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Pelosi demands freshman Democrat apologize for ‘anti-Semitic trope’
Associated Press
Published: 11.02.19, 21:03
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11 Talkbacks for this article
1. Still needs to master TAQYIA.
UK Yahud   (02.11.19)
2. A poor student of Taqyia.
3. Pelosi appointed 2 important committees.She owns
Alan ,   SA   (02.11.19)
them now. I PROMISE readers that EVERY day these 2 will continue their Jew hatred speech.. Why does anyone think they stood for Congress?? Taquia Shmukea!
4. Reminds me of when my mom told me to apology for something..
GHook93 ,   Chicago   (02.11.19)
...I did it begrudgingly and didn't me. It went something like,"If I hurt your feelings, which I really don't see it did, I am sorry."

An apology is worthless if you don't mean it. This mental midget is a Sharia support, AntiAmerica, AntiWhite, Antisemitic socialist/communist. She is a clueless little child. She has no business being in our government. I hope she get knocked out in 2 years! She is scum of the earth. In reality, with her hatred of America, she should be deported to Somalia. They will show her how a good obedient muslim girl must be!
5. When targeting Jews became normalised on campus ====
6. Saudi Arabia has GOP in their pocket
7. she should say why Muslims spend $$$ to demonize Jews/Israel
jore ,   la   (02.11.19)
when the most of western world follows our religion. She is a Muslim puppet.
8. deport her back to Somalia
9. Where is the condemnation of other Muslims?
Mark Jeffery Koch ,   Mount Laurel, NJ USA   (02.11.19)
As a Jewish American and a lifelong liberal Democrat I was disgusted by Omar's anti-semitic comment.

I was born five years after World War II ended and the world learned about the genocide against six million Jews of which one million were children. I came from a middle class Jewish family as did all my friends. We lived in row houses and none of us were rich. We were salespersons, teachers, accountants, lawyers, and worked for the local, state or federal government, and had a variety of different vocations. To suggest that the main reason people support Israel is because of Jewish money is sickening and all of my friends are repulsed by these comments.

We have two new members of Congress who are Muslim.

Have they yet uttered one word about the murders of 600,000 Muslims by the dictator in Syria who has used chemical weapons against men, women, and children?

Have they uttered one word about the torture and imprisonment of Muslims in Egypt of people who have protested the Egyptian government?

Have they uttered one word about the imprisonment in Saudi Arabia of women activists who protested against their government?

Have they protested about the treatment of Muslims in any Muslim country? No. Why not??

Israel is not beyond reproach. My Jewish friends in America and I abhor Netanyahu and the right wing government in Israel. We all support a two State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Suggesting our support for Israel is based on money is anti-semitic. Period.
10. Apologize for anti-Semitism and other hate-crimes.
Sjoerd van der Velde ,   Hoorn Holland   (02.11.19)
Okay, it is first an American problem in the United States, to solve it. If this goes further, the US can be destroyed from within, by "islam" and the "islam" following. Then the US will not exist anymore. Please take the needed measures to avoid that. Same goes for any other country.
11. question
C   (02.11.19)
why do these jew haters like omar, tliaba, cortez, all belong to the
democratic party?
why does the democratic party accept members of the social democrats
within its ranks.
such inclusion leads to confusion of voters.
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