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Bibi: Iran president more dangerous than Hitler
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 12.09.06, 21:10
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121. Tom
Vern ,   Sedro Woolley   (09.14.06)
Given the circumstances I can understand why some would think as you do. Fatalism of this sort is quite depressing. However, I think, it could happen that the civilized world may yet awaken to the true dangers of Islam and respond accordingly.
122. I hope you are right!
Tom ,   Evergreen,CO   (09.14.06)
I hope you are right!
123. Miranda , NO, La (09.14.06)
Yakran ,   Paris, France   (09.14.06)
Hello Miranda, Does Chine refines their oil they get from Iran, or maybe you know so much that the USA refines GAZ as well, do they ? Forget about Russia and some others who may have do few things without the US, thank G-D. No offense but you are on the verge of collapse study you own numbers... We may be a lot of things in europe, but where do you come from, did you invade those poor Indian terrosists, or you had a green card to start up, silly me
124. #98 and 99 Yakran Thimes
Yakran ,   Paris, France   (09.14.06)
By invasion, I meant we live on a small planet and every land was invaded at some point, instead of acting like brothers, what we are as human beings, we carry on killing each other, may I remind you that jew lived in Palestine with those bedouins, mentioned by miranda, in harmony, until the terrorist act commited in that british hotel killing a few britons, shot memory is does not help, I do not excuse any form of terrorist act, especially against innocent civilians, women and children, and jews should be the first to condemn Isreal about it's blind killings, so should the Arab world about innocent jews or any other origin. We will fuel hatred with hatred. Keep on making enemies and we are paying for it. I do not want my own to suffer for your mistakes, paid for with american tax money.
125. War on Terror
Bubba's Pravda ,   Atlanta, GA USA   (09.14.06)
You know, the MSM and Moonbat parade are willfully ignorant of the wrath that "pure" Islam is spreading across the globe. They refuse to see. I hear conservative leaders say that another attack is what is needed to embolden the American public. I unfortunately disagree. 9/11 was and is an immense tragedy. Something that goes beyond the very worst nightmares any American had on 9/10/01. Pain. Suffering. Rage. The War on Terror had begun. But America's habits of watching football, reading magazines, and anything other than being engaged as a citizen quickly took back over. We lost focus as a nation. This problem of non-participation by John and Jane Q. Public is the very reason another attack would only galvanize the public a little while longer. Meanwhile, the Islamic "purists" keep planning, waiting, and acting. Over and Over. The MSM is part of American thought. I wish I could have faith in America as a country to endure and fight. I CERTAINLY DO HAVE faith in our soldiers. But America is drifting slowly to the left. Even 9/11 has not redirected the nation as a whole. Unless there is a major change in the collective psyche, which is produced by what people focus on, which is predominately the MSM in all its forms, I cannot see a final victory. We almost elected Gore. We almost elected Kerry. We are very close to electing Hillary. These politicians should not have a prayer if the public was awake and paying attention. But, we keep on keeping on. We loose focus. The terrorists will never loose focus. Unless things change, I am afraid that when the vast majority of Americans wake up from the stupor they seem to be in, we will be in a very different world. Bubba's Pravda
126. Yakran - a question
Miranda ,   NO, LA USA   (09.14.06)
...jews should be the first to condemn Isreal about it's blind killings, ... I will ignore the spelling typo, but when is Israel guilty of "blind killings?" I am not saying it never happened, but which are you speaking of specifically??
127. #124
Randy ,   USA   (09.14.06)
You keep mentioning what the Jews in Israel are doing, like its blind killings. Israel is living in its own land peacefully, other groups are trying to kill them, not just kill a few, they want them totally gone forever. Did you ever hear the Jews say "lets wipe all Muslim people off the face of the Earth". Lets say the USA leaves the Middle East and Israel is destroyed (which it never will be), do you really think the radical Muslims will be happy and content, no! They will continue until they rule the world. Like I wrote before, this is good against evil. Yes we should all act like brothers, but that will not happen the way things are right now. Evil has been trying to destroy mankind since day one. Think of it this way, true Christians preach peace (God), Islam preaches hatred (Satan). I am just glad my country and Israel is not giving up, good will win at the end.
128. Yakran - another thought
Miranda ,   NO, La USA   (09.14.06)
Were the attacks of 9-11, attacks on innocent people? or are we guilty because we are who we are? Was the attack and kidnapping of American's at our own embassey in Tehran in 1979, warranted? When did the threat to us start? Many will say September 11, 2001. The honest answer is 1979. Tewnty two years prior to September 2001, with the following series attacks on us: 1. Iran Embassy Hostages, 1979 2. Beirut, Lebanon Embassy 1983 3. Beirut, Lebanon Marine Barracks 1983 4. Lockerbie, Scotland Pan-Am flight to New York - 1988 5. First New York World Trade Center attack -1993 6. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia - Khobar Towers - Military complex 1996 Nairobi, Kenya US Embassy 1998 7. Dares Salaam - Tanzania US Embassy 1998; 8. Aden, Yemen - USS Cole 2000 and finally - New York World Trade Center and US Pentagon - Sept 11, 2001 Did we really deserve all these attacks and, did we respond with the intensity that was deserved?? NO, not until the 9-11 attack, we did not want to see a series of envents . We wanted to see another isolated incident. We must keep any facet of Islamic fascism from having nuclear weapons, whether they admit being united or not. Now Ahmadinajad says that he and the other countries meeting in Havanna, aligning themselves against western civilization and the US, "We believe that on the basis of law and justice, we can better lead the world.” Do you want his type of law and justice ruling the world??? He is serious about establishing an Islamic caliphate throughout the world and that would send us back to the 7th century and western civilization and any advancements we have made would be exterminated.
129. #125 Bubba's
Ran ,   USA   (09.14.06)
Very good post! I am so afraid that our next election that someone like Hillary or someone else from the far left will be elected. That would be a nightmare not only for the USA, but also for Israel. They will make us ignore the problems, then one day we wake up and the Muslims are in comtrol, taking over the Goverment, making us live the way thay want, no more freedom. If you dont agree with them, you die. America was founded on the prinicipals of God. In God we trust, pretty soon if the Demecrats have their way everything pertianing the the prinicipals of this great country will be gone, heck we dont even need the Muslims over here, our Goverment will do it for them!
130. post #129
pryvateer ,   United States   (09.14.06)
The United States is very close to surrendering, it appears we will elect the political party of cowardice - the Democrat's. I am not (and have never voted) Republican but the Democrat's world view has no basis in reality. If only the Republican's were competent or the United States had a third option.
131. #19, Joshua, USA
CLINT ,   Cobra, UT USA   (09.14.06)
Joshua, since you have chosen to no longer particpate because you realize that all you believed in the past are lies, I congratulate you on your silent tongue that is no longer spewing lies upon us all as you hit that submit button.
132. for the deluded
pryvateer ,   United States   (09.14.06)
if you have any doubts about the intentions of radical islam or whether they see us as the enemy, check this out:
133. Run Up
Mike ,   U.S.   (09.14.06)
All of this propaganda on an Iran that has Hitler running it and we are heading for a war of civilizations is just propaganda so attacking more places in the Middle East will seem justified. All of this stuff was written about a long time ago and planned a long time ago. Iraq then Iran all in an effort to secure Israel which does nothing but piss off the world. In fact, folks in the Pentagon are currently fighting the Neocons who want to Nuke Iran. Inside the Pentagon folks are pissed at how the Neocons drummed up false intel to attack Iraq so they are being hesitant this time. Even the CIA said Iran is not really close to having everything set up to have a serious nuke weapon. In the U.S our gov has been taken over by folks who are serving their interest at the behest of the rest of us who could care less about this. Don't buy into the world is on the verge of a major war and the U.S will be nuked by Iran that is all garbage. The intel analysts in the Pentagon also refuse to connect all so called terrorist attacks that happen across the globe as meaning we are at war with all Muslim folks. There is no evidence to link them together. Make no mistake about it the senior Bush admininistration officials, in other words Zionists or Neocons, are making a huge push to attack Iran before their puppet head Bush leaves office. They have guys like Kissinger and the like here in the U.S and in Israel who are standing on their soap boxes screaming the sky is falling to try and get the dopes to go along with them. Russia, China and Europe are not buying this garbage and neither are most of the folks in the U.S. and that is pissing them off. They will continue to push until they get what they want and that is to attack Iran. How many more U.S. kids have to die in Iraq and the Middle East so a few folks can have Israel secured. Israel should understand that if they changed their behavior they would have security. But, at this point I believe their mental illness in believing everyone is out the get them will prevent that. Get ready for a big blast at some point and then we will all get to see how this will not really change anything....only cost hundreds of thousands their lives.
134. Pandy...I don't blame you
Mike ,   U.S.   (09.14.06)
Pandy I don't really blame you for your ignorance. You are just another person in the U.S. who has been manipulated by the media. If you would check things out and do some research I believe you would see things more clearly. Of course, this would cause cognitive dissonance which is why so many people hold on to the notion that everything our gov says is right and we should believe all authority figures etc. Just do your homework and stop listening to the garbage they put out in the media the information is all out there for you to see.....
135. Real Enemy
Mike ,   U.S.   (09.14.06)
Islam does not see the people in the U.S. as the enemy, only the gov that is controlled by Neocons hell bent on securing Israel. Don't believe the propaganda. Israel has been killing innocent folks for a long time and occupying countries while hiding behind the U.S which they also control. Islam sees this and understands this so they lump the U.S. as an enemy along with Israel. They do not hate the people or the freedoms we enjoy. Just ask a few Arab folks who live in the U.S about this and they will agree. The drums of the war machine will always try to link together that Islam or whatever enemy they choose wants us all killed. This is done to get support so they can attack who they want to attack. That is not the case...check your facts. Ask yourself this, if we weree controlled by another country that killed innocent folks along with children and basically denied us any freedoms would you not become a so called terrorist or insurgent???
136. #135 - Mike - you're delusional
If you have any courage to challenge your preconceived belief's or curosity of why your intellectual adversaries oppose you, check out this website: Otherwise you are just another member of the left who lives life by the maximum "don't confuse me with the facts"
137. #135 - Mike
Bubba's Pravda ,   Atlanta, GA USA   (09.14.06)
Instead of reading your own propaganda. Read history beyond the past two decades. Maybe you will learn something. Also, read the Quran and Hadith and Sura. You may learn more. The Quran is a progressive "revelation". Hence, purists follow the more recent teachings in the Quran. Bubba's Pravda
138. Atlanta
Mike ,   U.S.   (09.14.06)
anyone who uses youtube as its source is not an intellectual adversary. also who said i am a member of the left i never said that you labeled me that as that is what your type does. believe what you will time will tell. if you need to believe in a boogey man to sleep better at night then by all means do so...
139. Sweet Liberty Bubba
Mike ,   U.S.   (09.14.06)
check out bubba. I have read the Quran it is only a book. We are dealing with life events now not stuff in the past...
140. Mike??????
Randy ,   USA   (09.14.06)
I hate to see people of this great nation not see the real threat here. You are actually buying the propaganda of the Middle East. That is so unfortunate. Israel is the victim here, not the Muslims. Do you forgot how the Hizbolla fought; did you forget how they hide behind "innocent" people, their own country men? Did you forget the rockets being fired at innocent people in Israel? Did you forget the past wars with Israel, did Israel start them, no, did Israel do anything to prompt those wars, no. Now is Israel and the US perfect, no, but do we threaten to wipe nations off the face of the earth, I don’t mean to go to war with them, but kill everyone in that nation, even innocents? Why is it we do not attack North Korea, because the Cold War methodology stands with them, they do not want to be wiped out, mutually assured destruction. Iran and several Middle Eastern Nations could care a less about their own country men dieing for the cause, they want death. What is that cause, read the Koran, it says anyone who does not convert to Islam shall die, no choice, kill all who do not believe, there is so much hatred in that book, it is not a peaceful religion, just look at the laws in Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc…... It is all about religion, it is all about a false belief that gets pushed down there throats from a young age, now talk about propaganda! Now does Iran have a working nuclear warhead, I do not know, but just think about when they do? Are we going to attack Iran, again I do not know, but what should be done, let them go on their merry way and just hope President Iamanutjob is just joking with us? What a terrifying thought of a Radical Muslim country having the most destructive weapon known to man. You think 9/11 was bad, just think what a nuclear device would do to Manhattan, Chicago, LA……. Would that change your view on this????? The real enemy, well, I think you should spend some time in the Middle East, I think that would change your thoughts.
141. Randy
Mike ,   U.S.   (09.14.06)
where in the Koran does it state that anyone who does not convert shall die? You are interpretating that wrong, also believing that there is so much hatred in that book is buying into our propaganda machine. The Koran is not about hatred that is what has been spoon fed to us in the West. Ask an Arabic person that lives here if that is the case. Israel has killed more Muslim children than Muslims have killed Israeli's. That says something to me. Look up the numbers they are there but not in our mainstream media. Israel almost kills daily and most of them are innocent folks. I can understand why Iran is sick of their garbage. The rest of the world laughs at how biased our media is and they have a better understaning of how things work over there. We are fed lies in order to support the agendas. If Israel would live behind the agreed to borders and the U.S would help the Palestinians I truely believe Iran would not attack anybody. I don't think you have a good understanding of the way things really work in the middle east and just how badly the U.S and or Israel have wreaked havoc over there. Much of what we see is blow back. You are buying into the rhetoric. Check out this article today from the Washington Post.
142. #139 - Mike
Bubba's Pravda ,   Atlanta, GA USA   (09.14.06)
That "stuff in the past" actually has meaning. To confine it to the "dust bin of history" is the equivalent of the ostrich sticking its head in the ground. The heat in the Middle East is centuries old. Ask you average Muslim in the Middle East if history is important. Your statements may sound good and "nuanced" to your buddies, but they don't change history.
143. Mike
Randy ,   USA   (09.14.06)
I am not into "our" propaganda machine, I research, I make up my own mind, I make my own intelligent decisions. The Koran is filled with hatred for anyone who does not believe in their form of false teachings. Sure our media is biased, but check the media in Iran, talk about biased! I have a great understanding on how the Middle East works, we saw that on 9/11, we see that everyday on the news, just think about how biased the media was when they covered the Israel/Lebanon war, they very rarely mentioned the rockets that killed so many people in Israel, all they showed was how terrible it was that Israel killed innocent civilians, guess what, the Hizbolla were the ones hiding within the civilian areas, wanting Israel to attack them so they could say, look what Israel did, they killed women and children, well that will happen when those cowards hide behind those women and children. Here are some verses for you from the Koran: “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. This is because they acted adversely to Allah and his messenger” (Koran 8:12)" "And fight with them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah (8:39) " " O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil). (9:123) " "When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet transgress; so that Allah's word is proved true against them: then we destroy them utterly. How many generations have we destroyed after Noah? And enough is thy Lord to note and see the Sins of his servants (Koran 17:16-17)" "The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is : Execution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land (Koran 5:33)" Now you tell me where the love is?????
144. To Randy
Asem ,   USA   (09.15.06)
What are you talking about good and evil.. you sound just like binladen he said that same think as you do so you are just like him man ... that is what I call fanatic.. you are a fanatic just like the rest of them you need to be open mineded please man don't be a fanatic be a human just a human look at it from a human point who has givein the right to say who is good and who is evil... ok When isarel started they said that there god gave that land to them .. but my GOD said he gave it to me so who's GOD are we going to believe mine or theres .. Also Idid know that GOD was a real state agent!!!!!! OK .. Also God did not promise that land to the JEWS he promised that land to the ISRAELITES the ISRAELITES were not JEWS.. Then God promiesd that land to ABRAHAM KIDS wich are ISHMAEL and ISSAC Isaac had one son name Jacoub how had 12 kids with came out them the 12 trips one of these trips became a jewish becouse one of Jacbs kids name was JUDDAS.. ,.the 2nd son of Ibbrahm was ISMAEL that is were the 12 Arabic trips came from also .. so in that regared the arabs have the same right as the JEWS in PALESTINE ...One more think GOD promiesd that JEWS to LIVE in palestine NOT to contorl or INVADE or OCUPIE
Asem ,   USA   (09.15.06)
Randy you gave exampleas about the verses from the Koran in those verses show where it did say the JEWS or the Christians... it says about the unbelievers and who disbelieve those are not the JEWS or the Christians .. becouse you are so smart you are taking things out of context.. You see in ISALM the JEWS and Christians are consederd believers the person who dose not believe in GOD at all are consedred unbelievers becouse they don't believe at all those verses do NOT TALK ABOUT THE JEWS or the Christians.. you are so SMART that you remind me the KKK who say that in the Bible there are some verses say that we have to kill all the blacks and the Jews and that GOD is going toi send some wilde beasts to kill them come on man use your brain please I am not asing much from you
146. #138 - Mike
pryvateer ,   United States   (09.15.06)
Mike you are rght - I should not have labeled you, I should allow you to do that. However you are just as guilty - "that is what your type does". As for the comment on "youtube", obviously you didn't check it out. It is a South African produced documentary that s trying to find distribution in politically correct America. It is a collection of broadcasts and speeches in native languages (Arabic, Farsii, etc.) from those individuals highlighted in this thread - in other words - in their words. As for sleeping at night, I find reality hardly a boogey man. Did you just label yourself?
147. #144 Asem
Randy ,   USA   (09.15.06)
I am not a fanactic; I really hope you can tell the difference between good and evil. Was 9/11 good????? Do not even think about putting me in the same category as Bin Laden! My God is the true God, their God is Satan, I can not see how anyone can not realize that. Even though I do not agree with their religion, you will not see me go over there and try to kill them. Another thing I am not going on TV saying I am going to kill people because I don’t like them, or do not share the same belief, a fanatic like Bin Laden does. You obviously do not know your Biblical History about the land of Israel. So do not pretend to know anything about the Bible. You also comment about the verses I shared from the Koran, sure it does not say Jews or Christians, but the Jews and Christians do not believe in their Allah. That makes them unbelievers. I am not going to go down to the level you put yourself down to, come on now, the KKK, unbelievable, you just lost my interest. God bless you.
148. For my dear Miranda
Yakran ,   Paris, France   (09.15.06)
Ma chere Miranda, Please, pretty please with sugar on the top, have a look here : After that you will come to me to learn some french... sorry for ze typo
149. The KORAN
Yakran ,   Paris   (09.15.06)
Mr Randy i stumbeled on this quote from the book you keep mentioning: Quran 5:69 says (Arberry): "Surely they that believe, and those of Jewry, and the Christians, and those Sabeaans, whoso believes in God and the Last Day, and works righteousness--their wage waits them with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow." In other words, the Quran promises Christians and Jews along with Muslims that if they have faith and works, they need have no fear in the afterlife. It is not saying that non-Muslims go to hell-- quite the opposite.
150. who did what - #128
Yakran ,   Paris, FR   (09.15.06)
Maybe you did not know about what zionism can do to it's friends, let alone it's enemy, please visit :
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