Israeli children rank near bottom of OECD
Noam Barkan
Published: 24.04.16, 23:36
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14 Talkbacks for this article
1. Easy solution
Tel Aviv Tom ,   USA   (04.25.16)
2. Congratulations Bibi
A Jerusalemite ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (04.25.16)
3. So dont have so may kids
Yonni   (04.25.16)
Its like buying a Mercedees then complaining abot the service charges. Unfortuenelty due to religious and nationalitic brain washing people bring children in to this world to swell the numbers as they see it as a competition with the arab population.
4. so how about equality of....
Bluegrass Picker ,   Afula   (04.25.16)
....national responsibilities? They don't serve? Let them starve, it's a blessing!
5. There is a "UN" in UNICEF isn't there? That says it all. Go
tell it on the mountain to the true believers, you antisemitic, Islamic, Arabo-fascist dogs & your leftist enablers! We have it great in Israel, you know it, they know it. Yes there are also poor people in Zion. We're dealing with it, as we do with everything else and we're doing a great job too.
6. And the Usual Tools will buy into yet another UN-obscenity!
7. poverty?
Larry ,   LA (formerly)   (04.25.16)
I came to Israel in 1968 and then there was poverty all over. Today, there might be poverty, but it seems to be covered over by affluence. I do NOT believe that this UN group really know what is going on.
8. Poverty.....
Philip ,   Israel   (04.25.16)
Separate religion from the state and more money will be better used for the good of ALL.
9. The usual misleading statistics
Shalom ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (04.25.16)
Like many such reports, there is a failure to break down the population into its components. Haredi Jews have large families and at most one parent works, so the income per child is low. Other Jews have smaller families and both parents work, so the income per child is much higher. Muslim Arabs behave like Haredi Jews, Christian Arabs like upper middle class Jews. So Christians in Israel actually outscore Jews when compared with ALL Jews taken together (including Haredim). Thus Professor Zvi Eckstein is right: it comes down to how the parents choose to live. This is also why the NII's "poverty reports" have little impact on government: if people decide to have 6-10 children with at most one parent working, then it is they themselves, not the government, that have made themselves poor. However much the government spends on social services, they will remain poor.
10. In the utopian vison of World Order according to
A ,   Belgium   (04.25.16)
comrade Zal Lackow, we would all be namelessly and happily toiling in fields and factories under the watchful eye and iron fist of Czar Vladimir the First. There would be no division between rich and poor as everyone would be equally impoverished, except for the ruling proletariat of course.
11. socio-economic tsuris
Sam ,   NYC   (04.25.16)
Some unfriendly goy might say something like "Light upon nations, eh?" And he'll be absolutely right.
12. Article makes sense
Tova ,   Canada   (04.25.16)
Orthodox community denies education and now they are suing the Israeli Government. Jews in Israel and in Diaspora are poorer as the resources are being used up by immigrants from the Soviet Union and the Orthodox community. What is interesting is UNICEF spends money in providing 3rd world nations like with every little or any interest in Israel. Israel education needs improvement like in any country. What makes serious for Israel is the ignorance of the Orthodox community refusing to educate their people. If orthodox cannot find work because they are uneducated. Then the young orthodox must enter proper schools.
13. So many commenters have twisted this article
Howard K. ,   Israel   (04.26.16)
into another anti-haredi diatribe. Don't you people ever get tired of scapegoating those people for all of Israel's woes? Honestly, it's been quite tiresome for a long time already. The dirty little secret no one is pointing out is that so many employers are UNWILLING to hire haredim, even if they possess the requisite skills. And even for positions that don't require a doctorate in nuclear physics, which is not so common among haredim. Perhaps that is something that needs to change?
14. Wealthy Jews in the world need to invest
Rich ,   Toronto, Canada   (04.26.16)
enough money in Israel so that the minimum wage can be raised to $35,000 a year. The selfishness and greed of this group is the problem.
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