Ukrainian refugees were caught on camera sleeping on a floor in poor conditions at Israel's main airport in stark contradiction to rhetoric coming out of government offices.
Video footage shows Ukrainians fleeing war stay in poor conditions for hours on end at the Ben Gurion Airport, while waiting to be allowed entry.
Ukrainian refugees at the Ben Gurion airport
The videos and images from the airport also show dozens of Ukrainian refugees were put in a designated confined space at airport's Terminal 3.
They appear to have been provided with thin mattresses to sleep on, and a table with snacks, tea and coffee. The refugees are also said to be provided with a daily warm meal at 4pm, which arrives in take away trays.
Israelis trying to assist the arriving refugees have claimed that the refugees don't have access to warm water, meaning they haven't showered in days. When the daily water supply runs out, the refugees are urged to drink from the bathroom sink water.
Additionally, Israelis trying to send food and medicine from the outside are not allowed to do so.
"Thank you, but there are little kids here that need to eat in the morning," the Ukrainians said regarding the 4pm meal. "We asked for asylum and shelter for the time of the war and then we'll return home. I don't know what will happen in a few days this way, but already everyone here is sick and coughing and we're cold."
The Population and Immigration Authority said in response: "People staying in the airport's space are those whose entrance to Israel has been denied or those who are appealing the authority's decision, not refugees 'held in harsh conditions.'
"As opposed to your claims, those whose entrance was denied are receiving food and drinks, sleeping on mattresses and allowed to move throughout the space and have access to the duty free shops. We don't accept the attempt to impose an image that isn't the reality, derived from rumors."