Al-Aqsa Brigades: Chemical warfare if Israel invades Gaza
Roee Nahmias
Published: 26.06.06, 00:32
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67 Talkbacks for this article
61. Send in the bulldozers
Arie   (06.26.06)
And return gaza to the desert!
62. to #59
A.C.   (06.27.06)
the palestinians did lay down thier weapons but israel did not. the military operations against palestinian cities did not stop even for one day. the palestinians ws killed on daily basis. the settlments in the west banks expanded in dfaily basis
63. Tough talk - but is it true?
Karen R ,   USA   (06.27.06)
If you want to get your name on the front page of the newspaper, just holler "WMD." But as someone who followed coverage on how to make WMDs in the light of 9/11, (the US media had everything but the recipe for sarin) I can tell you that it ain't so easy. You have to get the materials and produce the stuff (without killing yourself in the process), you have to keep the stuff stable (so it doesn't deteriorate before you can use it) and you have to have a delivery system that works (without the stuff blowing back and killing you instead). These are the same guys were talking about bombing Tel Aviv last week. Do they have anything that's a real threat? Probably not. And look at their record of fatalities for "work accidents" - half the time they blow themselves up. I wouldn't worry just yet, but I hope that Shin Bet is keeping track of this.
64. Reply to post #43
An observer ,   Canada   (06.28.06)
The Palestinians are the descendant s of the Canaanites who were from around 3000 BC! In 1845 Jewish in Palestine were approx. 12,000 increased to approximately 85,000 by 1914. All people in Palestine were Arabic Muslims and Christians. In1897 the first Zionist Congress held in Basle, Switzerland, initiated the program to colonize Palestine. In 1904 the Fourth Zionist Congress decided to establish a national home for Jews in Argentina. However in 1906 another Zionist congress decided the Jewish homeland should be Palestine. In 1914 at the time of the outbreak of World War I, Britain promised the independence of Arab lands under Ottoman rule, including Palestine, in return for Arab support against Turkey. In November 2, 1917 the British government issued the Balfour Declaration on, in the form of a letter to a British Zionist leader from the foreign secretary Arthur J. Balfour promising him the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. In 1918 WW I ended, Jews began to migrate to Palestine, which was set a side as a British mandate with the approval of the League of Nations in 1922. Large-scale Jewish settlement and extensive Zionist agricultural and industrial enterprises in Palestine began during the British mandatory period, which lasted until 1948. In 1936 the Palestinians held a six-month General Strike to protest against the confiscation of land and Jewish immigration. In 1939 the British government published a White Paper restricting Jewish immigration and offering independence for Palestine within ten years. This was rejected by the Zionists, who then organized terrorist groups and launched a bloody campaign against the British and the Palestinians. In my opinion the Zionist were the extremists and they still are. THEY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO BE IN PALESTINA!
65. Solution
An observer ,   Canada   (06.28.06)
The only solution is peace and both the Jews and the Palestinians should respect each other’s culture. Now I know that the Jews have not much right to be there but if they are not there then where should they go? I mean the Jews were part of the history of that area, too. This is why the ONLY SOLUTION IS PEACE before this long conflict plunges the whole World into an international war. We also know that Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and Yasser Arafat achieved great peace solutions and for that all of them received the Nobel Peace Price. However Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by his own countryman Yigal Amir an extremist. It is very sad. But these stupid actions are good for nothing but to provoke hatred to destroy the PEACE. From both sides there were and still are terror actions and agressions against each other and that is shameful. As I was reading the replies on this page was shocked about the amount of hatred and stupidity. Shame on you all of the respondents here who responded with hatred with a grin of your face to this news article. JUST THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE PROMOTING AND SUGGESTING!!! Totally inhumane! And there is no excuse for you no matter how much did you suffer that may be the cause of your disrespect to other human beings. The easy and most evil solution is to NUKE THEM and it is all solved. VERY STUPID AND EVIL SOLUTION AS IT WAS VERY STUPID AND EVIL TO NUKE JAPAN TWICE!! After the first Hiroshima bomb Japan did not even know what really just happened but soon after they realized it Japan capitulated but then the Nagasaki bomb was dropped carelessly and needlessly. One nuke power demonstration at a safe area would have saved millions of lives and I bet that Japan would have given up the fight.
66. Wise Men are More Quiet.
michel ,   Paris, FRANCE   (07.08.06)
Ending war may necessitates to act more wisely. This is achievable because spirituality of men is not limited to religious frameworks. Men in Middle East should try to become more wise than moses, mahomed or any other prophets of the past. This is because those religions bring the written violence of the past to the present. What god said to people of the past about peace may and must indeed be surpassed, and we are in capacity to do it.
67. This is a STUNT
Jon ,   London, UK   (08.20.06)
This is a stunt to trick the Israeli public and the world. It's simple. Blame Palestinians for announcing the use of chemical / bio weapons, so the public at home and the world hears that Palestinians made such threats and build a false image that the Palestinians have these deadly weapons - knowing full well they don't even have such capability! What's the point of this strategy? Israel is about to use chemical and biological weapons on the Palestinians. Wait and see. It's only a matter of time.
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