Why you should care about Conversion Bill (even if you aren’t a convert)
Jessica Fishman
Published: 04.07.17, 21:19
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16 Talkbacks for this article
1. Only conversions according to halacha are valid
JdK   (07.05.17)
Somebody has to make sure it's done properly wether they are perfect or not.
The way it was done for thousands of years is the proper way.
It's not even logic to force Israel to accept any other innovative way wether it's from a large organization or a small one or an individual. Least everyone can start deciding what they want to call what means to be jewish or a convert by themselves.

2. Dividing Judaism
Dave ,   Chicago   (07.05.17)
For thousands of years Jews have remained a unit strictly on the strength of halacha and the Oral Torah.
The Sadducees of 2000 years ago tried to do away with such observance, and it led to their demise.
The Reform movement, with it's dismissal of halacha and tradition, are heading in the same direction.
Jews do not preserve halacha, as much as halacha preserves the Jews.
Accepting the anti Jewish reforms of Reform will lead to further separation, and faster assimilation/.
3. Chip on her shoulder
Elu ,   Tel Aviv   (07.05.17)
The author got (rightfully) rejected by the rabbinut when she tried to get married. If she's such a patriot and a zionist, why did she abandon the battlefield so to speak by returning to the US with her tail between her legs? Seems Jessica still just has a chip on her shoulder rather than a genuine desire to make a change
4. Thanks, but I still don't care.
Alex ,   Tel Aviv   (07.05.17)
I have seen a few very questionable Reform conversions myself such as a guy who didn't even believe in G.od in the first place or another one who did not believe in G.od, but rather in a goddess and other pagan gods. Seriously hilarious. And they both got Israeli citizenship quite easily. Makes you wonder what the motives were both for the conversion and for the citizenship.
5. #1 Jdk
solomon ,   bklyn   (07.05.17)
1. And where is this written in the Torah?
2. How many haredim fought in 1948?
6. Fishman's Folly Reform is not religion
SocialEngineeringINC ,   Jerusalem Israel   (07.05.17)
Reform is not about faith or Judaism as it claims it is rather
a social engineering movement and in reality it is just
a branch of the Leftist wing of the Democratic Party the Meretz Party
The New Israel Fund BDS and it has produced a generation
of members who vilely hate anything to do with Orthodoxy they
they have been slowly metamorphosing in to a Jewish Self Hate Group
don't be surprised that many of the worst atheist self hating Jews
were "brought up" in the Reform movement. Some of its earliest
founding fathers ended up leaving Judaism and founding "Humanist " Movements. They should be called for what they really are
"Jewish Civilization Suicidal Movement" and most serious
Jews know this they only think their fooling people.
7. reform is a schismatic movement
Robert ,   antwerp   (07.05.17)
8. Conversion Bill
David ,   Germany   (07.06.17)
To pass such a Bill would be the beginning of the for Israel as we know it today. Millions of Jews and their families would eventually drift away from a Country that does not recognize them, both spiritually and economically. If you study the Torah, for its sake, who appointed who to interpret G’ods will on Earth? The mother = Jew is a manmade law. At that time, it made sense. The question is does it still make sense today?? Could be that this is an opportunity to rethink policy and unite the Jewish word instead of dividing it!
9. Here's what I really care about:
Alex ,   Tel Aviv   (07.07.17)
I think all streams of Judaism have something beautiful and special. My problem lies with mixing State and Religion. You want to be Jewish, go ahead by all means. But what bothers me and actually deeply disturbs me is that after a few months, without much effort at all, anyone can convert and make Aliyah. And when I say anyone, I mean it. I know how easy it is to convert Reform, because I've a member of a few Reform shuts in the past. It's a joke and there is very little supervision and it's really not serious. No other country in the world has a system that after half a year, you are automatically eligible to immigrate. Not even Canada! Why should we?
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