PM launches UJC campaign: This war fought by all Jews
Published: 07.08.06, 20:26
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61. 16
I understand everything you have written and appreciate where it is coming from. Now, you need to remember that Israelis have been fighting a long time, and though amazingly strong and resilient, they are people like any other. People who become angry and have a weak moment from time to time. I think you are blowing things out of proportion as a result of your own guilt feelings about not being there, and your honest concern for Israel, as well as am Israel. However, you are not there and the poster is, so express your understanding & compassion to him and take a deep breath. They need us to be strong not have moments of our own.
62. 21 LIAR
64. 34 U blame the victim not the agressor I SAY GO TO HELL 34
65. The support...
Oren ,   Kailua, Hawaii, USA   (08.08.06)
...stretches all the way to Hawaii. This is a continuation of the fight for Israel's existence.
66. Wrong Olmert
Arik ,   USA   (08.08.06)
You can prosecute your war as you see fit--killing as many civilians as you feel is necessary and dishing out as much collective punishment as you believe is required. Be prepared to accept responsibility for the consequences whatever they may be. You are not fighting in this Jew's name.
67. Foreign Jews blinded by unity...
Stacie ,   Canada   (08.08.06)
If this conflict and the comments on YNET have showed the World anything, it's that foreign Jews are apologist sock puppets who will downplay the worse atrocities and actually cheer for more. It's rather pathetic, one wonders where these people's allegiances are, what happened to their sense of objectivity as foreigners and why they don't take themselves and their radical views to Israel. It has also showed how the USA's current administration is dangerously aligned with Israel.
68. Nikos
Mike ,   Tel Aviv   (08.08.06)
Who will pay for the destruction of Lebanon, you say? The ones who caused it, Hassan Nasrallah and his minions, who hide among civilians and draw fire on them. Yes, I agree, it's a difficult tactic to deal with -- but it has a price. Its price is the destruction of Lebanon. To G-d, I wish we didn't have to do it.
69. Iran, Syria, Leb & Pali's should pay
Truth ,   USA   (08.08.06)
Our money is your money Israel. But the instigators need to pay too! Factor into any cease fire agreement - take your time about it too - Iran, Syria, Leb & Pali world condemnation and financial repayment. Remember Iran guy promised Hez-Leb he'd pay for any of their losses.
USA Truth ,   Israel's our people   (08.08.06)
71. To Sheri, Burbank
Khalil ,   Beirut, Lebanon   (08.08.06)
I dream of a day where Jews & Muslims can live together in peace. I am not here to blame anyone, both sides have suffered.If there were more voices like yourself, then I think we're half way there. I'm outraged by the responses you had speaking your mind. You truly represent the true Jewish way addressing this issue. God bless
72. Chaim, #46
American Jew ,   Manhattan, NY   (08.08.06)
Chaim, all I have to do is change a few words in your post and it could be Ahmadinejad writing. You Zionist nutbags are endangering non-Israeli Jews with your idiotic semi-biblical crap. I have absolutely nothing to do with Israel, and I do not want to, although against my will my government sends you mooches BILLIONS OF DOLLARS A YEAR. Great and mightly Israel -- could you win so much as a boxing match without your welfare check from Uncle Sam?
73. #34 and all other unsupportive JAPS....
HadEnough ,   NYC   (08.08.06)
F*** OFF with your ghetto attitude! For you, New York is a fine ghetto, stay there and shut up and hope you don't meet me on the street. I'll smack you tender as Katz's pastramini and ship you off to a nice quiet vacation on the beaches of Haifa. You fall right into their Achilles heel media tactics head first. Wake up before they jump out of the horse, dummies!
74. Correction to #15
HadEnough ,   NYC   (08.08.06)
This was directed at Marlene #49, but Burbank is pretty swank, too. So you know where you can stick it.
75. Jeremiah #21
Judaism is not zionism, but most every jew is of Israeli blood. It is proven that Jewish people came from Judea and Israel and share dna whether they now reside in London, Ethiopia, or the USA. This doesn't even matter... It's a question of right and wrong! To ask for solidarity from your "family" no matter how far flung, is obvious, not arrogant.
76. This war is not only fought by/for jews, BUT ALL CHRISTIANS
77. 49 We Support Israel & Always Will
78. 50 -
If the Arab world cared about their people none of this would have happened. You are obviously a Jew hater, or you would not have added the "chosen people" moronic comment. What were we chosen for anyway? To be persecuted by Jew haters like you? Well, these days we fight back. ISRAEL WILL LIVE FOREVER. There will be peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us. Golda's truth is still true all these many years latter.
79. Marlene, speak only for yourself, and ANSWER.
AK   (08.08.06)
You have no problem supporting throat-cutting Muslim terrorists, the great moralist that you are.
80. #52 Jeremiah and the ethnic studies
AK   (08.08.06)
Judaism is a religion, not a "people"? you say Judaism is a religion but Jews are ethnic people who have managed to retain their ethnic as well as religious identity throughout the ages whether it was in the Egyptian or Babylonian captivity or Polish or Spanish or Moroccan exile. You don't accept it? Who asks you? The German-Americans don't ask the Israelis whether they recognizes them as an ethnic group. Strange that European and Middle Eastern Jews should share the same DNA, if what ties them is only a religion. But they do share the same DNA, As to whom you support is rather obvious since you consider the word 'Zionism" to be a dirty word.
81. Jeremiah: fighting a bunch of Hizbullah gorilla fighters?
AK   (08.08.06)
Freudian slip?
82. #21. Zionsim is not Judaism?
Laura ,   London   (08.08.06)
too true ...but what stupidity - without Zion there will be no Jews.
83. #16 Dear Flavio
Jennifer Teff ,   Nahariya Israel   (08.08.06)
I totally agree with you. I have family that lives in the US and I was born in the US. It is a personal decision to move to Israel and to stay here. Life here is difficult both financially and with regards to national security. It is hard to be happy here without a strong personal desire and commitment to be here and a feeling of belonging here. Moreover, this is not a commitment that should be imposed upon you by someone else. Only a fool (who perhaps somewhat believes in the fictitious Protocols of the Elders of Zion) could accuse you of not controlling the media. Especially since you also feel that those who are here and risk their fathers, brothers, sons, and daughters in battle and everyone on the home front, are the ones who should decide when and how to battle terrorism, you and I appear to totally agree.
84. #21 52 Jeremiah
Jennifer Teff ,   Nahariya Israel   (08.08.06)
A. While Judaism is a religion, Jews are emphatically a "people". Any child born to a Jewish mother is automatically Jewish and he/she does no confirmation or conversion to be so. However, there have always been those who opted out of Judaism and the Jewish people B. I have no idea what you support. From the time of the Roman's control of Judea until 1948 The Jewish people have "survived" without self-determination. However I do not have to elaborate on the suffering the Jews have endured throughout this period or the dangers Jews faced in Europe in the enlightened 20th century. C. What Olmert (who you obviously didn't vote for from the US) actually said is “This is a war which is fought by all the Israelis. I believe that this is a war fought by all the Jews..." If you don't feel yourself under attack when katyushas, launched by a terrorist organisation who has openly stated as one of their goals as the murder of all Jews, fall on my home in Nahariya , then it appears that you are opting out.
85. 72
Can you not recognize pain and anger when you read it? Why is it only the Jews are not permitted to express their anger? Israel wants peace, has always wanted peace...sadly she must fight for life. She would love to live side by side with her neighbors, be a good neighbor and help them to enjoy a better life as well. The problem is Israel's neighbors don't want a better life; Israel's neighbors want Israel dead. As Golda said, We can forgive them for killing us, but we will never be able to forgive them for forcing us to kill them... and When the Arabs love their children more than they hate us there will be peace. Nothing has changed.
86. In that war the children of P.M. are not involved!!!
Israel! ,   They are safe out of   (08.08.06)
The Heretic ,   Eden in the Making   (08.08.06)
I hope that YHWH or ALLAH or whatever GOD you pray to shows contempt for your pathetic bickering and wretchedness. DO NOT be deceived! This war has nothing to do with muslims, zionists, christians or whatever breed you are, this has all been orchestrated by the third A.C.! The Dark Lord has returned, LOOK NOW upon the suffering and chaos that sweeps throughout Mesopotamia; Wars, Famine, Pestilences, Earthquakes, and False Prophets, these are the beginnings of the Age of Sorrows. And once the U.N and the Ten Countries signs the Peace Covenant, Israel will be DOOMED! The Son of Perdition will ARISE and the Abomination of Desolation will seal your FATE! Millions of Uninformed Christians, Uninformed Jews and Uninformed Muslims will fall into Apostasy! How? Through the A. C’s greatest weapons of mass destruction! HATE AND FEAR are His weapons! And WAR Fuels His appetite! And while this bigotry persists unabated, the Dark Lord continues to sow the seeds of Destruction at the expense of Truth, Trust and Quintessence. And from whence Adam and Eve were created, humanity shall return as DUST and ASH! BE WARNED!!! The Great Tribulation is here!
88. 59, 75, 80, 82 and 84
Jeremiah ,   USA   (08.08.06)
If Judaism is a race, then who can non-Jews convert? You can't "become" Chinese, Slav, etc. But you can become Jewish. As for "without Zion, there would be no Jews," then there were no Jews for 2000 years. But let me be clear, Jews should be free to return to their historic homeland. But it does not follow that there should be a separate Jewish state. One does exist, and to that extent a two state solution is certainly peferable to what exists today. But the optimum solution is a federated bi-national state. Both Jews, Arabs and the world would have been better off had that been adopted in 1947, as was supported by people like Martin Buber. I hope someday it will come to pass.
89. Olmart & Co. version of this war
chaim ,   miami beach usa   (08.08.06)
I for one would do almost anything to help Israel in her time of need, but, and I mean as a precondition of my providing my assistance to Israel, there must be a total change of leadership governing Israel a leadership that has the a greater value for Jewish life then accolades from the likes of Russia, Italy, France, England, UN, NGO’s, and try to appease all liberal bleeding hearts, self hating Jews including personal family members. A leadership that has the courage to announce to the UN, NATO, all Islamic nations, we will continue this war until we receive from Lebanon their total surrender. Otherwise under the current leadership when this instant conflict will abate they are going to ignore the driving force of un satiable hate emanating from all Islamic countries and invite the Islamic forces into rocket range all of Israel as a gift for their idiotic perverse thinking that the more you give the Arabs the less they hate you. Israel to win this and any other Islamic was commenced against you change your leadership as the current government is only allowing their young hero’s to die by their failures and lack of military knowledge in how to fight the Arabs.
90. #88 Hey Jeremiah
Jennifer Teff ,   Nahariya Israel   (08.08.06)
I didn't say "race", Take a look at the book of Ruth where Ruth says to Naomi "...For wherever you go, I will go; wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your G-d my G-d.' " (Ruth 1:14-16). Ruth was joining both a people and a religion. You are embarassing naive if you think that a bi-national state will be good for Jews who live in it. It would immediately be overrun with Arabs from all over the middle east, cease to be democratic and to prosper. At best Jews would be able to leave alive.
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