Hamas says assassin of military operative captured
Speaking at a press conference, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh announces that the man who gunned down Hamas operative Mazan Fukha has been captured and confessed to the hit; Haniyeh claims killer acted on Israel's behalf, pledged that he would 'be judged according to the law.'
Joined by Fukha’s widowed wife and newly elected leader of the Hamas in Gaza Yahya Sanwar at a press conference, Haniyeh said that the suspect had confessed to the hit.
“The murderer will be judged according to the law. Despite the pain, we are pleased during this moment and proud of our security apparatus,” Haniyeh said.
The fact that Haniyeh delivered the news about the latest development in the assassination investigation is indicative of the significance that Hamas placed on Fukha and his death.
Despite the claims, no one at the press conference gave the name of the suspected murderer who allegedly acted on Israel’s behalf. Nor were journalists given the opportunity to ask questions.
In the aftermath of Fukha's death, the Gaza-based Hamas terror movement scrambled around, desperately searching for any clues as to who pulled the trigger. The incident further fomented fear of surreptitious collaboration with Israel.
Fukha arrived in the late hours in his vehicle to his home in the neighborhood of Tel al-Hawa with his wife and children on the night of the shooting.
When he dropped them off as he drove his car to the building’s underground parking lot, that was the last time they saw him alive as his assassins were awaiting his arrival. Homing in on their target, they fired four shots at close range into his head and immediately fled the scene.