

Oracle's Ellison promises $500,000 donation

The director of Sderot's community center told a foreign delegation that the place was not fortified – the CEO of Oracle decided to pay for it himself

Oracle's CEO, Lawrence J Ellison, arrived in Sderot Tuesday morning along with Foreign Minister Livni and Congressman Tom Lantos, the chairman of the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs. The three visited the town's police station where they saw hundreds of Qassam rockets that have landed in Sderot over the past year.


At the local community center, they were met by the center's director, Yossi Solimani, who told them about the difficulties the center is facing and the fact that, despite government's promises, it has not been fortified. Ellison promised to sponsor the project himself. Estimated cost of the project is $500,000.


Later on the delegation met with Felix and Marcel Maimon whose house was partially destroyed by a Qassam rocket. The foreign guests were shocked to see the rubble on site. Felix claimed that repair works were being held back by bureaucracy.


"This is a very important visit because the feeling is that the world identifies with Palestinian and is less aware of the fact that Israelis are living under daily rocket barrages," Foreign Minister Livni said.




פרסום ראשון: 08.09.07, 16:42
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Oracle's Lawrence Ellison
Qassam rocket in Sderot
Photo: Noam Yaakov