Meretz sign in Tel Aviv. 'Those living in the bubble should get to know the people in the periphery'
The Knesset elections results
present the naked truth: All of the left-wing movements, the media and many of the voters of the Zionist Union, Meretz and others are living in a bubble, and know very little – if anything – about life outside the bubble.
The facts were painfully presented on Tuesday evening to those who in the past few weeks believed the stories about the left-wing bloc's meteoric rise and the right-wing bloc's collapse.
The leftists enhance each other in conversations at cafés and restaurants, in the Tel Aviv salons, in cinematheques and different cultural clubs. The people living outside Tel Aviv and the Jerusalem Cinematheque, outside the academia and the newspaper and television's news desks have completely different views.
Election Fallout
Galon stepping aside so rising star Tamar Zandberg can keep her Knesset seat; Galon writes on Facebook: The responsibility is mine.
Those living in the bubble should spend the next few years far away from Tel Aviv, and get to know the people in the periphery, in order to believe that the State of Israel will continue to exist long after the Zionist Union leaders disappear from the political map.

Disappointed Zionist Union activists, Tuesday night. The left likes to withdraw into itself (Photo: Reuters)
The left likes to withdraw into itself, to hold internal discussions, to engage in internal quarrels, and shows contempt and disregard towards the voice of "Masuda from Sderot." But the thing is that in one day of elections, the vote of Masuda from Sderot equals the vote of the president of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. It's the same opportunity, it's the same envelop – only the vote is different.
These many votes were collected by Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday into the right-wing bloc, the natural place for all the different deprived groups. Even if Isaac Herzog joins the government, even if he becomes a senior government member, all the good deeds he and his friends have done and have promised to do – starting from housing to supporting the needy – won't help them.
Once again, we have painfully realized that the northern Tel Aviv neighborhood of Tzahala completely misunderstands Sderot.