
Photo: Index Open
Pets also under fire
Photo: Index Open

State to help fund treatment of pets hurt by rockets

With cats and dogs facing rocket threat just like their human companions, Agriculture Ministry decides to help pay for medical care of pets injured by rocket fire

Last week a Qassam rocket hit a house in Sderot and killed the family's dog, which was at the building's yard during the attack. The dog was rushed to the veterinarian for treatment, but died due to severe shrapnel injuries and massive loss of blood.


Following this incident and in light of the fact that like their human owners, pets in Israel's south are also under the constant rocket threat, the Agriculture Ministry has decided it would help pay for the medical care of dogs and cats injured by rocket fire from Gaza.


"One of the main problems arising from the treatment of wounded animals is that the tax authorities do not consider pets as property, and therefore owners are not compensated for medical treatment of the animal," said Dganit Ben-Dov, DVM, the Veterinary Services official in charge of enforcing the Animal Protection Law.


"This is the aspect we wish to rectify, since treatment to a wounded animal could cost thousands of shekels," she added.


According to Ben-Dov, the ministry will also consider funding the treatment of street cats and dogs without owners.


For further details, please contact Dganit Ben-Dov at the Agriculture Ministry by email: [email protected] or by fax: 03-9681661


פרסום ראשון: 01.06.09, 05:12
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