Opinion  Alex Fishman
Syria strikes: Trump made the bed, now Israel must lie in it
Alex Fishman
Published: 16.04.18, 23:33
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16 Talkbacks for this article
1. we're in a big mess we were in a big mess & we've had worst
josrech ,   la   (04.17.18)
everyone is weak from fear and of becoming fatigue; so bravado, low level war, and inaction will prevails. Each will do what they think they can get away with. It's a regular old street fight.
2. Cowboy up Fishman. Russia's a 3rd world country...
JVC ,   LA, USA   (04.17.18)
"protecting" basket cases. The biggest problem is Russia's deliverable nuclear stockpile. That's the 800 pound gorilla in the room. So we'll tiptoe around and play patty cake. But when the gloves come off.. Russia and Iran will bleed and Israel will be right there throwing the punches with us. So cowboy up. The show's almost started.
3. One opinion only
Arnie ,   Montreal   (04.17.18)
I have read several op-eds concerning the now and future of the Syrian conflict. Another one on Haaretz puts Russia in a not so strong position due to its lack of resources now and in the future. Secondly the attacks were not to get rid of Assad but to give him a taste if he continues with chemical weapons.
4. Iran will exist long after "Jewish State" dies in cradle
Steve Benassi ,   Duluth, Minnesota   (04.17.18)
5. We can never do enough for the Jews, they hang themselves
Steve Benassi ,   Duluth, Minnesota   (04.17.18)
6. Dr Fishman: excellent analysis. Both Trump & Obama
Rafi ,   US   (04.17.18)
have "made Israel's bed" as far as Iran & Russia in Syria are concerned.

Obama Admin in particular gave Russia a free pass in both Syria & Ukraine, and to Iran, accelerated its aggressiveness by providing $150 billion in released sanctions funds to oil its meddling machinery.

Both Russia & Iran are potential major enemies of Israel... one more passively so, the other far more overtly & openly.

Israel is not - and never has been - in a position to even think about taking on superpower Russia ALONE...

Historically, subtle & often hidden American intervention in latter stages of regional conflicts in 1956, 1967, 1973 has always allowed Israel to wrap up its business without direct intervention of the Kremlin thugs.

Will that subtle powerful American support still be there now? Does Trump even understand what is at stake? ...and not just for Israel but also for America? Dr Fishman's article intelligently discusses some of the current environment.

By comparison Iran is way out on a limb - clearly in Syria for its own imperialist ambitions as well as to actively threaten Israel .

It won't be easy, but Israel will exact an extremely high price from the Revolutionary Guard/al- Quds forces for getting involved where they have no business doing so. They will go home to Shia land and wish they never saw Syria.

Here too direct American pressure in the Gulf region could accelerate the Iranian withdrawal from the Levant... but we're not there yet.

7. Assad cares about power
Rami ,   Helsinki   (04.16.18)
He is not going to risk it in a totalen krieg with Israel.
8. Where do I begin, to tell the story of poor Alex: he's so
thick in his world-view that it oscillates between scary/funny!
9. Cut the head
Avi L.   (04.17.18)
Take away the pin that holds all together, Assad. Anyhow he is just an empty eyed, bland puppet behind which Iran, Turkey and Russia are hiding and a pale place holder of his father the butcher of Hama.

Let Russia be alawistan protector and keep its bases. Anyhow there wouldn't have been any cash to be made in a place that never produced anything like the artificial country called "Syria".

The sunni resurgence would keep busy Iran and its minions from Hezballah to afghan mercenaries.

Kick the ant nest and reshuffle the cards, it won't be worse than an established Iran in Syria and a Russia that will have invested more face and cash into it.

Let have a Kurdistan too, it would keep chujuk sultan erdo busy.
10. Take out the pin that holds everything together
Avi L.   (04.17.18)
Take out the pin that holds everything together, Assad junior.

What Putin wants are some bases, he would become alawistan protector like in Chechnya. Some Assad cousin can be found.
Anyhow they was never so much cash to be made in that hole of an artificial Sykes-Picot country called "Syria". Tops, some infrastructure with which to pay his oligarchs out.

Iran and its minions from Hezballah to afghan mercenaries would most probably be busy with the sunni resurgence ... but without any justification it is questionable they could stay in "Syria" unless they decide to properly invade the place.

The iranian evil axis will launch whatever it has, anyhow they will launch sooner or later.

Better sooner when they have less to launch, less precise and less S-xxx systems to hinder Israel air force.

The tooth has to be taken out before it fester.

Putin starting a nuclear war for a retard?
Putin is an opportunistic predator, he doesn't seem to have a strategic plan differently from China and Iran.

Sunni side, MBS went against all of saudi establishment from cash to "religious" elites, maybe he won't last long and who knows who will succeed him, most probably a conservative, also vis a vis Israel.

Donald, confronted with a decisive move he will do what he does, some mighty tweet. Here again when he will fall it could be the philo-iranian Sanders. Again bad for Israel.

There is a window of opportunity here and it will close.
11. What's wrong with this author? Everything.
BBB   (04.18.18)
The pin point strike was meant as a loud warning notice to Russia, Iran,
N. Korea, ( who we now learn has had talks with US ) et al that a new sheriff is in town.
Sheriff Trump is a sharp shooter who strikes whereas Obama slithered.
Sorry 'author' Dude you'll have to be content to be a cat box liner.
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