Some 130 rabbis signed a letter addressed to Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish, urging her to reverse her ruling that the West Bank outpost of Migron should be razed, Ynet has learned Thursday.
The rabbis said in the letter that the decision to destroy homes is "inhumane and unjust," and warned that it undermines the public's trust in the justice system.
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"Any justice system understands that when a person builds on land that isn't his without malice, especially when the ownership of the land is disputed, the home shouldn't be destroyed," the rabbis wrote.
The rabbis urged Beinish to annul the ruling, and instead require the residents of Migron to pay compensation to the owners of the land.
Several prominent rabbis from across the religious spectrum have signed the letter, including Safed's Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Tzohar Chairman Rabbi David Stav, Ohr Etzion Yeshiva head Rabbi Haim Druckman and Ramat Gan's Chief Rabbi Yaakov Ariel.
"We have rabbis here from all the religious movements and from across the country," a source close to the initiative told Ynet. "There is a sense of distrust towards the court… It's a dangerous situation and we don't know where it will lead."
Some 200 rabbis sent the government a similar letter last month.
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