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Russia warns US after downing of Syrian warplane
Associated Press
Published: 19.06.17, 18:19
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1. On the verge of WWIII, all due to Assad.
David ,   Hartford USA   (06.19.17)
Assad will go down in history as being a thousand times worse than his dirtbag father. The world is about to begin WWIII as Russia and the USA have chosen their sides and nobody is going to back down and look weak.

What does this mean? It means thousands of Russian and American young men will die for nothing. Nothing but for the posturing of the leaders. Those leaders should be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity. Syria is in a civil war that the west should have stayed away from.

The little fact that Iran sent cruise missiles (or something even more dangerous to Israel and the Saudis) is the canary in the coal mine falling off its perch, twitching in its death throes. It means the huge airbase in Qatar is now a target. It means that while America is focusing its assets on the fight, ISIS scum will be entering the USA through the southern border. Dirty bomb anyone? You don't think the Ayatollahs in Iran aren't drooling over the prospect of a global war and the emergence of their 12th Imam?

Putin has drawn a line in the sand for the USA and he, unlike Obama-the-weak, will shoot down the next American flyer that takes a shot at any Russian or Syrian plane attacking the rebels. I assure you that any American pilot shot down over Syria will have a very short life expectancy. Remember what happened to the Jordanian pilot when ISIS captured him? It doesn't end well.

The USA should leave all its small-arms weapons for the rebels and just leave. This was never our fight. Other Muslim countries could (and should) have come to their aid, but didn't. Now why is that? If they didn't want to get involved, how did the west?

Israel had better keep all their defense systems on high alert. Iran can attack with impunity saying, "Oops! We were aiming for the rebels! So sorry that Tel Aviv no longer exists."

I wonder if the IDF saw the Iranian missiles coming towards them? They can be programmed to head towards Damascus and then turn towards Israel at the last moment, giving Israel only seconds to respond, which isn't enough time to do anything. Was iron Dome tracking them? Was it even on?
2. Putin is threatening Trump
C   (06.19.17)
putin has not yet gotten the message from his spy chefs that trump
is supposed to be his puppet. hence, his rage at trump's actions.

putin thinks that syria belongs to him, just like the crimea and ukraine.

would putin risk a world war for syria, odoes he think that before long,
his nemesis will be impeached.
putin would do well not to threaten the united states.
he should keep in mind the events of pearl harbor.
he should also keep in mind that without substantial weapons
supply by the americans during wwii, the soviets would
have been crushed by herr mustache.
IRANIAN JEW ,   lala land   (06.21.17)
Russia has found an amazing excuse to milk the Iranian goeat mullahs for years to come. This war is teh best thing that could happen to Putin. He gets to stay on and make money while he is pretendign to protect the Assad and Iran. The same goes for USA. Why in teh hell would anyone in the gun biz would want to end any war?
Iranian Jew ,   LALA LAND   (06.21.17)
Russia and Iran do nto want this war to end. At least Putin and the head mullahs do nto want. Syria is like an exhibitionb ground for Russian gun makers. Iran sells gas buys guns form the Russians and it is a busines cycle just like it is for USA. Attacking Israel wouild mean teh end of business for the Iranians.
5. Russia is all talk
BBB   (06.21.17)
Russia can't tie her own shoe laces in fact, she has no shoes.
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