

Muslim, Jewish docs team up in Detroit

Interfaith Health Fair provides free medical screenings for working poor who don't qualify for government-provided health care or other discounted programs

Muslim, Jewish and Chaldean health care professionals teamed up recently to offer free medical screenings for Detroit residents.


The Interfaith Health Fair ran for four hours on July 19 at the Muslim Center in Detroit. The goal was to provide screenings for the working poor who don't qualify for government-provided health care or other discounted programs.


Organizers said patient referrals and urgent treatment were provided as needed. The clinic also featured education stations, and social workers were available to help with referrals to direct service agencies.


The fair marked the second health care collaboration of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan and the Jewish Community Relations Council.


Detroit area Muslims also have joined Jews on Christmas for Mitzvah Day, their largest annual day of volunteering.



פרסום ראשון: 07.24.11, 08:48
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Photo: CD Bank
Health care collaboration (illustration)
Photo: CD Bank