Daniel Yuval. Seeks to change Israeli law
Photo: Ido Erez
NEW YORK - Daniel Yuval, 12, spent his Hanukkah
vacation meeting with diplomats across the world. Last February he lost part of his right leg when he accidentally entered a minefield during a family trip to the Golan Heights.
He was recently appointed youth ambassador for Roots of Peace, an international non-profit organization working to remove 200 million mines worldwide.
Daniel's trip began in Geneva, continued to Washington, and ended in New York, with the aim of spreading the ideas of peace and mine clearing.
"Everywhere I went to, including the United Nations and the office of Israel's Consul-General in New York, I spoke about my injury and what should be done to prevent such incidents from repeating themselves," he says.
"I don't know how much of what I am saying can influence politicians to move things and make a change. I certainly hope it will help pass a law against mines in Israel."
Daniel did not get to meet with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon due to schedule problems. "But it's OK, because I was really tired by that time and hardly got to see New York. In any case, I met Nobel Prize laureate Jerry White. I didn't only meet with politicians, but also with children my age. I explained to them everything about my injury and the ideas I am fighting for.
"I feel really fine now. I've been exercising, obviously. I play soccer with my friends. At first, when I had the first prosthesis I was a goalkeeper, but now I also score goals sometimes. I was never a 'big shot' in soccer, but I'm really good in judo and I'm excellent in kickboxing."
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