
Photo: AP
Empty Qassam shells (Archive photo)
Photo: AP
Photo: Amir Cohen
Sderot residents hold protest against Qassam attacks (Archive photo)
Photo: Amir Cohen

Sderot residents injured in Qassam attack

Three rockets fired at Israel from Gaza Strip; one rocket falls in Sderot, lightly injuring four and causing partial blackouts in southern city

Palestinians fired three Qassam rockets into Israel Monday evening, with one rocket falling in Sderot wounding four people.


Four residents were lightly injured from shattered glass, 11 were treated for shock, two of which suffered from heart conditions. The rocket caused an electrical blackout in a large section of the city.


One of two rockets fired earlier Monday landed south of the Nir Am junction, while the other landed near Kerem Shalom.


The injured resident was said to have suffered shrapnel wounds to his leg and was taken to the Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon.


The Electricity Company said the rocket cut off supply wires and engineers were working to reconnect the blacked out area.


The rocket fell near the home of Yonatan Abukasis, who lost his daughter Ella in a rocket attack not long ago. "We were at home, we heard a loud explosion, and then darkness fell upon us. We ran to the shelter and we are waiting…Each attack of the kind takes us back to that horrible day. But I get angry at expressions by politicians who say bad things about us, including (Vice Premier) Shimon Peres."


One resident and her husband were at home: "We heard the Red Dawn alarm system and then a blackout occurred. Our four sons are familiar with situation, so each ran in a different direction. We are waiting for the electricity to be restored. My husband was very disappointed with the electricity being disconnected and had to search for an alternative place to watch the game."


פרסום ראשון: 06.27.06, 00:32
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