Anti-conscription texts sent to religious female soldiers
Kobi Nachshoni
Published: 06.02.18, 23:20
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1. Sad-sad truth: normative people cannot coexist with neither
Islam, nor Judaism as practiced by the Followers of the Imaginary Friend.
These neurotic, obsessive cults are unable to "live& let live", while being quite willing to partake in the spoils of the secular's toil & blood and tears!
2. De-fund seditionists
Disillusioned   (02.07.18)
"Dedicated to restoring Judaism", they say. But what Judaism? The Judaism of haredi cultists or of a new religiomania that is engulfing and swallowing up the Zionist Judaism since the inception of the State; a Judaism that is becoming increasingly gynaephobic and misogynistic?

The yeshivot have clearly been infiltrated by an arm of seditious fanatics who are all too clearly seeking more and more political power with the aim of turning the country into a theocracy, run by men, for men. Women, of course, are nothing but incubators, cooks and cleaners.

The problem began with the incumbent prime minister, who uses their weakness for financial gains to back his aim to remain leader unto death. He has spoilt them as never before and spoilt children become demanding, selfish brats.

The cure for spoilt brats is very simple: every rabbi, every yeshiva involved in such activity should be closed down and all funding of extreme religionists must be withdrawn - permanently. If that's what it takes to bring these self-important but extremely narrow-minded and nasty men to be brought down to size, then that's what needs to be done.

It seems to me that the only "plot" here a seditious plan to infiltrate all state institutions, especially the military, and to replace moderates with fanatical religomanics like this pathetic excuse for a human being, whose entire life becomes obsessed with dominating women and ensuring that their status is solely as incubators, cooks and cleaners. What a horrible vision for the world.

One particularly suspect in all this comes to mind, and that is the Bnei Akiva movement. Most of the likes of Levinstein have come from there. It has produced far too many fanatics, many of whom have been involved in Jewish terror and a once Zionist Orthodox group is turning more and more into an extremist theocratic one. It's time to pull the plug on its funding if this is the result.
3. Women in the IDF
Tova   (02.07.18)
is a must. There are no options. Men go off to war. Women must learn to protect their families. Women must teach the next generations when the men do not come home from war. These religious people who harass IDF women are a cancer to Israel.

GOD gave talents to men and women. As long there is war in this world both Men and Women must learn how to defend themselves, their country. And you can only learn this in the military.

I hope they catch the person who is sending the text and he be charged in military court.
4. Mr
Yosef Golodberg ,   Gush Etzion   (02.07.18)
IAs defined by the United States' Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), "It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person's sex." n the USA it is illegal and considered harassment. "
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