The unannounced exercise began four days ago at the behest of IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot. It included drills against terror attacks on Golan Heights communities such as rocket and missile barrages, and ground infiltration of terrorist cells armed with machine and hand guns, anti-tank missiles, and other explosive devices.
During the exercise, trainees in the Nahal Infantry Brigade and the 401st Armored Brigade carried out emergency war protocols and joined the battle. The two brigades were joined by air force combat squadrons, CH-53 helicopters, UAVs, special intelligence forces, and other elite IDF units.
The exercise is a continuation of a series of exercises that the new Regional Division has carried out in the Golan Heights in the past year.
The Golan Regional Division also performed an emergency response drill, a multilateral exercise which included reservists, and a divisional exercise. These exercises are similar to other exercises that were carried out to simulate a surprise attack emanating from the southern or central Golan Heights.
This year, the Golan Regional Division finished building a new barrier along the Syrian border with advanced observation posts overlooking Syrian territory, most of which the Syrian regime no longer controls. Rebel groups including the Free Syrian Army, Jabhat al-Nusra (which identifies with al-Qaeda) and the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade (which pledged allegiance to ISIS) now control these territories and are fighting amongst each other, with loyalties changing almost weekly.
The IDF has maintained a policy of non-intervention on the Syrian side of the border, but has provided humanitarian aid and medical treatment to wounded Syrians. Israel also has foiled terror attacks aimed at hitting Israeli targets in the Golan Heights.
The IDF said the exercise was planned and not connected to ongoing events, but it did take place after recent IDF operations on the Syrian side of the border.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed a week ago that the IDF has undertaken tens of preemptive strikes against weapons shipments to Hezbollah.