
Beit Habubot

Artists for autistics

Leading artists will perform at a benefit concert on August 30 in Ra'anana's amphitheater for the children of Alut

Aviv Gefen, Ivry Lider, Yoni Bloch and Beit Habubot – will all arrive at the amphitheater in Ra'anana on August 30 for a mega concert for the benefit of the of ALUT, the Israeli Society for Autistic Children. An Alut spokesperson said that "all revenues will used to care for autistic toddlers."


Alut is the Israeli Society for Autistic Children, a non-profit organization for parents of autistic children whose mission is to better serve the needs of autistic individuals and their families.


Over 5,000 individuals in Israel have been diagnosed with autism and 250 infants are diagnosed annually. Until several years ago, the only treatment available to autistic children and adults was admission to a psychiatric hospital. 


פרסום ראשון: 08.23.07, 16:52
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