Opinion  Nahum Barnea
Olmert, Barak and Netanyahu: Israel's inglourious basterds
Nahum Barnea
Published: 11.11.14, 08:22
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10 Talkbacks for this article
1. he's forgotten some
Barnea blasts "honest" Olmert, "amutot" Barak and Netanyahu (who he hates) for Israel's lack of trust in politics. But he has forgotten some people. Where is "Greek island" Sharon, who betrayed Likud voters, central committee and constitution to avoid jail? Zippy Livni who betrayed Likud voters when she accepted Sharon's bribe to become a minister? What about Rabin's Goldfarb affair? and who can forget the father of corruption "stinking deal" Peres who gave Shas it's political power?
2. Barnea´s mirror:
Scharp ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (11.11.14)
Good advice. After a moment or two of important heshbon nefesh, realizing that we are all sinners and basterds, we have to get back to work - to safeguard our democracy, the rule of law, the checks and balances, the fight against corruption, enhancing the quality of governance, improving investigative journalism in Israel and so on. A final word about our inglorious basterds Ehud, Ehud and Binyamin. Sometimes you get a glimpse from their world of inflated ego and gossip and petty rivarly, competition, vanity, the greed for power and money. At the same time - brilliant minds, huge contributions to the state, responsbility, courage. "Gam vegam" - that´s what each one of us see in the mirror.
3. Something Missing
Joe ,   Israel   (11.11.14)
Zaken is a criminal serving time. Olmert is on trial and if proven guilty, will also become a criminal. Barak is not even under indictment and decency demands that he not be "lumped" together with Olmert and Zaken. Aside from serving as PM, a job he shares with Barak and Olmert, Netanyahu is included amongst the "inglorius basterds".If one has followed Barneas' columns over Netanyahu's terms, the odium he harbors is quite transparent.
4. Your article Inglourious Bastered
Dan Morr ,   Weston florida   (11.12.14)
I heard you speak mad have been reading your articles on YNet. I know you are an Obma lover and a Bibi hater. 1st, shame on you for using the word bastereds in regard to any Israeli Prime Minister. 2nd, why did you pick up on Bibi when the issue is coraption related to Olmart and Barak? 3rd, you should write about the magnificent republican win and the "wonderful" Democratic loss in the 11/4 US election. you have been picking the wrong sides in your opinions! Please recheck your standing. Good luck.
5. The FIRST, and foremost is Rabin
First intifada and Oslo king. Beilin is a small fish but why ae you hiding him? He is alive and can tell a lot. Why you do not alow him to speak? He is smarter 1000 times than Livni or Peres.
6. burden of proof
eli   (11.12.14)
barnea continues to be wrong on almost everything from security to the law. Barak doesnot have to prove anything. it is the state that has to find sufficient evidence to indict him. otherwise there is nothing. Take the word of a convicted crook and hero of barnea may be good for you barnea, but for me, Olmert;'s word is worthless, zilch period. Barak and bibi did their idf duty exceptional and average while olmert did next to nothing. As for patriotic, bibi and barak are patriotic, while olmert cares about fancy cigars, pens and the good life. He could care less about israel as he offered the golan heights you shmuck! Anyone offering the golan heights kniows zilch about security and doesn't care about israel. I did not care for barak as PM at all and as defense minister he was better than peretz but not by a lot. But he was not a crook. Bibi is unfit to be PM by the way as are herzog, livni, peres,yechaimovitch and lapid yet he did not bring dishonor to the office. He is simply weak. Israel needs to look at real leaders like bennett and feiglin and shamir, not ynet and haaretz invented leaders who all they do is offer concessions and run to the US crying and begging.
7. Inglorious bastard?
Al Sheeber ,   Tel Aviv   (11.12.14)
P.M Yitzhak Rabin, RIP may have been less ethically "challenged" as the other 3 but one cannot ignore the historical fact that his wife kept an account in Rigss, the "Dictators' Bank" of D.C. if it was not for the penchant for sniffing by URI Dan (RIP), the public would not know that when the Socialists rule, the currency laws (for example) do not apply to them. The bejeweled & acquisitive, rapacious Lea Rabin (RIP) walked to the teller, Uri Dan walked behind, saw her, chatted the teller, got the story. if it was not for the Ms. Zaken ( a convict) tpaes, the nation 'd never know of the decptions of Olmert nor the accepted rumors of the "Cocktail Socialist" Barak. All give Israel a bad name!
8. Take out Bibi and put in ...
Jake ,   Jerusalem   (11.13.14)
What did Bibi do? He did nothing but lead us into prosperity and won the war in Gaza. He managed to maneuver around a very anti-Israel US president too. True we have this Arab uprising but let us see what will be. but when it comes to poor performances don't forget Rabin and Sharon who made a pact with the devil. Rabin screwed us up badly with Oslo and Sharon with the pull outs of Gush Katif. Both caused numeral deaths of innocent Jews. Add these two to your list and kindly remove Bibi.
9. The Three Basterd Musketeers: Barnea, Haber, and Shiffer
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (11.13.14)
10. Tredding on dangerous ground
Haim ,   Ra'anana ISRAEL   (11.16.14)
Nahum Barnea you are tredding on very dangerous ground when you try to group and generalise without any factual basis - this is asking for a damages claim. Your news paper is already on the path to bankruptsy.- Think before you put pen to paper
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