Israel launches diplomatic front against Arab majority at UNHRC
Itamar Eichner, Aviel Magnezi
Published: 23.06.15, 10:18
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16 Talkbacks for this article
1. UNHRC should be investigated to see where funds come from.
Ivan ,   South Africa   (06.23.15)
2. This war needs media watch dogs 24/7
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (06.23.15)
Specifically, Israel needs a 24/7 PR monitor to stay on top of pals specialty ( besides terror that is,) PR and misusing facts and making fiction. Apt as the pals and 'palestine' are fictional as well. BUILDING HOMES AND KICKIN ASS BABY !!!
3. A Few Explanations Are In Order
emanon ,   usa   (06.23.15)
Look a the chart. Now let me explain. Safety: the unexploded "remnants" are all faulty Gazaz weaponry aimed at Israeli civilian targets, Gazan misdirected hits blamed on Israel or outright propaganda targets. Unemployment: was it explained you must be a member of Hamas to secure a job and you must fork over a huge portion of your wages to Hamas? Access to Health Care: was it explained that Hamas routinely rapes family members and uses other methods of violence to get the rest of the family to comply with Hamas; no wonder they need mental health care. Poverty: as it pointed out that the Hamas leaders live in luxury; see also Unemployment above as to where the money goes. Electricity: it takes money to build power plants and all the money Hamas gets goes to buying weapons to kill Israelis and line the pockets of Hamas leaders; Israel also gives Gaza electice power free, so why build? Disabled Children: Hamas will not let them cross the border for treatment at Israeli hospitals to ensure Hamas has world sympathy; many of these kids were unwilling hamas hum,an shileds, so so who is really to blame? Damaged Hospitals: Hamas uses these locations as part of the Human Shield program; sorry about that. Agriculture Output: Gazans destryoyed the agricultre infrastructure left behind in the infamous Gush Katif handover; besides all of Hamas' money goes into weapons and Israel supplies free food. Right to Education: Hamase beleives women should be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen; end of story. Houses Destroyed: combination of Human Shield locations and all of Hamas money going to acquiring weapons and all their time plotting to kill Israelis. That should clear things up.
4. dear knesset javerim,
propose a parliamentary debate to vote against flying the Vatican flag in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the sovereign capital of Israel. In other countries around the world the Vatican doesnt fly the Vatican flag in church's or monasteries, just in the nunciature apostolic which its a kind of diplomatic offices representation. Here in Jerusalem the Vatican haves no religious power!!! Christians of idolatry praying to statues, sculptures, idols, virgens, which they considered deities and saints, what can you expected from them? Christians from the Vatican is the same ancient religion of romans and greeks! Israel is a Jewish State!!! Jerusalem is Jew.
5. United Nothings headquarters should relocate to a more
A ,   Belgium   (06.23.15)
suitable location in order to better implement it's policies, such as Baghdad, Damascus or Sana'a.
Tim ,   Brighton   (06.23.15)
Where Cabals of Alliances wether Religious, Ideological can simply reach alliances to overwhelm any sense of fairness and justice and CREDIBILITY of the UN by sheer dent of their numbers And the tragedy is that Bank I Moon has not the strength of character to resist it and worse goes along with it So is THIS what the UN has been reduced to? A platform and Channel for groups of cliques promoting vendettas and hostility against minority Religions or Races? Today Israel and tomorrow who next? Makes an entire mockery of the UN Its time that the world looked to REFORM the UN and bring it back from the brink of extinction and to its senses
7. You just don't get it ,...
split   (06.23.15)
It's not the Arab majority it's your attitude and conduct, stupid ,... Another diplomatic front or any step dancing and smoke in mirrors won't help ,... What the Israeli regime should have done a long time ago it's a soul searching and start behaving like civilized nation instead pointing a finger and blaming others for the crap they create ,...
8. emanon @ 3 - "aimed at Israeli civilian targets"
split   (06.23.15)
Spare us this crap, trying to convince anyone that you can program and target anything with those flying gutters it's a stretch of imagination at best and an insult to a second grader in public schools ,...
9. Israel will defend herself per Art. 51 UN Charter
c   (06.23.15)
the sovereign jewish state of israel will continue to defend herself per article 51 of un charter against all criminal aggression by terror states and terror groups. israel has the duty and obligation to defend her civilian population against attempts to murder them by means of illegal infiltrations, missiles of all ranges and all other terror tactics. israel does not have the obligation to sacrifice her own civilians and soldiers to protect enemy civilians. such obligation falls on hamas who has been waging a terror war against israel and her civilian population while using the civilian population of gaza as a human shield. the laws of war do not oblige a sovereign to refrain from self defence and protect enemy civilians by sacrificing its own civilians and its own soldiers. israel did all she could to warn enemy civilians to flee target areas but very often hamas refused to let its civilians to flee. sovereign democratic israel faces on a daily basis criminal terror acts by terror groups supported by state actors in violation of international laws. under such circumstances, israel is forced to engage the enemy wherever it hides, including civilian structures. hamas and hezbollah hide their command and control as well as their tens of thousands of missiles in civilian homes, hospitals, schools and mosques. since the jihadi terror groups have for intention to murder israeli civilians as well as their own civilians, israel has no choice but to excercise self defence per article 51 of united nations charter.
10. Israel will not reveal her military strategy
c   (06.23.15)
nor will israel reveal her targeting strategy. suffice it to say that israel only targets military installations. on many occasions the de facto hamas government of gaza hides its command and control and its arsenal of weapons and missiles in civilian buildings, including in basements. under such circumstances, israel has no choice but to warn civilians to flee and to subsequently take out the building. since hamas is a totalitarian genocidal terror group, one which tortures and murders its opponents, civilians are often prevented from fleeing once warned to do so by israeli military. under such circumstances, there will be civilian casualties, as there are in any war. compared to other wars fought by democracies, the kill ratio in protective edge was as low as it could possibly be. all that said, israel regrets the loss of children who are always innocent.
11. #8 "an insult to a second grader in public schools"
A ,   Belgium   (06.23.15)
Bet you know a lot more about second graders in public schools than you do about the Middle East, polakniak, a LOT more.
12. The UN needs URGENT Reform
Tim ,   Brighton   (06.24.15)
Or it too will go the way of the League of Nations. Bloated, ineffectual and left with no credibility Because the very CORE of the UN Mandate to UPHOLD - Fairness, Justice and Protection of Minorities has allowed to be eroded When you have a situation where countries for ideological, racial, religious reasons can GANG UP and CONSPIRE time and time and time again in an attempt to subvert a Minority Country SIMPLY BY DENT OF THEIR WEIGHT OF NUMBERS and NOT BY THE WEIGHT OF FACT and REASON as in the case of Israel...there is something deeply odious and abhorrent about the system And after Israel WHO ELSE? The UN needs a Root and Branch Reform before it too goes the way of the League of Nations and collapses into sordid disgrace
13. # 7 poor split
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (06.24.15)
Yes, it is the Arab majority who can never offer their citizens what Israel offers, peace. The Arab Muslim conflict is their own personal war between two factions of the 'religion of surrender' that is a modern day genocide of one Arab against another Arab and, they are both Muslim groups while the Israeli pals have voted overwhelmingly to remain in Israel under Israeli rule which they find preferable to any Muslim group. Can you blame them? Islam worships death Israel worships life. Arab in Arabia Jews in Israel. KEEP BUILDING !!!
14. #4 Amen to that !!
Not only "Christians' why not also include all religions in Israel that are not Jewish to be as what they are, not friends to Israel or to Jews and have them removed from all of Israel? They have no legal claim to Jewish Israel and many of these 'religions' are masks of intolerant anti semitism with another mission, to convert Jews from Judaism which is not the directive when Israel was Chosen. This is why Israel has problems, Israeli Gentiles. MORE BUILDING FOR MORE JEWS !! Gentiles can have the other lands not Israel. They sully and corrupt Jewish Israel.
15. # 8 Hamas a second grader Surprised they reached that high
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (06.24.15)
Can't insult mindless Hamas twits who use the pals as human shields and are the pre planned first line casualties in Hamas demonic crusade to over take Israel. ( LOL, like that's ever going to happen !) But, the pals also being of limited brain capacity, are willing to die for the hopeless cause for a hopeless slave master, Hamas. Perfect, they die and don't mind, and we live to fight another day except, don't expect kid gloves the next war started by Hamas ruling class lunatics just smart enough to 'disappear' while their less fortunate brother pals die like flies, pre planned, pre designed deaths, while Hamas avoids being present. ( unless you look under some big rocks fro some big gutless cowardly Hamas girlies hiding in holes. KEEP BUILDING !!!
16. # 8 Speaking of crap split has the franchise and is ynet
BUILD BABY BUILD!!!!   (06.24.15)
is the poorer for it. Hell, split's a newer resident whose English shows errors a mile wide no surprise, Muslims aren't that smart or, that capable. But, he either is paid by a less intelligent person or, one who also can't use English well or effectively. Poor thing, let's ignore him while he sweeps that toilet floor.
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