Opinion  Orly Azoulay
Trump’s UN speech was the worst thing for Israel
Orly Azoulay
Published: 26.09.18, 22:36
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31. The speech was great.
tiki ,   belgium   (09.27.18)
He basically said to be proud of your own nations, solve your own little conflicts while we'll provide the protective umbrella to do so and those who don't go along will notice there is no one to 'step in or replace us.

The speech put Iran & Europe on notice.
Unimportant issues were not even mentioned.
Friends were honored & foes shamed.

This president & his administration are turning the world around, understand the real problems, separate good from evil and are not only talking but commit to their words.

Instead of obstructing the world should follow his lead.
Ezekiel Haim ,   London   (09.27.18)
Orly's arguments are well rehearsed leftist propaganda that bears zero weight in today's world.What matters these days is economic and scientific and intelligence and military power.Nobody respects empty preaching about values that the left dribbles about.That is because such talk has led to terrorism and tolerance of ROGUE states to try and dominate their population and their regions.Orly needs to get real and accept the world as it is and not what it might have been.
33. So Obama like
Fred   (09.27.18)
This article is like exactly what Obama would write. Noting but
Leftish nonsense.
34. comment...
Adler J   (09.27.18)
"He is against globalism, he is opposed to foreign assistance unless the US can reap a tangible benefit." quoted by Orly Azoulay.

With all due respect for the author, Mr. President Trump said he is against globalism, he did not said he is an anti-globalist.
The creation and existence of the United Nations, The World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, The World Trade Organization are classic examples of Political Globalization which refers to institutions of global governance. -In the specific area of world trade,
theres no such argument as globalism helped poor people or underdeveloped countries; what have been said is that there are no cases of poor or underdeveloped countries that were able to grow economically speaking without opening up to global world trade.
.... Free trade without measures to protect your nation state,industry production, as well as the well being of your citizens, increases the power of developed countries over your nation. Geniuses is nothing else than common sense.. Thank you Ynet
35. US Presidents "Leaders" of Free World??
David Siegel ,   Haifa   (09.27.18)
I almost spewed my coffee across the room when I read that. Is this the 1950s?

We need to stop bowing down before BIG and start look for what is moral and ethical and humane. The US has "missed" many humanitarian crises, and supported many anti-democratic despots. Reality.

If we didn't need a source for weapons we cannot make, or make with any economy of scale, we might be fond of Americans, but much less so their central authority in Washington.
36. Pdt Trump is great. MAGA
EyeV1 ,   Jerusalem   (09.27.18)
Dishonest & unfair oped. I really consider deleting Yediot from my bookmarks. They keep on poisoning their readers against Bibi, Trump and whatever isn't liberal. Stop reading that paper, there are so many more sources for brave analysis, based on objective info.
Yediot = fake low-level news
37. A strong America is good for Israel
Ron ,   Melbourne   (09.27.18)
China does not abide by the rules - e.g. South China sea and nothing happens !! - in fact the west refuses to even have a Democratic Taiwan for fear of China. So much for engagement. Did we see Europeans curtail China or simply do the opposite - ignoring all the human rights abuses - e.g. 1 million Muslims in camps, etc. The left has been pushing globalism and attacking the USA at every point - No American exceptionalism, China rise and American decline is the future, etc, etc. This happened before with Russia - until Ronald Regan. Where is the USA power through institutions ?? - Did it help with North Korea ? - NO, did it curtail China in the south china sea - NO , did it curtail China on non-Tariff barriers, etc - NO, did it get the Europeans to stick by the commitments on Nato - NO - NO NO - at every stage the USA is paying but getting nothing in return. Look at how the Europeans treat China - it does not worry by the this nonsense - every time we have been told trade will fix the behaviour - well the massacre at the square showed it to be untrue and the new powers of dictatorship and nationalism keeps proving the prophets wrong, same with Trade- they will join WTO - what happened - nothing. The fact is that America GDP footprint, military strength and technology is what counts - the Europeans companies are leaving Iran because of the US Market. If America grows stronger - economically, militarily and technologically and is not shy about asserting itself then it would be more effective then any so-called soft diplomacy. Stay the course Trump and do not listen to those who until a second ago claimed America was never great, that burn the flag that want to open the border completely or wish to clip Americas wings through bad international agreements and forums.
38. Globalism is to Israel what Thanksgiving is to turkeys
Chaim ,   Israel   (09.27.18)
Azoulay is unbelievably moronic. She denigrates the best friend, by far, Israel has ever had in the White House. At the same time, she worships globalism. Does she have any idea what globalism is? Globalism means the U.N. rules the earth.

The U.N. is just like the Nazi Party, only on a bigger scale. Both were socialist, both wanted to rule the earth and both had the same plans for Jews. Globalism is to Israel what Thanksgiving is to turkeys. Trump is a godsend both for America and Israel. He speaks clearly, powerfully, proudly and patriotically. If America's founders came back to life, they would love Trump.
39. Thank you Orly for a great piece.
DOV ,   USA   (09.27.18)
40. Abdication
Mark ,   London   (09.27.18)
Trump has only abdicated personally from the leadership of the free world.

Once the omnishambles is over, provided the Americans elect a good one the US president will pop up again as Leader of the Free World (whatever is left of it).

Meanwhile Trump and his conservative backers are truly the laughing stock of the world.
42. so wrong about that mili
Joseph Marmor ,   MIAMI   (10.03.18)
Stupid comment from an obvious Democrat. The US is far freer them most of the world. The only victims of censorship are conservatives and Republicans. All of this with the help of Google, FaceBook and the other tech giants who censor what they don't agree with. Democracy is the President having been elected fair and square being hampered in every way by the press and the disloyal opposition the Democratic Party.
43. "many were "overjoyed" by Trumps decision to move embassy???
assanoyama   (10.05.18)
Not so fast, and not so "many". Those who responded to this move are zombies, who believe in everything the media throws at them. Naive gullible people. Politics is the most dirtiest and the most criminal occupation.
NOBODY ever will move any embassy to Jerusalem. It was a political theatrical PR act for a short time. US embassy will be moved back any time soon.
44. About the fake yournalism of Orly.
Steven ,   Rockville MD USA   (05.12.19)
Orly, your thought and thinking are just as fake as the color of your "blond" hair. It does not bring much credit for neither for yourself nor for any news organization that publishes that rubbish.
45. Trum is not GOD
Tova   (09.23.19)
Israel must not expect the US or any nation to be a partner. Has Israel not learn any lessons. From the beginning Jews had to fight and in the end Jews again will fight alone. GOD say is my people would follow HIM - he will be with Israel. IF my people follow other gods (meaning other nations) HE will give Israel to the hands of the enemies. How so true this is today.

Israel will loose the war that is to come. America will not support Israel. Regardless who is president. GOD says in the latter days of Israel when the enemies comes to destroy Israel only HE will save Israel. No become we are the chosen people. GOD made a promise to Abraham and to King David and will keep HIS promise. Read the Torah - the majority of the Kings of Israel were evil. King Solomon destroyed Israel - He allowed his wives to bring idol worship to Israel. GOD warned King Solomon and King Solomon disobeyed GOD. and the Babylonians destroyed Israel. Then the Persian, then the Roman Empire and so on. Today the enemies of Israel is the Hassidic Community they are waiting for the Messiah. Well GOD has given you the Land of Israel. The Messiah will come not for the Hassidic, but for those who believed the Land of Israel was given to them.
46. America is almost history
Dalya ,   Hawaii   (10.07.19)
America is NOT growing stronger. America is growing weaker by the day. China is the new global leader. America's time is almost over!
47. Mr.
Moshe ,   New york   (12.10.19)
Orly Azulai, the simple minded Israeli brute, uses his ugly words and stupid ideas to take good and interpret it to be bad, to take positive change and turn it into something terrifying. It's foolish thinking such as that of the unfortunate Orly, that drives Israel's insane leftists. But of course Ynet highlight this obtuseness because it itself buys into this fascistic thinking
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