06.04.14)
20. #17 Build for others Build
Harold ,   USA   (06.04.14)
No 9 is right and believe him. There is no real democracy in Israel. Look what happened to Mordechai Vanunu. He even cannot leave Israel. You can get rid of one or two Muslims but you cannot get rid of 1,6 Billion Muslims.
21. To: No. 20
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.04.14)
Mordechai Vanunu cannot leave Israel because he knows things that are vital to the security of the State of Israel. Israel is not the only country in the world with a like policy. At least -- unlike the United States -- Israel does not assassinate rogue citizens. Israel does not have 1.6 billion Moslems, by the way. Still waiting for you to tell us all about the U.S. airlift of Jews to Israel in 1948 of which you claim to have first-hand knowledge. Do enlighten us, please. How do you come to have "first-hand knowledge" of something which never happened?
22. To: No. 9
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.04.14)
Really? How so? Keep in mind, however, before you answer mindlessly, that much like every other country, Israel distinguishes between citizens and noncitizens. That said, the only undemocratic aspects of Israel that readily come to mind are that Jewish Israelis pay municipal taxes, and Arab Israelis do not; military service is mandatory for Jewish Israelis, but not for Arab Israelis; and Jews who are medically capable of military service or national service must have done one or the other in order to apply for university admission, but Arab Israelis face no similar restriction. Jewish cities, towns and villages may not deny Arabs the right to live in that city, town or village, but Arab cities, towns and villages have the right to bar Jews from living in those cities, towns and villages. In other words -- Israel is undemocratic because Arab Israelis get preferential treatment; basically, they enjoy all the privileges of citizenship although not all of the attendant obligations. We really should put an end to these undemocratic practices which favor Arab Israelis over Jewish Israelis.
23. Changes since WW2
Zechariah   (06.05.14)
Since the Nazi Defeat in WW2and the Shoah which Hamas Denies denies now a Crime in Russia the Balance of Power which includes Moral Feelings has Changed.After the Shoah the Un Partitioned the ancient Land into Three States Jewish Arab and Jerusalem International.Out of malice for Judaism the Grand Mufti Arabs Refused and Blockaded Jewish Jerusalem .The Jews went to offense and won.For peace Bengurion was willing to take back 100000 Refugees .The Arabs Refused.You cannot make peace with such a Political Consciousness.
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