Opinion  Ben-Dror Yemini
A life in denial
Ben-Dror Yemini
Published: 02.05.16, 00:11
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1. Nazis thought British were racial cousins
Zola   (05.02.16)
The Nazi Feuhrer admired the British Empire and could never understand that Britain was not an ally . He blamed Jewish influence . Edward the king who abdicated and his antisemitic proNazi wife Simpson were the Nazis choice for the King and Queen of England . The Nazis hated Christianity also with great hate regarding it as a Jewish Cult with its Forgiveness and Defense of the meek . But he used the Chistians as they were great anti-Jews and the Luther German Christians were vehement and formed there own Church which denied Christian Jewish roots . The British Labour core has allied with the Holocaust deniers and the the Nazi Grand Mufti El Husseinis .
2. Just how deep does the taint run in Labour ranks?
Cameron ,   USA   (05.02.16)
3. denial vs dodges
Richard Sherwin ,   Herzliya   (05.02.16)
i dont think the present british labour party is in denial at all. it's simply participating in the dodge/duplicity/ current in british society, left and right. the left traditionally reserves its contempt of jews for those who remain 'parochial' jews -- unwilling to bow to the godlings of universalism (that comfortably erase judaism and jews from political concern). the right remains super-parochial, disdaining jewish parochialisms as genetic failures, unless washed by conversion over generations. This double jewhatred allows outfits like the Guardian to remain both left and right, and to blur its antizionism/antisemitism as both socialist and british. it also allows left wing fascists to support hamas and other moderate moslems intent on wiping out first israel, then jews, then christians (whom theyve erased from the Middle East), and then Europe. The left cant hear the moderate moslems and the right wills not to. So it's not denial, at all. it's a dodge... and not even an artful or charming one. As usual Mr Yemini's been too kind.
4. Europe is many things, but one remains a constant: Eternal
Jew Hate. That is what defines them. Sometimes it is nurtured by the Right, sometimes by Left. But be sure it will never leave their socio-psychological make-up.
5. Ben Dror Yemini Kitsoni
Martin ,   Jerusalem   (05.02.16)
It is just as much denial when you insist on seeing the Westbank as an integral part of Israel, and when you convince yourself that the occupation can and will last forever. Either two states or one state, which eventually will Palestinian, that is what will happen if we continue to fool ourselves in believing that except for ourselves anybody in the world will accept the current reality.
6. call it by its name: Marxism
C   (05.02.16)
in the twentieth century the european continent had produced two genocidal totalitarian ideologies: nazism and communism. the nazis openly embraced jew hatred and the shoa, the industrial annihilation of the entire jewish population of europe. the communists, who officially preached equality and brotherhood, could not openly embrace jew hatred. rather, they came up with the clever idea of demonising zionism and zionists. they even came up with the demonic idea of equating zionism with racism. many jews in the ussr and its satellite states were arrested and tortured after they were accused of being zionists. the parents of prima ballerina maya plisetskaya were sent to the gulag where her father perished, accused of being zionists the great plisetskaya herself was not allowed to tour with the bolshoi because she, too, was regarded as a zionist. marxist jew hatred hides behind the mantle of anti-colonialism and tiers mondisim. furthermore, marxists who have themselves carried out genocides and awful crimes against humanity, are not bothered by the totalitarian islamists of hamas and hezbollah. they are considered brothers in arms against the hated west and its colonial past. these arm chair marxists agree with the islamists that israel is a colonial project in the heart of arab land. of course, these very same marxist ideologue forget to consider that arab muslims had waged supremacist imperialist wars on three continents for nearly a thousand years. there never was a sovereign palestine, only an arab muslim and ottoman muslim colonial enterprise.
7. Same old song "We're victims"
Tried of it   (05.02.16)
8.  i see
sarah   (05.03.16)
it is not about jewish identity but it is about nazism zionism antisimity liberal moslemes but jewish identity is before all of these
9. Denial it ain't just a river in Egypt.
Murray the K ,   Brooklyn, NY   (05.03.16)
10. It is the global left wing not just British.
Someone   (05.04.16)
The same can be said about Obama and those whom surround him. Same with Hilary and the Blumenthals as an example, Hillary is not a friend of the Jews or Israel this is easily proven by her actions/or lack of them, words and associates. Bernie Sanders bunch are just ignorant fascists on top of hating Jews. The Nazis, Communists, Fascists came from the left and nothing has changed. Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini.
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