
Photo: Index Open

Campaign partners

Giving With Love 2008 would not have been made possible without the assistance of the following organizations:




  • Bank Hapoalim , which has pledged a substantial amount for food donations, while its workers have volunteered to be part of the project's packaging and distribution operation.


  • Osem , which makes regular food donations to Latet. This year, the company's employees will also take part in the project's packaging and distribution operation.


  • Shufersal , which has pledged to donate thousands of meals and will operate over 200 collection points in the chain's outlets across Israel.


  • Tnuva: As Israel's largest marketing and trading company, the company is committed to its community and has pledge a food donation for families in need.


  • DBS Satellite Services (Yes) , which has pledged its support to the Latet campaign and will help boos public awareness to Latet's endeavor by promoting it.


  • Interspace Ltd : Interspace's TRANZILA- On-line credit card processing has donated its services to the campaign, in order to enable it to receive the public's donations whether online or by phone.


Other friends who have pledged their support are: Shalmor Avnon Amichay/Young & Rubicam, Keshet TV, Strauss-Elite, Israel Army Radio, the French Foundation for the Memory of the Holocaust, Ee-dologic, Time Out Magazine, Globes, Carasso, the Sigler Group, Haaretz Daily Newspaper, Yedioth Tel Aviv, Flying Cargo, Industrial Buildings Corporation Ltd., Unicell, Beeper Communications Israel, Pelephone, Mirs, Cellcom, Bezeq international and many, many more. 


פרסום ראשון: 09.07.08, 15:34
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