Iranian student leader: Ayatollahs will run if Iran attacked
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 20.01.07, 09:27
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. Who nows the real truth?
Mike ,   Mass   (01.21.07)
The Hatfields and the McCoys?Violence is ignorance.
32. machiavelli
Rob ,   Canada   (01.21.07)
never, ever trust the word of exiles
33. to people who say "yeah right, look at Iraq"
Aaron   (01.21.07)
Try to be a little less cynical and a little better informed. Unlike Iraq, which any a-hole could say was not a great case for regime change or shock and awe, the facts on the ground in Iran make it a perfect subject in both categories. The problem was it was impossible to tie Iran to Al-qaeda even with phony intelligence. However both regimes were/are evil, extremist, and terrorist. One down, one to go, world peace.
34. I have a ski chalet in downtown Haifa
Persian CAT   (01.21.07)
to sell you, if you believe this guy's escape-from-jail-after-he was-released-from-jail-for-academic-testing fantasy!!! Go figure.
36. Mullahs overthrew a US-backed Tyrant so don't
katski   (01.21.07)
underestimate them. THese are the same people that overthew the Shah when the tyrant had all that 70s oil wealth, support of the CIA, and thousands of US military "advisers". The men running Iran today are extremely cunning.
37. if they're so weak...
jim ,   uk   (01.21.07)
why didn't they run and hide during the brutal war with iraq, when a million people were killed? why weren't the 'people' able to topple the government then? it's also funny when he talks about women's rights in iran but they uses 'soft as a woman's hands' in a derogatory way. patsy.
38. Iran issue
mukhtar manji ,   new york america   (01.21.07)
... the yanks going to Iran will have the same effect as it going to Iraq, where I thought they were supposed to be welcomed with cheering in the streets not body bags coming back .... or maybe they want another Vietnam as the new generation don't know what happened over there..
39. wake up
j a ,   sydney   (01.21.07)
Now u got the opportunity to get away from iran .great, see some help & do continue further study since u young forget about polatics its a big game , have no clues my nephew was like u gays. dont involve yourself in some ideas get a life
40. Reality Check & the Mullahs
Cyrus ,   San Diego   (01.21.07)
There is usually an element of Truth with every story, however the facts get lost in true reality. The truth is that the vast majority of Iranians despise the Mullahs and the Mullahs themselves are mainly cowards, like most of their ilk, but one should know that any outside invasion of Iran without taking the National interests of the people of Iran into consideration will surely be a failure. At the moment the battle is mainly between a minority of Islamic Fanatics vs a potpurri of Evangelical Zionists, however if Israel or America ever occupy Iran without respecting Iran's territorial integrity they will be in for a surprise that none of the pundits could have envisaged at their think tank Institutes. Iranian nationalism coupled with Islamic fanaticism is something the West has never experienced. As much as the Iranians hate these mullahs, they are unrelenting in their national pride. If the West truly wants to help the Iranian people overthrow these clowns, they need to know how to play Iranian political chess. Don't forget these are the same people that taught the world Monotheism and how to play Chess and use Algebra!
41. Judging from responses, Iranian Muslims big Readers Here
Persian Rug ,   USA   (01.21.07)
Suddenly, YNET has a outpouring of 'thoughtful' Muslim response. Baawhw! If all these Muslim Iranians are denouncing him in the Talkbacks, this guy must be right on the money!
42. Moslem Responses
Cyrus ,   san diego   (01.22.07)
I am a Iranian born Moslem and my loyalty is to Iran not Islam, unlike most of you Jewish individuals. I don't give a S**t about Islam, however if Israel ever attacks Iran I will be a resistance fighter that will make hell for every living Israeli. At this moment I have no qualms with Israel, however it would be wise to heed to a little advise. You do not abuse innocent women and children and expect impartial individuals like myself to support your actions. The clown from Texas, Bush, is an anomaly in history, he will not be around for much longer. So it would be wise to negotiate a peace settlement from a position of strength before it is too late. Can you imagine what would happen if you let loose a buncn of Zionist idiots, Islamic Fanatics and naive Evangelicals? The end of the world.
43. Another Chalabi in the making
eaglesanddoves ,   chicago   (01.22.07)
Yet another Ahmed Chalabi; when exiled who convinced US and sply US senate to attack Iraq...and rest is history. Now this guy seems to following the same path. This ex-pats. are driven by sheer animosity of there own ppl.
44. dear student
kaz ,   uk   (01.22.07)
fleese money from israel to give such like stupid interview and trade on the corpse of palestenian and other innocent people. provoke usa and israel to attack on iran and then start another iraq and afghanistan.. carry on. dear cary on
45. Iran
Ellen ,   Virginia Beach, US   (01.23.07)
There is evidence for what this young man says. I remember at the opening of the Holocost denial conference the student who held up a picture of the Iranian President and lit a match to it. He is not asking for the US to attack Iran. He is only asking for material help with arms and stuff so that the opposition in Iran can do the attaching. I think we should consider it.
46. Amir Abbas Fakr-Avar
Liam Hogan ,   London U.K.   (01.23.07)
Yeah, John #12 , living in sunny, safe and fascist free Toronto....what the hell do you know about Iran? Hey pal come and speak to any or all of my Persian associates living in exile here in Londonistan. They despise the Mullahs and everything Islamic. They even refuse to call themselves 'Iranians' prefering the proper noun of 'Persian' since it denies fascist and arrogant Islam and the so-called 'Revolution'. It's only liberal, left-wing, anti-Israel/USA air-heads in the media and the BBC etc., that take the same views as you do, living in comfortable Western armchairs and spouting hot air about 'democracy' and 'revolution'. Get your head out your rear-end and go visit Persia and speak to and party with the young men and women, as some of my british mates have done ( yes, they love to drink alcohol and dance, despite what the Islamic Nazis would have you believe) You'll be shocked and horrified by what the Persians will tell you about this beloved 'democracy' and 'revolution' of yours. Oh and in case you are wondering, no they don't want The West to attack them, but they would love some help getting rid of the Islamic fascists that are destroying their great nation. Neither have they any issue with the State of Israel, it's another figment of Islomofascist imagination. Finally, have you ever seen a beautiful young girl with her face deformed by acid scars because she wasn't wearing the proper head covering? Keep whistling mate, but try doing it in the daylight so your eyes can see who's listening. Shalom Israel and Persia.
47. Driven to hell by 'traitors'
Fu ,   Durham, UK   (01.25.07)
Ok, obviously the words of John (#12) meant nothing to stuborn people in the US and Israel who cannot see beyond their beliefs and prejudices. Forget about what YOU think of the Iranian regime and lets look at it this way: do you not see the resemblence between people like this guy and Chalabi of Iraq? These people have their own UNDERSTANDABLE agendas, and they USE the US to achieve them... That's how the US administration justified its war on Iraq, WMD, human rights, all from the mouth of Chalabi who had his own agenda. So do the militias in Iraq. And guess what? So do lots of Iranian dissidents... So do you want to get involved in another Iraq for a group of dissidents with agendas that (as was Iraq) will diverge away from US / Israeli interests? Have you forgotten how Sadr, Hakim and Chalabi turned from the people the US fought Saddam for to the people the US fights because of their alledged pro-Iran stance? As for treason, no matter what kind of torture or suffering one undergoes, one is a traitor if they call upon superpowers and regional rivals to invade his country. I myself might have fled my very own country, but will either fix it myself with my fellow countrymen, or rott... rather than call on US/Israeli forces to bomb and occupy my country! By all means that is treason.
48. chalabi wannabe
siavash ,   NYC, USA   (02.12.07)
fakhr-avar is a shameless, self-promoting, chalabi wannabe. just ask any number of anti-mullah activists. if you want to discuss how to deal with iran by understanding its internal dynamics, then you are doing yourselves and your readers a disservice by posting this guy as a representative of iran.
49. why did the people of Iran turn over their freedom
mike smith ,   Las vegas nevada   (03.29.07)
Why did the people of Iran turn over their country to the mullahs? In America we would never allow a small group of fascists or Leninesque wannabes like the Islamafascists who run Iran to take over. We would fight against them at all costs. The people of Iran have soiled themselves and allowed their country to be overrun by these fools. Yes I know Jimmy Carter was partly to blame when he foolishly refused to support the prowestern elements of Iran. Carter is a putz If any of the Dems win the upcoming 2008 Presidential election in America expect more weak and foolish foreign policy moves. BTW why doesn't Israel take the gloves off and take care of their own security needs under the nuclear umbrella of America. I would announce that for every homicide bombing of civilians in Israel by Islafascists that Israel will take one quarter square mile of Islafascist occupied lands. If the homicide bombers do not stop then soon Greater israel will be a fact on the ground and a two state policy will be unnecessary.
50. Here is what will happen!
Ron ,   USA   (05.17.07)
Nothing.. you know why? because as long as we are talking about politics, we're talking about forces beyond our ability as normal civilians. what those forces are? well guess it and it will probably be right.. yes.. $$$$$$... Good luck trying to interpret what's going on becasue here is the picture for the next 50 years: US will keep sucking up to Israel and defend their rights becasue if they can't control the middle east in the next 20 years, it will be a big problem considering the new emerging powers of China and Inida in the next 50 years and Israel can be a big help in that region other than the fact that we have alot of jews who have huge interests in corporate america.. The same way the "West" promoted mulla's and Taliban and saddam hossein in the 70s just becasue communism was a threat to capitalism and religious fundementamlism was the only way to stop the communism from spreading in the most profitable region in the world. Well, after that, now the religious fundementalist (the same people they created) are a threat. Once that is resolved, rest assure they'll be others. and there is nothing anyone can do about it as long as the "west's" interests are at stake.. to those non-iranians who comment about things they don't have any clue about, go and research before you make a comment and see how many wars and how many conflicts have been initiated under the slogan of "freedom" by West and to who's interest it has worked out for. You know why there are terrorists out there? No one is born a terrorist.. I know it's hard for you to understand cuz you can't.. but if you were born and raised in a place where from the first days you could concieve what's going on you witness blood bath and the death of your family members day by day and you are being bombarded daily, trust me.. you grow to hate the people who caused it and you are willing to give your life for it.. I might not like what they do but i certainly can understand why they are brain washed so badly by other opportunistic monsters on the other side. Now going back to Iran, Iranians will keep getting F..... ed by these arabs due to their own lack of unity and the fact that throughout the history, there hasn't been a time in iran where people have had one united goal and they actually worked towards it together by understanding the most simple and primitive thing and that is to respect and be able to listen to other's opinion without getting worked up and acting crazy and try to work something out so that everyone can unite. If you sit at any iranian social gathering you will find that everyone claims an opinion as if they have decades of experience in politics and strategy and the funny thing is they believe in it so much that they get into arguments to prove their point.. guess what.. as long as that's the case, we will be f....ed. knowing this, the idea of democracy seems very funny when i think about it with iranians when they can't even get in the same room to talk about the same goal. Us iranians are all a bunch of hard headed people who think we know everything without realizing that braging about 2500 years of history doesn't do us any good but to make us to falsly believe that we are ahead of everyone else which is far from true. Look again, what has come to us is what we deserved purely becasue of ignorance. As long as this ignorance and lack of education and understanding simple principles of human rights and democracy continues, you won't see anything different than what you have so far.
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