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CPI adds 0.9% in April

Consumer price index continues to climb; inflation rate hits 2.1%

April's consumer price index added 0.9%, noting another climb from March, when it added 0.4%. The past two months represent the first true fluctuations in the CPI, which has been stable for the past six months.


Significant price hikes were notes in the clothing sector (6.6%) and the housing sector (2.4), while produce prices noted a slight drop of 1.4%.


Alongside what is known to be a seasonal increase in the consumer price index, April was also when the new electricity rates – which added 8.3% – took effect, prompting a 7.8% hike in power rates for private consumption.


Israel's CPI has noted a 1.3% increase since the beginning of the year. The year-on-year inflation rate is currently at 2.1% - midway the government's inflation goals of 1%-3%.


Financial analysts told Ynet Wednesday that given the increase in the CPI, Governor of the Bank of Israel Stanley Fischer may choose to raise key interest rates.



פרסום ראשון: 05.16.12, 09:00
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