Britain will remain a friend and partner of Israel
David Quarrey
Published: 03.07.16, 14:31
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3 Talkbacks for this article
1. Yes-yes and we believe & trust you wholeheartedly!
2. How can Britain prove a solid trade partner......
Koose E Mack ,   NY US   (07.04.16)
when the country is in turmoil. I wish The UK all the best, but reality is harsh.
I hope they can overcome their economic problems and control their endemic population of Islamo Fascists.
3. A Labour Party bigshot told the Brits "We will rub your nose
Alan ,   SA   (07.05.16)
in diversity" ,a few years ago when Blair and Brown were PMs. What a cheeky thing to say. How presumptious?

Then millions of Eastern Europeans and 3rd world people with and without EU Passports arrived in UK. It was their "Human right" under EU treaties ! -Once in no power on earth could evict them even after comiting crimes!!!This human tsunami (literally) put pressure on jobs,schools,doctors appointment lists. Millions upon millions arrived over a few years.If anyone objected they were branded "biggots, racists ,far rightists , xenophobes" even Nazis.
These Olim Chadashim "in UK did not assimilate. They stuck with their own communities. They established shopkelach that sold the cuisine from whatever their cultural origins.Every kind of food.But the Brits did not want to give their country away for a Shishkebab or plate of Zrazy or a midnite Curry and Rice
The native Brits could not handle this situation in their own country..They saw on TV boatloads of 3rd worlders being "rescued" in the med sea 10 km from Libya and transported another 200 km to Italy When interviewed these told the TV "We are heading for UK, Sweden , Germany and the other "good places"
So in the BREXIT vote,what did the world expect. The UK guys said we had enuff. Now everyone is scratching their head and crying about lowest £ in 31 years and chance that EU is going to collapse in short time.A world depression may be on the way!

Moral of Story...Politicians must not run a country as if their deceased father left to them in his Will.

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