Lapid: Gaza op not over until Gaza demilitarized
Moran Azulay
Published: 28.08.14, 18:35
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1. Vapid Lapid the journo-shmourno politico
Jhan   (08.28.14)
Another shmoozer, useless waste of space.
2. lapid is a hypocrite
jerold   (08.28.14)
lapid says that ceasefire is premature, that demilitarization must be achieved but then goes ahead and authorizes ceasefire. This is olmert talking, a total dunce. Derrshowitz who knows bibi said that bibi takes casualties very hard, cries at the loss of each soldier and citizen, brought the troops out of gaza during lulls so they would not be shot at or kidnapped. Recall that about 20 idf soldiers and citizens were killed precisely cause bibi agreed to ceasefires which hamas took advantage of. Feeling for losses of soldiers and ordinary israelis is fine so long as one can act. Bibi ran after ceasefires even before the tunnels were destroyed. That israelis still regard bibi as most suitable pm shows how fu*ked up people we are, not all of us but many of us. You cannot fight a war if you are worried about casualties. No one said idf had to confront hamas in the tunnels. Israel has to fight dirty like hamas otherwise great casuaties will result and human rights counsel willl attack us regardless. South israeli should don masks and fire home made roc kets into gazans to return fire. The israeli govt could say it cannot control its people and don't know who it is. Finally, pillay would end up in a garbage can if she ever proceeding with an inquiry on russian activites in ukraine. Israel has to be tougher with pillay and her cronies who have harmed israel deliberately and maliciously. She should watch her step if israel put her on notice. Bibi needs to be replaced and fast.
3. He makes a lot of sense. A good move politically
Shep Fargotstein ,   Memphis, TYN - USA   (08.28.14)
It appears to be a free for all as far as posturing for a run at the Prime Minister's position, as the smell of Bibi's weakness in capitulating to Hams has his opposition salivating. This is going to boil down to Lapid and Lieberman. Netanyahu is toast unless he can pull victory out of the cooling ashes of defeat.
4. Demilitarization of Gaza Strip
Moshe ,   Israel   (08.28.14)
On this issue I agree with Lapid. The murderous rules of the enclave should have been pressed militarily, until they accepted the Israeli terms for ending the conflict, and relieve the residents of southern Israel from their misery.
5. This one's easy
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.28.14)
Hamas broke something on order of five cease-fires, right? We can break one to go in and finish the job. It is painfully obvious that the majority of Israelis think the ground operation ended too soon. Let's finish the job.
6. Lapid playing to the crowd again
zionist forever   (08.28.14)
We had 2 options in Gaza, it was either hurt Hamas & destroy the tunnels and then pursue a ceasefire based on good terms for Israel. So far the military objective has been achieved and the longterm ceasefire will be discussed between Abbas & Bibi in a month gang the cabinet plenty of time to decide what we want for what. The other option would have been a long ground war costing the lives of hundreds f soldiers and some would be kidnspped to TRY demilitarise Gaza by force. Nobody in the cabinet or military had the stomach for that If we had gone that route people would not be saying bibi didn't go far enough it would be Bibis personal war is getting our boys killed so end the war. There was never a way for Bibi to win in the public eye and he is taking a lot of criticism so Lapid the opportunist is reinventing himself as the strongman and telling the public what they want to hear,
7. Offer them prosperity as a reward for demilitarization.
Michael ,   California, USA   (08.28.14)
When there is prosperity in Gaza they will not want it destroyed. So let them have a port and an airport in return for demilitarization. The Gaza leadership has proven itself capable of obtaining support from the population. It is reasonable they will demand reciprocity from Israel for their concessions now. Israel should respond positively by helping them become prosperous in return for keeping weapons out of the Gaza Strip.
8. Peace, security and prosperity will come to Gaza, and all...
N.L.Katz ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (08.28.14)
...three do have the potential of being part of life there, but only when at least two preconditions are met: (1) The territory cleanses itself of the Islamist warlords of Hamas that have enslaved its people and have been controlling their lives since 2007. (2) The territory is cleansed of the illicit weapons that have been amassed there by the various Palestinian Arab terror organizations, including Hamas. The above is not only a pragmatic view of what is good for Gaza, it is also the requirement accepted by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) when the territory was handed over to it by the State of Israel, based on the treaty signed in 1993 on the White House lawn and which was witnessed by the US, UN European and Arab countries. Now, all of the above ought to join hands and act upon the cleansing the territory, first and foremost for the sake of its civilian population, but also for the sake of the citizens of Israel and Egypt alike.
9. Sad but true. Gaza must be disarmed. Maybe that will spare
Rivkah   (08.29.14)
Gaza from the wrath of Elohim who said through His Prophet Zephaniah that Elohim Himself will destroy Gaza and everyone in it.
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