
Teen volunteers

Teens for teens

Israeli teenagers send 500 care packages to Darfur teen-refugees. Packages sponsored by the JDC

Teenagers from Ramat Hasharon packed and sent 500 care packages to teenage Sudanese refugees who are in Israel. The total value of the packages is about $150,000, donated by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). Packages contain toys, books and a booklet about dealing with stress.


The packages were sent to refugee centers in southern Israel. "It is important to help the refugees that fled from the war in Sudan for fear of their lives," said Karen Ofek, a 12th-grader from Ramat Hasharon.


The teens with the care packages they prepared (Photo: Gonen Eliasi)


Ofek, a volunteer in the City Volunteer Youth (AMAN), added: "They fled to Egypt and then to Israel hoping we'll help them. We try to help as much as possible. The goal is to help them pass the time."


Mayor Itzik Rochnerger said: "Helping the Darfur refugees is an example of the activities of teenagers for the better good. Volunteerism is as important as grades. I am overwhelmed by the commitment of these youngsters."


Yet, some refugees will not enjoy the care packages. Fifty Sudanese tried to cross the border into Israel over the weekend but were sent back to Egypt.


פרסום ראשון: 08.20.07, 16:39
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