Opinion  Eitan Haber
When Israeli and Palestinian pyromaniacs meet
Eitan Haber
Published: 09.11.14, 23:38
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13 Talkbacks for this article
1. Netanyahu has encouraged right wing madness
Dan   (11.10.14)
These insane religious maniacs have only been able to reach this point because the have been tolerated and encouraged by Sharon first and Netanyahu second, and no one has had the intelligence or courage to oppose them. Sadly Israel is reaping what its smug complacency has sewn, and it will only learn the required lesson through yet another war.
2. fear of attack from arabs
simon ,   kfar saba, Israel   (11.10.14)
thee is no end to where this argument may go. The writer of this article has us walking on broken glass-being careful not to get cut. However, the more careful we try to be, the more careful we are to try not to anger the arabs, the more the arabs see that they are holding the power, and if we allow this situation to continue, then G-D forbid, the arabs will put curfews on the Jews, the arabs will regulate the Jews daily lives in every aspect. No, It is time for the Jews to say that we are no longer living in Europe under the Czar! If the Jews and the Israeli government in particular rules with a firm and decisive hand, punishing with death every arab that raises a hand against a Jew or his property, then eventually fear will once again be found in the arabs, and we will have peace, instead of being torn to pieces by the arabs.
3. Its the Hebrew Temple site built over with a mosque. Its a f
Adi ,   Zurich   (11.10.14)
Its the Hebrew Temple site built over with a mosque. Its a fact proven by archaeology. If catholics built a church over Mecca it does not belong to the Vatican. Arabs are looking for an excuse to kill. Any other explanation is a lie dressed up in poetry
4. There are over 1.5 BILLION Muslims on earth
spyguy ,   seattle usa   (11.10.14)
That is, almost 25% of all humans on earth are Muslims, whereas the Jews in Israel are less than 0.1% of the humans on earth. Note also that all those Muslims have all the same war toys (including nukes) that Israel has, therefore Haber is quite correct that a religious war would destroy Israel, which is why Israel needs to severely punish those that advocate for religious war. Haber also correctly noted that many delusional people would write extremely negative, completely uninformed by rational thought, comments. This is the BIG problem Israel has - lots of very delusional, irrational ego-driven people that are on a path to destruction. When your tribe is miniscule and powerless, it is best for long term survival to not make the rest of the tribes angry, not matter how that hurts your ego.
5. Its ONLY about religion...FOOL
Jesus Moses ,   Miami   (11.10.14)
6. great article Eitan - one of the best summaries of REALITY
Rafi ,   US   (11.10.14)
... but will "the children" listen? ... or will they G-d forbid learn the hard way? (by the way, there are 1.2 BILLION Moslems on the globe... I think Ynet printed a slight error...)
7. but wait! isn't a return to animal sacrifices on Temple Mt
Rafi ,   US   (11.10.14)
... worth the risk of a worldwide religious war ? Surely the benefits must be obvious... (to crazies only !)
8. Pyromaniacs ?
Sagi   (11.10.14)
The shoe can also fit the feet of the Muslims, everything in life is a two way street. Why are they not to be called pyromaniacs. I firmly believe that people who worship stones have a severe mental condition, whether they be Jews or Muslims or any other denomination. Not only do they worship stones, they actually believe that these stones are sacrosanct and that a human life is expendable in the pursuit of their right to pray over these stones. Having said that I also believe that what is permitted to one pyromaniac should be permitted to the other. It is totally wrong that Jews are not permitted to enter and pray on the Mount if that is what they wish. We cannot allow a situation where Muslims make the rules and Jews, Israelis in their own land, are denied a basic right. Can anyone imagine a situation where "religious police" stand at the entrance to such holy places as Notre Dame or St. Paul's Cathedral and deny entry to non Christians. I am very familiar with Salisbury Cathedral in England, a very holy place, all visitors are met with a smile and a brochure of explanation in four languages. On any given day people from all religions and ethnicity are to be seen there, in one particular spot there are written explanations in over twenty languages, including Hebrew. Muslims cannot be allowed to rule the roost.
9. To the clueless "Spyguy" at #4!
Z.Z. Coltrane ,   Usa   (11.10.14)
Numerical superiority? Seriously? Godless individuals, like yourself, always try to ignore Israel's wars since 1948. The War of Independence clearly showed God's providence; and, the 1967, Six Day War...well, enough said there! The entire world could attack Israel--and, they would lose! One cannot fight the God of Israel (the Exodus account attests to that fact). The whole religious aspect of this conflagration, between God's chosen people and the Arabs, dates back to time immemorial; this religious conflict (not a political one!) WILL be decided by God's military (IDF: the sons' and daughters' of Israel) and His powerful Hand! Make no mistake: God's Israel wins this religious war! Knowing God's Word...gives one a sense of peace...knowing whatever may happen, everything will be just fine! God is great...and, good to those who love Him. I'd suggest to you and your other godless sycophants to read Genesis 12:1-3! Choose to ignore at your own peril! God bless Israel; praying for the peace of Jerusalem! Christian Zionist
10. Eitan Haber is a n atheist who doesnt believe in religious
American   (11.10.14)
11. #4 tell us
You say that 25% of humans are Muslims, so the Jews should submit to Muslim demands. Tell us, should the Yazidi who number less than half a million also submit to the Muslims? The delusional, irrational, ego-driven Yazidi worship Shaytan and that enrages Muslims. What about the Zoroastrians? Alawi? Assyrians? Druze? Christians? Kurds? Are they all delusional, irrational and ego-driven because they do not submit? Until now, I assumed you were a Leftist American, but your thesis that all minorities are delusional and irrational because they do not submit is a very Muslim belief.
12. to5
noora ,   amman   (11.11.14)
the truth -it must be religion -but realy it is not .. haber thinks it is religion to islam but it is not to jews -he is wrong if it is realy religion to islam .israil must be in zero point ... it is not radical but islam was 2000 years beyound judism and 500 years after cristian it is one god .this instead of that musleme did not destroy the temple and israil did not built it . the new history is policy and wars
13. Wrong
A Simple jew ,   Kiryat Arba   (11.15.14)
Once we show fear, we are lost. The truth is that the Moslems have used the Mosque to rally the Arabs against us. We have nothing to lose by asserting our rights. The Arabs will riot anyway.
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