VIDEO - The population of Amman, Jordan is increasing and so is the amount of waste however the concept of recycling is hardly known among the population, and some institutions are now trying to raise awareness and develop the concept. Recycling is the process in which used materials are reused to make new products to prevent waste of raw materials. The mechanism of disposing off garbage has become a problem in itself, especially with the decreasing capacity of dumps. The recent population increase experienced by Amman has resulted in a number of economic, social and environmental problems. Video courtesy of The most important of these problems is related to solid waste, which is becoming a threat to the environment in different parts of the capital. A strategic plan has therefore been made to sort out and recycle garbage. One of the most important accomplishments achieved has been the emergence of great interest by the Jordanian public in dealing seriously with this issue. The objectives of the initiative have been achieved through awareness campaigns, together with the government sector and non-governmental organizations. “In the beginning, most of our clients or people who bring their recyclables were foreigners, but recently there are many Jordanians or local people who bring their recyclables here," says recycling project manager Alaa Mdanat. "Then, after that we collect the materials and we sort them if they didn’t sort them in their houses or companies, our employee bail and compress materials before we send them to the recycling factory in Jordan.” Working hand in hand Meanwhile, the grater municipality of Amman is launching an energy awareness campaign for schoolchildren in a bid to raise recycling awareness. A growing eco-conscious focus in schools can reduce the average 1 kg per person per day amount of generated waste in Jordan. Zaid, a school student, says: “I would like to contribute in recycling by gathering some of my friends and students in my school and picking up the garbage and throw it in the recycling bins around the school building. "I really like to know more about recycling because the number of people here in Jordan who use recycling is really low and we want to live in an eco-friendly environment.” Faris, another school student, says: “First of all, I would like to contribute at home by having three garbage bins – one for plastic, one for paper, and the third for bottles. This is because I would love to live in eco-friendly country where the society and everything is clean around me.” Many projects are taking place in Amman to encourage the culture of recycling. Public and private institutions are working hand in hand to save the environment, underlying the importance of sustainable development, as well as preserving the natural resources. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter