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Bibi: Iran president more dangerous than Hitler
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 12.09.06, 21:10
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91. What did Jabotinsky do wrong?
Pandora ,   Boston ,MA USA   (09.13.06)
Ze'ev (Vladmir) Jabotinsky was the founder and spiritual leader of Revisionist Zionism. Vladimir Jabotinsky was born in Odessa in 1880, and died in New York in 1940 while working to build up North American Zionism. During his lifetime, he was a journalist, politician, playwright, orator, and visionary. Jabotinsky's major achievements in Israel were the creation of Jewish fighting brigades to join the British war effort in both World Wars. The Zion Mule Corps of 1916-1918 fought during the battle of Galipolli, and the Jewish Brigades joined the anti-Nazi war effort in North Africa. Jabotinsky's revisionism was the root of the Irgun Zvai Leumi militia in Israel from 1943 until the founding of the State of Israel. Later on, members of the Irgun founded various right-wing poitical parties in Israel, which coalesced in 1973 to form the right-of-centre Likud party. The most prominent of the original parties was the Herut party led by Menachem Begin. Jabotinsky is buried on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
92. Lack of COmmon Sense 2nd chance
Iseemtohaveitall ,   boston, ma USA   (09.13.06)
You seem to lack the common sense of a two year old, who the hell cares if wanting to keep nuks out of the hands of madmen is Hypocritical? That as to be stupidest argument against survival I have ever heard. He is by all rational definitions insane, although he is not, and to allow a man who wished to bring on armageddon to have nuclear weapons is so unbelievably easy to understan,m but it still seems to escape your holier than thou arrogance, you in Florida may be the second target, considering the number of Jews living there, I dont' think your arrogance is going to protect you from the madman with a nuke.
93. Shut UP Mike
pandy ,   no, LA USA   (09.14.06)
Mike shut up and quit embarrassing we other Americans who know you are and idiot who has not gotten over the 2000 election and has gone insane because you are unable to deal with reality and have invented an upsidedown world you want us to believe is rightside up
94. Keep Zmerica out of this.
jeff shaner ,   oroville USA   (09.14.06)
Maybe im ignorant to something, but I don't want my family to have to die for your country.
95. Gomer #89
Randy ,   USA   (09.14.06)
I see where you are coming from but again I think you might be missing the point. When we created our first nuclear weapon during WWII, what did we say, we said we hope we would never have to use this weapon in anger, but we did in Japan, it stopped the war and probably saved a lot more lives then it ended, but this was the last time any nuclear weapon has been used. Now what has Iran and the other fanatics said, they say they hope they get the bomb and kill people with it, a totally different view then us. You said if China was 1st it tech warfare and said we can not match their capability, I do not think we would be going around saying "we will do what we want because we want to destroy China". I think we are not comparing apples to apples here, the Middle East has one goal, to conquer the west, our way of life, and if they get the capability, you can bet they will do it.
96. Spinning for Zionism
Sam Korzeniowski ,   Lansing, MI   (09.14.06)
Why does Israel even HAVE nuclear weapons? Don't say "to defend itself." Its a small strip of land, and we don't even know how many nukes they have, as Israel imprisoned the whistleblower for many years, and he's still under watch. Then this political bootstrapping of "disagree with Israeli logic = anti-Semitism = we have to STOP YOU VIA ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Promoting a call to arms, the hater is just as guilty as the hated. Illusory comparisons. Any driver could be a killer if they maliciously hit a pedestrian. Do we lock them all up for a few bad apples? Any country should be allowed to develop resources under its own autonomy. If Iran wants to even admittedly develop weapons, I could care less even if I were next door. They are not pointed at my face. The same logic goes for people who are overzealous with gun control. The US seems to have some more restraint with North Korea, thankfully because they can resist brutish pressure. France has taken on a positive role in not getting involved in politically motivated pissing matches, and it doesn't matter if you have a nuclear facility run by Zionists or radical Islamists. Stating someone will do harm "just in case" is more barbaric. Almost tantamount to an Orwellian thoughtcrime. If you say that Iran can't have any nuclear technology, get rid of Israel's. See how many people get pissed off with that, even though it is empirically fair. "He started it" is preadolescent approach, and no one from the US would want to have another country meddle in its affairs. Banning guns in Britain had a noteable rise in stabbing crimes. So should we ban knives?
97. #50
Bobbi ,   Fort Pierce, USA   (09.14.06)
Go Boy! You are so right. If only they would search their hearts and the Bible they would know. Forgive them father for they know not what they do. Love your sis in Jesus.
98. Gomer #89
Yakran thimes ,   Paris, France   (09.14.06)
Sometimes I wonder where people get their knowledge : Can anybody tell us who is invading who ? Did Palestine invade Israel ? Who invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon the middle east and we all know what for ... I wonder if arabs, not muslims, where to invade Ghana or Kenya what would happen then ???
99. 95. Gomer #89
Yakran Thimes ,   Paris, France   (09.14.06)
Peace, Something else for Mr Randy, did the US bombed, nuked, twice Japan? And who is using Depleted Uranium in the middle East today ???
100. Last Man (nation/people) Standing
Dan ,   USA   (09.14.06)
From a previous post: "What part about total annihilation don't Muslims get? ... will make the Holocaust pale in comparison. An Islamofascist nuclear terror incident will result in two things: (1) A massive nuclear response which will incinerate most Arab cities, and (2) a Judeo-Christian campaign that will methodically exterminate the remaining worldwide Muslim population The only way to avoid this nightmare is for the peaceful Muslim world to awaken and go to war against itself, just as Christian Europeans and Americans had to wage war against Christian Germany and Italy to eradicate the cancer within. " They don't think we have the will, this is what Carter, Carter and the Democrats in Congress are teaching this enemy. They do not understand our American psyche, when we are pushed into a corner. They think we will honestly ask our government officials to become cowards, and turn tail and run. That is what they think, how do we go about convincing them we will react differently when we have so many traitors in our midst??" - Absolutely true - all of the above! Because of the tragic ignorance of the average "muslim mind", they really have no idea of what we (the people of the USA) are capable of. They read our papers & watch some of the liberal news shows (CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc.) and believe they know our tendencies and how we will respond. On 9/11/01, when some of our fellow Americans on flight 93 (the last hijacked plane) learned that the muslims were going to kill them along with flying their plane into another target (the USA Capitol building), they rose up and fought back and took the plane down! It didn't take them long to REACT! I'm just an average, ordinary American - never killed anyone nor would I want to. But... if you think I would hesitate to avenge the killing of my family members or fellow Americans... you have no clue of the "extreme violence" WITHOUT REMORSE that would be visited upon muslims! We would literally "EXTERMINATE THEM WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!" I further predict we would exterminate many/most of the liberals & treasonous politicians & judges, etc. that have further served to weaken & attacked the USA. We had some "terrorists" in our early history here in America - they were called "indians" or now, American Indians. They attacked Americans and killed a few too many. They still exist in limited numbers, but they were almost exterminated and would have been if they hadn't given up their terrorism. There is a Bruce Willis movie called "Last Man Standing" - where he kills all the bad guys & he is basically the last man standing. Think of America as this guy - even if the Jews & Liberals in America & elsewhere surrender, the USA "average guy" like me never will. By the way, our military is pretty much made up of guys like me. Muslims: You have been warned - repeatedly, though I doubt you're wise enough to heed the danger you're in.
101. Israel's nuclear capability
Jack ,   Johannesburg RSA   (09.14.06)
The problem with this thesis is twofold: 1 I fear Israel will be very reluctant to use their unacknowledged arsenal, until its too late. The US will also discourage this. 2 Israel is a tiny land. It wont need many h-bombs to annhilate everybody, including, oddly, the Palestinians! The time to strike is soon, before the insane mullahs get a bomb.
102. Number42: Insolentminx?
Jack ,   Johannesburg RSA   (09.14.06)
Methinks this minx is more cretin than anything else! IDF lost an "armoured division"?? Get real twerp! Israel lost 100+ soldiers, a division is 5000-10000! This comment displays the depth of ignorance of the writer, nothing more. Better believe the IDF can exterminate Hezbollah! But the world wouldnt like what it would to Lebanon! Those cowards hide among civilians. So Lebanese civilian casualties would be astronomical. Thats the problem, not the IDF.
103. number 47?? J Blair?
Jack ,   Johannesburg RSA   (09.14.06)
I pity people like you, I really do! You are a victim of the leftists in the US media, like CBS. Remember Dan Rather getting fired for reporting lies? Truth is Pres Bush is a good man, with solid principles and unswerving determination to protect his nation. Unlike Clinton, who was more interested in Lewinski's pudenda then defending America!
104. Number 99.......
Jack ,   Johannesburg RSA   (09.14.06)
Yes, and the US was quite right to nuke the fascist Japan of the 1940's too! Like mad dogs they were, curiously similar to Iran! As for depleted uranium shells, wise up! All the major powers use it, because of its density and penetrativeness. But its not radioactive to any degree.
105. Yakran Thimes , Paris, France
Pandy ,   NO, LA   (09.14.06)
We saved the world from fascism in WWII and we rescued your butts from Hitler and you, whose countrymen didnt fight then and wont fight now, have the nerve to criticize th US. You are a joke and are dismissed as easily. We, in America, don't care what Europe thinks anymore,or the world, we care about our safety.
106. Its time to take a stand against Radical Islam
Mark ,   USA   (09.14.06)
Its time to take a stand against Radical Islam before its to late.Its either us or them. Islam's fundemental teaching is to kill all who don't believe. When will people realize that you can not negotiate with someone who is willing to die for their cuase. I enjoyed the article and agree with the writer.
107. Amen, Dan
Miranda ,   NO, La   (09.14.06)
They don't think that we have the will, I am an average American, and yes I can think of more horror to visit upon these monsters they think we are capable - the Japanese learned they had awoken a sleeping tiger - to late for their own sake. Unfortunately the Islamic fascists still do not understand what they have loosened upon themselves.
108. Last Man (nation/people) Standing
Yakran Thimes ,   Paris, France   (09.14.06)
My poor friend, you have no idea or even noticed the USA financial state, you should keep up to date with your futur before thinking doing anything stupid against any of your muslim enemies, as they hold the Oil... Imagine how much you will have to spend if we have a new war over there, with your tax-money, do you really think mighty america will stand long ??? How much can you afford and how long do you think, being the corrupted world cop, your economy will last
109. Yakran thimes , Ungrateful louse
Miranda ,   NO, La   (09.14.06)
Can anybody tell us who is invading who ? Did Palestine invade Israel ? Yes Mr France, they did invade Israel, because no one lived in Israel, before we came in 1948, it was used by Bedouins, many traveled through, but did not settle. Suddenly the Jews decide to settle and the Bedouins become Palestinians and scream foul --------- what a joke you are, like your spineless politicians.
110. Yakran Thimes, our financial situation
Miranda ,   NO, La   (09.14.06)
Your ignorance, your pseudo-European arrogance, belies your stupidity and lack of understanding of economics, we may hurt, we have hurt before, but you show no knowledge of economics forces and the free-enterprise system -- oh by the way , does Iran refine her own oil???
111. isreal & terrorism
charles ,   red, USA   (09.14.06)
it is time for the USA to take a solid stand starting with our borders. We must close them to survive. not only that but we must, if we are unwilling to do it ourselves, use our veto whenever the UN tries to stop Isreal when they are killing the enemy. We must also help the organizations within Iran whose goal is to overthrow the government. we must help cause a civil war in that country. Finally, our ally, Japan, must be armed to help us deal with the North korean threat.
112. WHAT?!!!!!!
David Lee ,   Seymour, Tn USA   (09.14.06)
Benjamin Netanyahu is right,,,, Seeing that Hitler is dead,,,,, anyone is more dangerous than he is. What a bunch of hippocrites. Maybe Iran thinks it needs nuclear weapons as a deterent against Israels, Americans, Frances, India's Pakistan's, Chinas, Russias, North Koreas and others nuclear weapons. And as he said; "The free world, when faced with fanatical ideologies, and when it understood the danger, eventually used its power to remove the danger. It won in the war against Nazism and communism in the Cold War..... Sure it did. If it had,, ah, only if it had.
113. #40 and #59
John ,   College Park USA   (09.14.06)
How can Israel hope to survive these attitudes? Granted Hizbulla, Iran, and the rest are the worst of the worst. But we're talking about a country the size of New Jersey with 6 million people, surrounded by a billion Muslims dedicated to Jewish annihilation. What do we do?... kill them all?... don't think we can or even want to. Do we trust the Christian right in USA?... they want the apocalypse so everyone gets killed...including Jews. Lebanon war and the Iraq war proved that the military solution is unviable and unpredictable. Yes pryvateer, the whole situation has been upfront and personal to me for more than 35 years, the strategy you lay out is unachieveable, and even if it were, at what cost? PS learn to spell... it's ISRAEL not Isreal. Phyllis, it's a tough situation, but all that Lebanon proved is that war can be conducted so stupidly and to make it your position much worse than when you started. Did you call me a traitor? Shame on YOU! You need to do a little research and take another look at the oil spill, it couldn't have been worse, and it was sour grapes, no strategic interest there. The conduct of the Lebanon war and the outcome couldn't have been worse... And this was supposed to be the demo and selling point for a US war with Iran? God help us all. I say we need to pull back from the "brink' attitude and find the political solution.
114. John - no politial solution is possible
Phyllis ,   Cleveland, OH USA   (09.14.06)
John how do you deal with people who want us dead and don't care who they take with them to do it? They are more in love with deat than life how do we make a deal with people who think lying to us is OK, because it is done in the name of Islam -- nothing they say is reliable and cannot be trusted, these are not western politicians. the concept of detente is foolish and stupid of us to believe them. We must be willing to go to the brink and use nukes if that is what it takes to keep nukes from this nutjob and protect our civilization from 7th century barbarism. Giving them any "comfort" by not realizing this is a war like WWII and we are fighting that king of evil is traitorous. If you do less than that in the end it is traitorous.
115. Are you afraid to give your life for our way of life??
Miranda ,   NO, LA USA   (09.14.06)
John are you so afraid to do what is right, that you would live under Islamic fascism. That will be your choice if things are run the way you want. You are denying the reality of the world right now.
116. cogent
monk ,   canoga park USA   (09.14.06)
so you're saying I should go into the coffin business?
117. Netanyahu is right
Vern ,   Sedro Woolley WA.   (09.14.06)
MAD is of no consequence to muslims. They love death. No doubt, they would like see the entire population of the world dead or converted to Islam. Not only would they kill me, they will kill my wife, my children and grandchildren.
118. cogent?
Miranda ,   NO, LA USA   (09.14.06)
What makes you think they are going to let you live??
119. #98 and 99 Yakran Thimes
Randy ,   USA   (09.14.06)
Like I said in my last post, yes we did bomb Japan, with the Atom Bomb. Again I also said it saved a lot of people, could you imagine if we had to invade the island of Japan? Remember Japan got us in the war, they did very cruel and hiduos things to the the people in the Phillipines, and every other country THEY invaded. Do you remember Pearl Harbor??? Do you remember they were on Hitlers side, one of the most evil person to ever live. You should look at your own history there in France, if it was not for the USA you would be speaking German right now. Also you asked if Palestine invaded Israel, well this is Israels land, after WWII Jordan, Egypt, Syria all could have took in the Palestinan people, but what did they do, they rejected their own people, now you tell me where do you get your knowledge.
120. This is sad
Tom ,   Evergreen, USA   (09.14.06)
All the consant hate, rhetoric, history lessons, BS and other wasted effort has done nothing. It would seem to take a miracle to have ideas or progress in this debate. Granted, I don't have any to offer either, but here are some thoughts. I am neither pro-israel or pro-palestian. However... How do you think the palastinians/fanatical arabs look to me when they embrace death and celebrate it even when it is caused by and includes their own? How do you think the israelis look to me when I see them continually try to obtain peace with an enemy that openly calls for their extermination? Here in the US, an attack killed several people on 9/11 by people who hated us in the name of a supposedly peaceful religion. Our economy, people, government and way of life are still kicking. The aims of those that attempt to hurt us ended up hurting them more. What is going to happen when a beginning nuclear program from a radical state hurts israel. How will the US feel when they see that on the TV. My fear is that those fanatical governments will have forgotten that "Super Power" does not mean a prominent seat at the UN, but it means a country that is powerful in many ways. And so they will probably begin the next world war. All of this effort could be devoted to the advancement of civilizations and prosperity. But no, fanatics will again cause the death of millions. It will probably end up being more of their own. Those that attempt to harness something should have to work at it so hard that they respect it when they finally acheive it.
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