Lebanese PM thanks Hizbullah for 'sacrifices'
Ali Waked
Published: 30.07.06, 18:53
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77 Talkbacks for this article
BLOURIAP ,   BROOKLYN NY   (07.30.06)
Don't forget, the good ole USA wasn't genteel when it came to saving it's soldiers' lives—witness Hiroshima, etc. There is no proportional response to a terrorist entity. Israel should warn all those in So. Lebanon (let's say 30 miles or so) to get out. Then Israel should either drop "Daisy Cutter" type huge bombs or small-yield Atom Bombs.
62. Prime Minister Nasrallah runs Lebanon
MARK ,   USA   (07.30.06)
A cease-fire with Siniora is worthless. He has no power in his own country. He is as bad as Nasrallah. He is all talk and powerless. He has helped Hizballah to become much more powerful and popular in Lebanon.
63. A Terrorist Is In the Eyes of the Beholder
Rjones ,   Alexandria, VA USA   (07.30.06)
We should all remember that this current "crisis" had its beginning on a beach in Gaza; This was when a Palestinian family was killed by IDF rockets as a young Palestinian girl, the sole family survivor, stood by crying. Hamas retaliated with an attack and kidnapping of an Israeli soldier. The IDF retaliated to this act by attacking and destroying the vital life support infrastructure (electricity, water, etc.)of Gaza, bringing the Palestinians "to their knees". With Palestinians on their knees and this relentless carnage taking place in Gaza, Hizbolla acts in the North to take the pressure off of its brother "freedom fighters" in Gaza. Now, the beat goes on in Lebanon! This repititive cycle of violence is silly and immoral. Are there any adults in the Middle East??
64. Siniora is scared
BS meter ,   Canada   (07.30.06)
Hezbollah has already gone on record saying that, after they've "dealth with Israel," they'll be turning to the "real battle," whch will be to do away with all those in Lebanon who oppose them. Siniora is trying to save his butt. But the truth is also that he has spent the last 6 years, I am sure, fully knowledgeable of the militia infrastructure being built by Hezbollah in the south and doing dick all about it. Now he's trying to walk the line between two sides. Let's hope he falls off hard.
65. Siniora and France
Mark ,   Toronto,Canada   (07.30.06)
Oh, how history repeats itself. In my opinion, Siniora is just another Henri Phillipe Petain. If you can recall, Petain was the leader of theFrench Vichy regime, who decided to help the Nazis with their plan to EXTERMINATE the Jewish race. After the WW 2, Petain was sentenced to death....If we could only be so lucky with Siniora. Oh, by the way, I guess that is why they call Beirut the Paris of the Middle East. I'm a Canadain, born and raised. At my old age of 42, I will tell you all that my nation, has been blessed ten fold by the Jewish race, as opposed to anyone that has come from Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, etc, etc, etc..... Long Live ISREAL!!! Peace?????.....don't think so...!!!
66. Siniora, Senor....Some Lebanese FM you are!
A dirt bag is a dirt bag, is a dirt bag....
67. qana, where are the men
ken ,   mtl canada   (07.31.06)
All the reports I'm seeing or reading relate to the fact that children, woman and elderly were killed. How could men leave this group and go down the street to set off rockets.
68. #28 Mr. Feldman
Mary ,   USA   (07.31.06)
I am reminded that G_d gave two sons to Abraham. Both were promised innumerable decendents but only one was given the Covenant. Isaac. This was a Covenant from G_d Himself to Isaac. God has not forgotten and neither should we, that His love is for Israel. I don't pretend to know just why He is allowing this any more than anyone else, but I do pray that Israeli's bear down and trust Him now. I pray for Tel Aviv's saftey and for the people everywhere to take courage in Him and His Words. His will right now is that Israel depend on Him. Regards, Mary
69. Fuoad Siniora is a total LOSER.
70. OK, Siniora - you made your bed - now lie in it.
Avraham   (07.31.06)
OK, now you've officially sided with Hizbullah. All of the good Lebanese have either fled or been killed by the likes of you scumbags who turn your heads from terror. Then your army fired on Israeli helicopters. I thiink all of Lebanon should be a target now. And Olmert swine gives you guys a 48 cessation of air strikes??? 48 hours should be enough time for non-combatants to leave. I say screw it all - level the whole damned country now.
71. re shai
sue   (07.31.06)
On the contrary Shai, I have know innocent civilians who have been murdered in this war on the Lebanese side , not shiite muslims sunni muslims who have no links with hezbollah. I have been in the company also of hezbollah. (which by the way i do not support or condone) In fact Rafik al Hariri was a great man whom I respected very much. You say I have nothing to teach you? Those are the words of a closed minded person who is not open to reason. I value human life on both sides. As for my comment on hezbollah extremism you will eat your words. I wish I was wrong and it was laughable but unfortunately it isnt. It is not only Hezbollah I speak of it is fanatical muslims all over the world. This not only will spur them on it will create a whole new army of angry young muslim men willing to die in revenge as a martyr. If you and your country has no obligation to the rest of the world you are obviously an arrogant insular and ignorant country I hope your attitude is not representative of your countries, in fact a friend of mine from Isreal is now too ashamed to say she is Israeli or even Jewish. And in terms of me being a half wit due to my comment about the war being in advance. My point was you cretin, the rubbish Israel came out with about those poor israeli soldiers and their families was your governments propaganda to brainwash and stir up hatred in israelis and justify their crimes to the rest of the world. And I am not a supporter of Extremists of anysort or religion but even a "half wit" should see violence breeds violence. Israel has a barbarian gung ho government this is not the way to solve anything. And by the way you will not win because Islamic martyrs will seek revenge on your people for years and years to come. So even if you disarm Hezbollah you will find things will be worse than before.
72. To 71
Shai ,   Israel   (07.31.06)
Watch this film to see whose violence breeds violence, Sue.
73. to 63 Rjones
read this before you make your ridicules accusations :,,2089-2291499,00.html the attack on Israel was planned for 6 years! it had nothing to do with the incident on the beach. further more, the investigation proves that it wasn't Israel who attacked the beach, but a Hamas attack that missed Israel.
74. What Siniora meant was
John ,   NZ   (07.31.06)
thanking Hizbollah for sacrificing Lebanon's women and children as real corpse in shooting of their latest reality TV News
75. #22
Desert Storm Vet ,   SA, TX USA   (07.31.06)
You are FOS! Most of the world has seen the photos of Hezbollah hiding behind innocent civilians while firing missles at Israel. Your "heroes" also construct bunkers beside UN observation areas so they can be hit while Hezbollah plays the "poor innocent victim". As #29 has stated, you're a liar!
76. re shai
sue   (08.01.06)
Any violence breeds violence. On whatever side of the war. Things aren't black and white Shai. I can understand you being patriotic, but if everyone believed in their own countries innocence we would be a world of fools. Now I am sure i could trawl the internet and find a similar propaganda video for you to watch however it would be wasted on you. I am not concerned with "who started it" I am no longer in the playground. I am concerned with civilian loss of life on both sides. I am also concerned this will escalate into something out of control in the west and Israel both your country and USA will be overun with suicide bomber attempts etc, i just do not believe this is a clever move for israel.
77. Mr. Siniora
anyonymous ,   Glendale USA   (08.01.06)
This guy really is responsible for killing his own people and devastating the country of Lebanon. Mr. Siniora is allowing Terrorists groups to control and operate within Lebanon. Mr. Siniora is aligned with the Terrorists groups who do not seek peace and freedom. Mr. Siniora Does Not speak on behalf of the people of Lebanon who seek peace, freedom and choice. If Mr. Siniora had an ounce of Character to his being he would quietly seek out countries who are FREE and who would help him root out the Terrorist groups so one day the Country of Lebanon and her people would TRULY BE FREE... Mr. Siniora, quit aligning yourself and Lebanon with Terrorist Groups. As long as Mr. Siniora allows Terrorists to operate in Lebanon and as long as he does not seek out the help of other Freedom seeking countries, the Lebanese People can continue to expect to be killed and bombed... When this happenes to the People of Lebanon, they can all thank Mr. Siniora for being a spineless jellyfish who would not take a stand for FREEDOM!
78. no hate, listen to the words of a wise arab woman
Bralila ,   earth, no borders   (08.03.06)
Stop the hate. Israeli's don't hate Lebanon, stop believing the brainwashing news you hear that represents only Lebanon's side. Israel has a side too and it is not full of blood thirsty people who want civilians dead. I know for a fact that all Lebanese do not think with so much hate as you do. Both countries need to rise from the hate and stop letting terrorists divide them so they can receive their power while hiding behind civilians. The bloddliest country is Israel? What about Sudan? At least 600,000 people have died there in a Genocide going on right now. Rwanda- another 900,000 in a Genocide. Bosnia- 200,000 in a Genocide. All of these commited by muslims against muslims! Cambodian Genocide 2,000,000 died. 6,000,000 million people died in the Holocaust. Armenian Genocide 1, 500,000. Don't even try to put Israel in the category of the bloddliest of nations. Have you ever read anything about Russia or Japan? What about Germany or even Britain? It is a pathetic brainwashed description by someone who obviously has not seen the other world news going on right now or read history books. Please take a moment to listen to an arab woman with some guts who is willing to stand up for what is right even if it makes life more difficult for her. Click on the link at the bottom. The fact is Hezbollah cares nothing for the Suni, Christian or Druse population- they only care for their fellow Shi'ites- and even then, we must question it- they will gladly take any civilian to shield them (including children) while they blast 200 rockets a day at civilians across the border. The only true supporters of Hezbollah in Lebanon are the Sh'ites. They have consistently stipulated their goal as destroying the jewish state of Israel and wiping it off the map. Sounds like a craving to commit Genocide AGAIN, not caring who else gets killed in the process, including their own people, their own "brothers." To me it seems the finatics among the Shi'ites (note- this doesn't include all Shi'ites) are the most bloodthirsty of any people, seeing as several other terrorist millitias around the world who are so called religious Shi'ites have commited several Genocides, killing millions of people. They too called themselves the resistance while they killed their own muslim brothers and sisters. It's about time everyone understands finatics are finatics and their hate will never end. Stop adding to their hate machine allowing them to conquer and divide us (arabs, muslims, jews). It's one of the best tactics in the book and Hezbollah seems to be the master at it. Stop falling for their bull*hit- both sides!
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