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Jewish officer and liberator recounts Nazi horrors, elation of vengeance
Amir Alon
Published: 12.04.18, 17:33
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8 Talkbacks for this article
1. Very moving, one error
Neal Gendler ,   Minneapolis   (04.13.18)
What seems to be a small error does not diminish the effect of the letters and photos in this piece, but Murray Eisenstein describes himself as an infantry sergeant, so he would not have been a physician in the unit. Physicians were, and still are, commissioned officers. Murray may have been a medic, but if so, I would have expected him to say so.

The first-hand observations of U.S. soldiers who liberated the camps is very moving and of enormous necessity for two reasons: countering a growing chorus of Shoah denial, and educating the rest of us in the grotesque, deadly abuse of prisoners in these camps.
2. Correction: these camps were not "liberated" by US army...
ironbutterfly ,   Naples, FL   (04.14.18)
When US army arrived these concentration camps were already free of germans, because they left a day or two before. So, these camps were not "liberated". The camps were left on their own. US army to already liberated camps.
3. "my country "defeated" the enemy armies.." Wrong of course
ironbutterly ,   Naples, FL   (04.14.18)
Weinstein said then at that moment:
"My mission in this war has been accomplished. My country defeated the enemy armies and I managed to liberate some of my people. I ask for nothing more."

This is how the american media presented the war to Americans, as "their" war, and that "they", Americans, "defeated" Germany...!!??
It's unbelievable to think that these american soldiers had no idea that US army had no role in real defeat of Germany. That the so called "deedey" was useless and shameless use of over 1000 american lives just to have an opportunity to be in Berlin with the Red Army. Amazing!
4. No Error
Yakov Marks ,   Ma'alot   (04.14.18)
Your article states: "The collection of letters handed by Weinstein's family also contained another letter by a man named Murray Eisenstein of Florida, an infantry sergeant from Weinstein's unit" To clarify. In my company of men there were some 150 men.As a Chief Non-Commisioned Officer of a MASH unit of the IDF (like my counter parts in the US Military) I was NOT an officer. In the unit that I was in the chain of command of there were Doctors in the unit in charge of Medical Sections (Platoons) however the day to day operations were carried out by me and my Medics -who were non-coms and the other soldiers stretcher bearers, ambulance drivers. office personnel, cooks, guards.
5. I wept reading this
BUILD BABY BUILD !!   (04.23.18)
The only words I can find were used by another Jew eons ago...
My G-d my G-d why hast thou forsaken me?
Not any longer Israel is a small yet mighty nation thanks to the only G-d,
the G-d of Israel.
I pray for Israel and America who stand together against men without souls.
6. War and Tactics Historian, among other things
Dr. Rainer Pitthan ,   Palo Alto   (04.17.19)
It always puzzled me that really no news of the atrocities percolated to the German population. Or if rumors were told, nobody believed it.

One reason in the age of a pathological liar-President might be worth to consider (lies have consequences): Germans I knew said they did not believe it, because it seems to be a new edition the stories in WW1 that the Huns were hacking of the arms of children in Belgium. Which Germans knew was not true.

Here is a paragraph from, which list many such propaganda efforts over the last 100 years:

For Britain and France, the dead babies propaganda rallied domestic public opinion against Germany. The truth of the allegations is irrelevant and immaterial. The goal was to create public opinion on the home front to create support for a continuation of the war, to manufacture racist/national/ethnic fervor, to instill war frenzy and to lessen the antipathy towards killing. The Belgian atrocity propaganda was also used to create public support in the US for a declaration of war against Germany. As John MacArthur noted, "slaughtered and mutilated Belgian babies were a tremendous propaganda triumph for the Allies."

So while there was this "success", it immunized Germans against news of true atrocities.

With the pathological Liar-President the danger is that he and his Administration are believed less every day. This can not be good for the Nation. But unfortunately, as the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, said (in connection with the Steele Dossier, which should have been kept confidential) : the President (and the Republican Party) will say anything which will give them an advantage for today's afternoon, no matter what the long term consequences are.consequence is for the nation in the long run.
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