The government approved during its weekly Sunday meeting the extension of Daylight Savings Time (DST) until the end of October, beginning in 2013.
The bill will stand for a Knesset vote on Monday.
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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that "it's a decision that has been waiting for 65 years. The interior minister's important proposal will add another hour of daylight until the end of October. Now Israel flows with milk, gas and sun – a very, very blessed change."
Interior Minister Gideon Sa'ar said that "the new DST will bring more light to Israel and its citizens."
Sa'ar announced already in May that he adopted the DST Committee's conclusions. Before the cabinet discussion, Saar said that "for the first time in Israel's history we'll reach more that 200 days with DST.
"It will have a direct influence on each and every one of us and will have a positive effect on the economy, commerce, leisure, energy conservation, health and road traffic safety."
According to the committee, the new DST will save the economy NIS 300 million ($82 million). The average length of the DST will stand at 211 days, similar to the European model.
According to the committee's recommendation, the DST will start on the Friday before the last Sunday in March at 2 am and end on the last Sunday in October, extending the current DST by three weeks.
Attila Somfalvi contributed to this report
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