News from Israel, Ynetnews - 2012 US vote

2012 US vote

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Full coverage of the 2012 US presidential race

Netanyahu gambled, we'll pay
Sima Kadmon
The day after
Shimon Shiffer
New America defeats old America
Prof. Eytan Gilboa
Israel on the roulette table
Yoaz Hendel
Overcoming Obama’s foreign policy
Ophir Falk
Nothing new under the sun
Eitan Haber
Romney is good for Israel
Shoula Romano Horing
Not the same Obama
Yitzhak Benhorin  
The American vote
Ophir Falk
Delegates' radicalization
Sever Plocker
Obama on the fence
Yoaz Hendel
Defeating Obama is top priority
Shoula Romano Horing
Obama isn't good enough
Shoula Romano Horing
Dear American Jews
Yishai Fleisher
'Israel could lose American Jewry'
Yitzhak Benhorin

America Votes

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