
Scools to remain closed
Photo: Tzvika Tischler

Local authorities declare school strike

One week before scheduled opening of school year local authorities decide educational institutions will remain closed on September 1, unless 'way to revoke intolerable budget cuts is found'

Just a week before school is scheduled to begin, heads of the forum of 15 independent cities in Israel, which include Tel Aviv and Beersheba, have formulated a letter calling on the local authorities to prepare for an education strike due to the recent budget cuts imposed on the authorities by the government.


"Beginning on September 1, 2008 employees of the local authorities will not arrive at educational institutions, including preschools, not including institutions for special education.


"School transportation will not be sent, security guards will not be stationed, and any activity related to the education system will not take place. We hope that by this time a way to revoke the intolerable cuts imposed on us by the government on a daily basis will be found."


The authorities are protesting an $80 million cut that has been hacked out of the education system's budget for the next school year. In a meeting that took place a few days ago, the local authorities decided unanimously that they would not participate in the opening of the schools, thereby effectively transferring this responsibility to the government.


The letter explains the strike by stating, "The one-sided cuts planned have caused the local authorities to collapse, unable to handle their commitments." The letter adds that according to the conclusions of the meeting, no ceremonies or activities related to the opening of the school year are permitted to be held.


פרסום ראשון: 08.25.08, 18:59
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