The new Israel Open Space Conservation Foundation (OSCF) officially began its operations last week, after the government approved a NIS 70 million (roughly $18 million) budget for its operations. The foundation, which was formed by proxy of the Land Administration Act, will oversee projects meant to resort and rehabilitate open spaces, parks and reservations. The OSCF was originally meant to begin its operations in 2010, but the dispute over its budget dragged on. The majority of the OSCF's funds will be supplied by the Israel Land Administration (ILA), and will be made up of 1% of its revenue, as stated by the law. Some 40% of the budget will be allotted to promoting and participating in new conservation projects, park development and the preservation of urban "green spots" and nationwide ecosystems and biodiversity. Some of the remaining budget will be allocated to the purchase of private land, with aim of expanding available open space, parks and reservations. The foundation will also oversee the rehabilitation of lakes and rivers, former waste dump sites and waterfront preservation. "The ILA sees it as part of it duties to 'dress' Israel with more than concrete and steel, and to also develop and protect green lunges for the benefit of the public," ILA Head Baruch-Tzvi (Bentzi) Lieberman said. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter