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Photo: AP
Swastikas and graffiti praising Hamas and Hizbullah were sprayed over the weekend inside a classroom in the Beit Yaacov School in Akko. The classroom was completely vandalized.
The break-in was discovered Saturday morning and probably took place Friday night.
Vienna police arrest suspect for breaking into, vandalizing Jewish school in town Saturday night. Jewish community leader Ariel Muzicant: incident is very disturbing. No doubt an anti-Semitic act, done out of rage, hatred
In one of the classrooms on the second floor of the school complete destruction was found, and the words "Hizbullah = Hamas", "Allah Acbar" and a few swastikas were found sprayed on the walls.
Akko Police Commander Deputy Nitzav Moshe Cohen said Monday morning that the incident is being investigated and that a few 16 year old suspects should be arrested on Monday.
According to the commander, these same minors are also suspected of breaking into the City Hall's Absorption offices about one month ago.
On that occasion the offices were vandalized, swastikas were spray painted, property was stolen and the paint cans were left at the scene of the crime.
In the past few months there have been a few incidents of conflict between Arabs and Jews in Akko.
Among other things, the Jewish residents of a mixed neighborhood protested putting up a loud speaker during the month of Ramadan and the court had to intervene.
During Simhat Tora celebrations confrontations erupted between Jewish yeshiva students in the neighborhood and Arab youths. A Yeshiva security guard was forced to fire warning shots in the air.