PLO Central Council calls to halt security coordination with Israel
Elior Levy
Published: 30.10.18, 09:09
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1. Abbas Negotiating by Blackmail
Sammy ,   Newcastle   (10.30.18)
Abbas Negotiation by Blackmail

You do as I say or there will be more violence?

Except one little thing...

The current security arrangements in place also serve to PROTECT the PA and West Bank Palestinians from external and internal threats and attacks

Ending the security arrangement with Israel will be yet another Abbas way of shooting himself right in the foot

As for his demands for Israel to recognise a Palestinian State could he perhaps elucidate WHICH ONE hes referring to?

Which 2 State Solution is Abbas proposing?

1.Israel and an independent Palestine in West Bank that excludes Gaza?
2.Israel and two independent Palestines - Palestine A in West Bank and Palestine B in Gaza?
3.Israel and Palestine in 2 entitities conjoined via a motorway through Israel?
4.Israel and a UNIFIED CONTIGUOUS VIABLE SOVEREIGN Palestinian State alongside Israel within mutually secure borders based on the 1999 Palestinian PEG Plan

Answers on a postcard?
2. who cares
C   (10.30.18)
let the plo rot in h-ll.

obama wanted to give them a state on a silver platter, but they rejected
the offer. they will never again get such an offer.
3. Nonsense
Arik Boleli ,   Jerusalem   (10.30.18)
This is nonsense. Israel is preventing the Palestinians from murdering Abbas.
4. Retake ALL our land. We don't need "Palestinian" recognition
Chaim ,   Israel   (10.30.18)
Israel needs to forever retake ALL our land we insanely ceded to our mortal "Palestinian" foes. The last thing on earth Israel needs is their recognition.
5. There are no Palestinians, only Arabs.
David ,   Hartford USA   (10.30.18)
Abbas can try to continue this fallacy, but the world is very tired of it. The other Arab states, the very brothers of these Arabs, told them years ago, "we don't want you, live where you are."

And they could have lived in peace and prosperity had Arafat and the Russians not colluded to manufacture the 'Palestinian' people to counter their warped perception of Zionism.

Arafat was a failure. Abbas is a failure. It's simply about time the Arabs decided they want to take control of their future and become part of the Israel.

One country, Israel, two states, Israel and Palestine. No laws enacted in the state of Palestine may counter any laws passed in Israel. All citizens of the country of Israel may live in either state. Terrorism will be a capital offence met with a quick death penalty. It's time for everyone to grow up.
6. If translates to violence Israel will crush Gaza+West Bank
Sam ,   Montreal   (10.30.18)
Hopefully, Bibi has enough guts that he won't allow Israel to become another Pittsburgh because being too soft with the haters encourages that.
7. Time for Abbas to go,let Israel pick up the pieces.1 state 2
Ken   (10.30.18)
8. Back to Tunis. Adios.
Bill   (10.30.18)
9. The PLO comedy is over
Avner ,   Hebron   (10.30.18)
With their pathetic declaration, the capos of the Palestinian mafia tell us that after almost 20 years of war without quarter against the Israelis, they only have achieved the most elemental of their objectives: the recognition of all the nations that always hated us, which they had before starting, because that same nations were the ones who created the PLO.

In 1999, the anti-Zionist articles of the Palestinian National Charter were revoked by a show of hands. Yesterday, also by a show of hands they have been promulgated again. The only difference with respect to then is that at last they have removed the masks to represent their stupid comedy and now we can clearly see their abominable countenances. It's just to say now that they never cheated on us with their hoaxes.

Today, Israel has achieved an overwhelming victory over the Arabs who from all sides came to this noble and ancient nation with the hope of expelling us under the pretext of being the original settlers of Canaan.
10. Suspending recognition of Israel means.. 1 State 2 Countries
Steve Benassi ,   Plumouth, MN USA   (10.30.18)
Trump will declare Jerusalem as the Capital of Palestine, just like he did for Israel.

That will mean the end of the minority "Jewish State".
11. The supreme judge
R. Nahman ,   Shomron   (10.31.18)
The world will be able to shout whatever it wants in favor of the state of Palestine, but as long as Israel doesn't recognize Palestine as a state with borders, Palestine will remain in limbo. Even if tomorrow France, or the United Kingdom, or Germany, or all together, would decide to recognize the existence of Palestine and deny the existence of Israel, Palestine without Israel's consent would still not exist.

The only supreme judge who can decide on this issue isn't the UN, nor EU, nor the AL, but Israel, so that antagonizing Israel as these fools are doing means giving up the Palestine's existence.
12. Arabs and Israel
Sjoerd van der Velde ,   Hoorn Holland   (11.01.18)
Only 1/one state, called Israel. The "islam" Arabs had their chance with the United Nations (U.N.) partition plan in 1947/1948, but they rejected it. The Jewish people were of good will about that and established the state of Israel in 1948. LONG LIVE ISRAEL.
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