
Search is on for 'kosher' bachelor

New reality TV show to feature 15 Israeli women competing for heart of foreign Jewish man

TEL AVIV - Israeli cable television provider HOT is set to air a new reality show in the summer starring a foreign Jewish bachelor in search of an Israeli bride.


A worldwide search for the perfect bachelor is already under way, while producers also look for 15 potential Israeli brides, between the ages of 21-30.


  • Submit your candidacy for the reality show here!


The program's producers are looking for a bachelor between the ages of 24-38, and are interested in finding someone who is handsome, educated and financially secure - that is, the dream of every Israeli mother.


In the framework of their efforts, the producers even elicited the assistance of Jewish organization in the hopes of finding the perfect man for the job.


Auditions are scheduled to take place in the coming weeks in New York and Los Angeles and additional selections are set to take place in one of Europe's capital cities.


If you believe you have what it takes and feel you are a potential candidate, send an email to [email protected] and leave your details, or secretly nominate family members or friends.


פרסום ראשון: 05.16.05, 13:05
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