Eilat targeted by terrorists?
Photo: Reuters
The suspicious object
pulled out of the water of Eilat Bay earlier Saturday is a 120mm Grad rocket, officials say.
However, at this time the rocket's target is unclear. No answers to the question have been found on the intelligence front, while Israel, Egypt, and Jordan continue to look into the incident.
The object was identified after it was examined by the Navy, other IDF officials, and the police. The rocket's identification reinforces the estimate that it was fired from Sinai Thursday.
Terror Attack
Ahuva Mamos
Authorities examining whether rocket, believed to be fired from Sinai, was aimed at Eilat. Another rocket lands in Red Sea. No injuries reported in incident
A security official said that Palestinian organizations affiliated with Global Jihad were believed to be behind the attack, and may very well have tried to target Eilat, Israel's most southern city and a thriving tourist site.
"This type of fire, even when there is no hit or casualties, has major significance and we need to consider it," he said. "What is clear now already is that there's lively terror activity in the Sinai, and this incident merely serves to reinforce this assumption."
Israeli officials are well familiar with the rocket found in Eilat, as both Hamas and Islamic Jihad possess it; Grad rockets had been fired in the past at Ashkelon and other southern Israel communities.