Prize offerred to whoever kills gay person
Neta Sela
Published: 11.07.06, 13:16
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31. # 29
keren ,   sao paulo   (07.11.06)
Well,if you like blood,is your problem not mine. And as you are suggesting me to keep quiet,I feel free to suggest you to stick at Hebrew Ynet site,not this one, written in english and meant for all of us abroad. Shalom,Talula,Shalom!
32. Let's form GAY SELF-DEFENCE units!
Euriel ,   Budapest, Hungary   (07.11.06)
After all this hatred... I think gay people in Israel and in other countries shall form self-defence units to combat religious extremists. It's time to do something in Poland, Iran and Israel!
33. # 27 shiloh
keren ,   sao paulo   (07.11.06)
Yep,it is the Hebrew G'od they follow. The one that commanded:'" a man who lays with another man the same way as with a woman,should be put to death" If you do not accept the Torah,how can you consider your self a Jew,huh? And to cast the responsability of antisemist on Haredim,shows your own incapacity to deal properly with you Jewishness,WHAT IS THE REAL REASON FOR ANTISEMITISM. The day you accept and respect your self as Jew,all the world will respect you. Haredim are your brothers ,whether you like it or not. Keep trying to exterminate them and you will end exterminating YOURSELF!
34. Hilarious
Daivd ,   London   (07.11.06)
Did you see those diagrams? They crack me up! Just think of it, hundreds of chardei men armed with their 'Sutmer Cluppers' (with TWO socks)and 'Shlilsel Spikes' at the ready to confront the marchers. Pandemonium would break loose and the parade would break up with people scattering in all directions within moments. Who needs batons and tear gas when you can have the much cheaper and more effective sutmer cluppers and shlisel specials?
35. To #14 Keren: Isn't that what the Nazis said?
David ,   Karmiel   (07.11.06)
Go somewhere else! They meant extermination of Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and other "Untermenschen". What would you do if your country said to you "go somewhere else"? Israel is the "somewhere else for Jews of all shapes, sizes, cultures, colors, Orthodox and Secular. This country is a democracy with freedom of speech and expression. This is why Israel was founded and anyone who persecutes a Jew is only a Nazi in Haredi Clothes. The “people”, like Nissim Ze’ev, and Gafni, have substituted the Homos for Juden in Juden Raus! If someone is killed in response to the Haredi call, that that person's blood will be on the consciences of these bigots who demand tolerance but refuse others the same.
36. wake up everybody and read the article!!
joshua ,   J-m   (07.11.06)
there are no rabbis signed on the death threat flyers. no sane rabbi no matter how extreme he is would let that be written. also rabbis don't call gay people abamonations, the people are people to them. its the homosexual activities that go on that they call an abamonation.
37. Hanzala
Jane   (07.11.06)
Don't get so excited. Your gays can't even come out of their closets. They come to Israel to even be able to express themselves. And trust me, you have thousands of gays, the most notable of whom was Arafat.
38. Rustumtum my daily does of racisim
Mike ,   Israel   (07.11.06)
You make my day, i dont know what i would do if you dint write in, Why is it that you dont coment of the accidintal kassam that landed on the head of that litle Arab girl, You have nothing usefull to say you type lots of words that mean nothing, you love it here on this site dont you scum?
39. haredi hatred exposed
Terah ,   Montreal   (07.11.06)
such is haredi hatred nakedly exposed. see how they spew in the face of love and tolerance
40. pinchas looks alikes
hanina ,   usa   (07.11.06)
This is not how you pretend to be pinchas. Try again.
41. another thought
joshua ,   J-m   (07.11.06)
any rabbi who knows alittle jewish law wouldn't endorse those letters because: 1.according to jewish law you can not kill someone unless you catch them during the act and warn them in the apropriate way. you can only kill someone after the court of 23 says you can. the pinchas thing was a one time thing to stop all of israel from going too far, we can't do that nowadays. all we can do is pray for help. "U'teshuva U'tiffila U'tzedaka...." please no violence, we beg!!!
42. the alleged leaflet
tom ,   toronto, canada   (07.11.06)
has nobody bothered to read this thing? it is obviously written by someone who is not very good at hebrew - not even at the basic ulpan level - because it's full of spelling and grammatical mistakes. in fact, i would guess that most of the hareidi community speak and write better than that. so, whether or not they agree with it, it's quite doubtful that they actually wrote it. if and when the real perpetrator is caught, we'll be able to discuss (intelligently) what his/her motives are.
43. Which "Leading Rabbis"
The Jew ,   Jerusalem   (07.11.06)
Why is it in this article they quote a specific Meretz councilman in regards to the anti “gay parade” poster, but when it comes to the haredi position they quote some fictitious name haredi? The answer is very simple; because Ynet knows the poster is a fake. There are no signed names, no organizations endorsing the poster. It is not very hard to put up a poster anywhere in Israel. Anyone can simply go to ANY neighborhood and put up a poster whether it is authentic or fictitious. Some people might say that the haredi community/Rabbis won’t comment. This is probably true because why should they waste there time commenting on something every haredi knows is fake. The best part about this article is the feedbacks. The so called accepting seculars seem so extreme against the haredim, even though Ynet offers no evidence that the poster was endorsed by the haredi community. The haredim on the other hand seem to want to distance themselves from the fictitious poster and Ynet? This shows the true nature of the secular.
44. Haredi HYPOCRISY !!!!!
MARK ,   USA   (07.11.06)
Hypocrisy!! The Haredi need to repent!!! Judgement day is near!! Repent!!!
45. # 20 the only sick one is you
gabriela ben ari ,   jerusalem   (07.11.06)
Stupid (or naive) talkbakers who don't see this is a big joke. Not ONE person I know in the hareidi community heard about this "mitzva to kill homos" or had a rabbi of them asking for anything of the like. These flyers were either distributed by Merets and homos themselves in order to make idiots thing hareidim are murderers - or by a sadly sick individual Either case do NOT jump to conclusions, that's YNET's purpose in this article. Be wise
46. '45 - you sad sad sad person
Rustum ,   London, UK   (07.11.06)
Like the emperor's new clothes - you cannot see foul murderous bigotry when it is printed and staring you in the face. So what's new? Your government and army has been killing Palestinians/Jordanians/Egyptians for years, now your religious right-wing will start killing the 'alizim. soon the only person left standing in israel will be Gabrielle Goldwater. Oops - she lives in Geneva. Too fridgidly afraid to step foot in teh "promised land" in case a Haredi kills her for being a lesbian.
47. Haredi do no favors to Israel's image
Jonathon Popphan ,   Atlanta, GA USA   (07.11.06)
I never thought that I would find an enemy in Israel. As a gay American I am appalled by the hate-filled speech on the flyer and coming from the mouth of "Rabbi" Yossef. How can a people who suffered the Holocaust behave in this way? I certainly hope that the Pride celebration goes ahead in Jerusalem without incident, but given the hateful rhetoric of this flyer I do fear that there will be blood shed and possibly loss of life. If this happens then I can tell you my support for the state of Israel will dissipate and I will aggressively lobby my representatives in Congress to cease forthwith any military or other aid to Israel and to pull the US out of any negotiations with the Palestinian Arabs. If Israel wants to become a center of hatred then it can do it on its own time and money. My gay dollars should not be used to support Israel if gay people are not safe to walk the streets for fear of their lives. Israel can also settle the "Palestinian issue" on their own and pay the price with their own blood. Jerusalem is an international city; it is not just important for Jews or Muslims. All citizens of the world have a right to visit Jerusalem and even to protest peacefully.
48. TO #45 gabriela ben ari , jerusalem
MARK ,   USA   (07.11.06)
The Haredi protester who disrupted the Jerusalem Pride Parade last year by stabbing three marchers was no joke. It was an intentional malicious attack. Please do not tell me it was a joke. It was not funny. It was sick. I
49. #29 Talulost
Moshe ,   Very South, Brazil   (07.11.06)
Pay attention to Keren's words you ignorant "homo-israelo-leftie". She said that you would enjoy more Brazil and not only Sao Paulo. To say that Brazil is Sao Paulo or Rio is like saying that Israel is Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is for sure one of the most disgusting cities in the world. People are ignorant, rude, impolite. There are prostitutes and junkies everywhere. The streets are dirty and full of dogs shit and you can't have a decent bit of information from anyone on the streets. Sao Paulo is by far a much more enjoyable and decent city.
50. You say you are true to GOD.
Ben ,   Chicago, USA   (07.11.06)
Yeah, I spelled it out, GOD. It's just a word, and an English one. I'm not spelling out the name of GOD, so don't get in a huff. The Torah, as many other religious documents, is holy and OPEN TO INTERPRETATION. Without doubt, that has been the course of our history, the interpretation. Some things are very clear, DO NOT KILL, LOVE GOD, LOVE EACH OTHER, TIKKUN OLAM. How, I ask, are you healing anything, loving GOD and each other by killing anyone? How can you let your blind bigotry tell you what is really the will of GOD. Just because you believe one way, doesn't mean that everyone else must, INCLUDING YOUR CHILDREN. We are entering into a bold new world, one where our diversity is our strength, not our petty differences. The abortion clinic bombers, the gay bashers, the bigoted and hate-filled hearts have no room anymore in this world. The place for that was 1939 in Germany. Death to those who are different from we are? I think not. We as Jews have a chance to be a light to the nations, to act with dignity and charity. Protest all you want, you have a right to speak your voice, but not to raise arms. Let our voices be a beacon. Gay people aren't going to corrupt your children, they just don't live according your laws. They are YOUR laws, not theirs.
51. Gay Parade
B. Leib ,   NY   (07.11.06)
I am haredi from NY and I have never heard a single Rabbi incite to kill, it is totaly against Torah law to kill. There has to be respect to every human being but they the secular in Israel hate the haredim so much that they don't care on it's citizens feelings. The Gay movement today is pushy and show-in-your-face mentality which is ugly and not "mentchlech". That poster calling for killings is very obvious to Haredim that it is a fake, everyone can put up such posters. Don't blame a whole community for that, that is racism!
52. Ashamed to be jew today
Mike ,   Israel   (07.11.06)
And be linked in anyway to the haradiem, i'm not gay but i will be in Jerusalem to protect the right of the parade. dont get exited Rustumtum i'm extremly proud to be an Israeli.
53. Lame, lame, lame
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (07.11.06)
Geez, people, use your brains for something other than thinking up new ways to insult the haredim. DISCLAIMER: I am NOT HAREDI but no self-respecting haredi would distribute such a totally lame flyer. Cartman is laughing his head off at all of you.
54. #47
I think that you are out of your mind. To begin with, I would just like to say that I too am upset by this call for violence which so closesly resembles jihad. That said, homosexuality is expressly forbidden by the Torah. Rabbi Ovadya Yossef didn't call for violence, but rather just protests. Protesting is every citizen's right if he does it in a non-violent manner. You should realize that the majority of American Jews are against the gay pride parade and that the Israel Lobby is far stronger than the gay lobby will ever be. You (an individual) cannot make a difference in Congress' Israel budget. Furthermore, Israel has never recieved military assistance from another country. Also, you should realize that you are making judgements on a country based on the radical people who doen't even believe that the country should exist. The majority of Israelis probably (idk for sure) oppose the parade but do so in a peaceful manner. I am a religious zionist, not a haredi (if that isn't already clear). I oppose this parade with all my heart, but I am not going to throw stones. I think you should rethink your statements and come up with a more logical stance. It is illogical to say that you no longer support Israel because it has a group of radical religious people living in a separate community and they made a fuss when some non-religious people came and bothered them. Just respect that they want to be left alone. Would it be logical for me to say I hate the US because of Pat Robertson?! Don't use a minority to make judgements about the whole.
55. #27
Yehudah ,   US   (07.11.06)
Actually the G-d of the hebrews speaks against homosexuality. He speaks hating the sin but not hating the person.
56. Losers
WD ,   W. Palm Beach   (07.11.06)
I can't imagine the sort of people who would advocate such a thing. They should be driven from society.
57. Daniel,Karmiel # 35
keren ,   sao paulo   (07.11.06)
David,I meant somewhere else in Israel;Tel Aviv,for example,where the parade would not have such problems as being in Jerusalem. I don't see reason for provocations since the Religious ,in this case ,are right:homosexuality is a sin and it is forbiden according to Jewish law. You ,in Israel,must decide if you want to get rid of Judaism or to keep it. Both together is impossible. I think you should reflect what Israel you desire. It seems to be an espiritual conflict;it is a conflict of self acceptance. Only for illustrating,yesterday I read Katzav is religious, but doesn't wear kipá in public.WHY?????? Well,I know the Israel I desire,and hope this is the one will prevail,other wise,I am afraid, it will be the end of our people. That's what you want? Fine!Follow western values and keep going as any other people in these world. If you don't feel you are HaShem's People ,fine! YOU have to decide. I am not exactly against the parade ,since I know it is a worldwide reality,but I am in favor of step by step,making people understand IT IS WRONG,because IT IS WRONG,PERIOD! Human beings are supposed to procriate and to live in Sacredness,not to live by letting depraved plesures overcome them.We are supposed to choose betwen sacred and profane. It is our choices. I myself prefer to follow the Sacred way-even having commited LOTS of mistakes in my life,LOTS!-because I believe in this way we will start living in another level of Humanity,and only following what is Sacred and respectful we will get there.
58. Ugo in Italy
Jane   (07.11.06)
Congratulations on the World Cup and stay out of Israel's business.
59. Don't try to be God, you Idiots
John ,   NZ   (07.11.06)
Judgement and punishment belongs to the maker above. When we humans try to be God, we becomes.... Talibans! Stone age mentality
60. No, the haredim are NOT innocent this time.
sk ,   USA   (07.11.06)
I will break my bocott of Ynet for this news flash: Ovadiah Yosef himself has called those from elsewhere who attend this march Canaanites and evil people. Shas is not "marginal." Such Canaanites, of course, include gay Jews attending this event. When a Muslim cleric calls for death, I do not read his utterances as if he did not mean what he plainly meant. The Canaanites were ordered by G-d to be expelled/killed by the Jews. The message here is plain enough. Sorry.
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