Opinion  Yoaz Hendel
Who's afraid of the Jewish state?
Yoaz Hendel
Published: 30.08.16, 23:49
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8 Talkbacks for this article
1. Jewish or Israeli
Jacob Edelman ,   New York, USA   (08.31.16)
The name of the country created in 1948 was, and is, ISRAEL (not JEWland) and is recognized as such by the international community and the 120 countries that have established diplomatic relations with this entity. So it seems that bringing out belatedly the Jewish character ( inherent by itself in the creation of Israel as a country) by Netanyahu and company as a condition for peace with the Palestinians is meant to be a red-herring, meant needlessly irritate and antagonize those with whom we proclaim to be wanting peaceful co-existence.It is nothing but a destructive and short sighted attempt to poke nose at people everywhere , typical of lousy and arrogant negotiators.
2. Coockeyed imagination
Hayyim ,   Ra'anana ISRAEL   (08.31.16)
Your whole concept is wrong, We already have a Jewish State. If the Arabs who live here want to have something independent from our state, they MUST
recognize Israel as a Jewish State. In the present circumstances, I do not believe that there is enough room for two independent states in this small area.
The Oslo agreement was a foolish mistake, costing many lives on both sides and much resentment by all parties, and total lack of understanding by all of the Western Powers, who
3. Wrong conclusions
Hayyim Edinburg ,   Ra'anana ISRAEL   (08.31.16)

The whole concept of the article is not correct. We already have a Jewish State. W do not need recognition. If the Arabs living in this region desire a state, then they, because of the special circumstances, will have to recognize Israel as a Jewish State, and accept our existence, giving up totally any claims to areas of Israel's agreed borders.
The biggest mistake made by Israel was the Oslo agreement, which led to loss of life on both sides, and total misconception of true existing facts on the
ground, and background histories of the parties concerned. I do not believe there exists enough room for two states in this confined area. If it is ever implemented there will never be peace. There will exist either Israel or an Arab State Take your pick!!! .

4. i agree with Hendel in this article...
Adler   (08.31.16)
Central Europe and the remnants
of the Roman Empire in the mid-18th
century was divided into semi-self-governing
entities and as result they got competing
rivalries between some of them looking for
identity and others recognition. -
Mozart started playing at the age of 6?
Who do you think reconized his special
talents then, his father or the wealthy
aristocracy? -but we cant compare central
europe three centuries ago with the Middle East in the 21 century.
-Arab countries are ruled by the same men who ruled a generation ago.
The Jewish State of Israel is not an idea, is
really a Nation since 1948. - but Hendel perceive Israel not as jewish as many believers would like because political double standards,
good point Hendel
5. Post Zionist Media for 40 years miracle any Jews here at al
NeedAmiracle ,   Jerusalem   (09.02.16)
For 40 years the Israeli public has been forced to be bombarded with
Post Zionist propagandist Media in no small thanks to the Likud of all things
Zionism was sacrificed on the altar of politically correct image for the
Western World evidently ,as a result millions of Jews here are totally
ignorant and indifferent to a Jewish Homeland and it is a miracle that
any even stayed already an estimated million live abroad The most
ignorantly Jewish generation in all of our history and I say this
as a secular Jew . Several generations here were bombarded 24/7
with the very worst of Western "Culture" instead of building a model
society based on the best of Jewish Civilization we produced
a sick and consumer based one , you have to laugh when you
see secular people on TV blaming everyone but themselves for
the state of chaos in the schools and society never do they
question that their extreme secular lifestyle could possibly be
the real problem. If things aren't turned around fast the Zionist
Movement is lost no matter how many advanced our military might is
without a strong and healthy society based on historic Jewish
Values we are lost.
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