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Expert: No peace with Muslims, ever
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 14.09.06, 16:38
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182 Talkbacks for this article
91. Murad, USA #79
steve ,   USA   (09.15.06)
Murad, I don't know if you can hear radio talk show host, Micahael Savage in your part of the U.S. You know what he would say to you? "GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY!" GET OUT OF HERE!"
92. Mike of Israel
Mike ,   U.S.   (09.15.06)
Mike, do you really believe that Israel as a nation does nothing wrong and yet all these Muslims want to murder all of the Israeli's? Israel must own up to their part in all of this. Israel has been responsible for mass killings of Arabs/Muslims. In fact killings happen almost every day. I get so sick of hearing Israeli's and or Jewish folks who act like they do nothing wrong and then cannot understand the hatred directed at them. Come on man see past that and look at the behavior that has led up to this. There is some type of mental illness that has set in the Israeli gov that fears everyone is out to get them yet they cannot understand why. It is their behavior plain and simple. If Israel would stop killing innocent folks and start living behind the agreed to borders this would die down. But no, that never happens. Imagine if the U.S gave the Palestinians billions of dollars in aid as they do to Israel and helped them out with building infrastructure etc. Do you think this would have an enormous effect? I think if this were to happen everything would calm down. Currently the U.S. in controlled by knuckleheads who only want to support Israel. But if they stopped giving piddly money to the Palestinians as they do now, and actually worked with them to help them out instead of giving false pretenses things would change. A small amount of money is given now and I know the response will be that the money is used for terrorist activities. But couldn't the same thing be said of Israel who gets a tremendous amount more of money. They use that money to buy advanced military equipment to kill folks. The bottom line is that things must change and I see it as they must change in Israel's side first as they have the most power.....Please for everyone stop acting like Israel does not do anything to cause this hatret the rest of the planet knows this to be untrue....
93. #79 Linda #71 Steve
Merlin ,   USA   (09.15.06)
#17 Steve, USA is our country as much as yours as long as we pay our taxes and obey the law, it is our country. if you are not happy that we are here, you are welcome leave to the north or better yet to the south. you better learn to live with it. #79 Linda, I know what you stand for I have been following your tiresome posts. Please don't try to convert Jesus by saying he practiced Judaism. (Technically he did because all religions come from the same root Torah, Bible and Quran but he was not Judaic in the sense that you claim becasue you don't even accept him as a prophet let alone as a son of God. My Jewish co-workers call him imposter and mock at him and the religion he brought, so please do not even pretend while Muslims can not call his name without parying peace on him) Everyone know both Torah and Bible are altered and they are ALL word of God. Word man of had been included in them. Bible is more like chronicles and diary of Jesus as it stands now. Otherwise how would there be some many Bibles. Now I call it so many but it was many more before Romans decided number should be reduced to reasonable amount as it was impossible follow them all and they severely contradicted each other. But muslims are still expected to respect as there are still words of God left in both Bibles. In terms of Torah ask your scholars if there were any parts taken out of original Torah, parts that are pointing one last prophet and where he was going to come from. Look In Islam we are all REQUIRED to respect both Bible and Torah and all the prophets of Jews or non-Jews or we unbecome muslim. That is proof enough for the roots all these religions. We even respect your prophets more than you do, we don't think they furnicated or sinned or palyed games against their own people to steal their viwes like you do towards King David, or we don't think they practiced sodomy or got drunk and had sex with their daughters, you would know what I am referring if you ever read them. I am not even going to say what a new breed of slanderers among Jews have to say about Jesus, I find it disrectful even to write what THEY say. We keep all of them as innocent and respect them as any other prophet. I suggest you keep an open mind and get a Qoran and compare it wiht your books and you will be shocked to find out how much similarities there are. Of course that is not an easy task as we are all slaves of our habits. And more importantly, hate and prejudice is not an easy thing to give up.
A.K ,   DXB   (09.15.06)
Im not a Babylonian , my garndparents settled in iraq during WWI they came from the soviet union, but i loooove the babyonian culture, and i think that educated and civilized arabs are ok but the rest have to go, they are too evil and violent and there is so much negative karma there. are you a hizbollah guy or something , coz you be jealous
a.k ,   Baghdad   (09.15.06)
which other site? send me the link hope it wont blow up LOL
96. To Tayfun
StevieT ,   USA   (09.15.06)
Since this article talks of no peace ever between Muslims and others you are a bit off the track. But I will answer you anyway. The Christian "Bible" is really two books, the first of which happens to be the Jewish bible. It is in this work that the Christians find proof of the historical existence of Israel. Their "Old testament" does not have any references to the Moslem faith. But before you wrestle with that concept. See if you are on the side of reconciliation of the faiths or in the horrible confrontations we face.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.15.06)
Jesus Christ, the Israeli Jew practiced Judaism and taught from the Hebrew Bible. Jesus always OBEYED G-D's Laws as: "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER" The eternal, all-knowing G-D WHO KNOWS THE FUTURE is not a man that He should change His mind! G-D NEVER changes! G-D's word NEVER changes and CANNOT be replaced with other scriptures. The Hebrew Bible is forever. Jews suffered horrendously at the hands of evil men - men consumed by an intense hate for G-D and G-D's Laws. Despising G-D's Law: "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER" the evil ones committed murder and monstrous and terrible crimes against Jews in the name of G-D! Men are fighting with all their might for man's kingdom of violence and massive idol worship of 'power and control' to go on forever. The very essence of Judaism - Deuteronomy 6:4, is for ALL TIME and ETERNITY, but it is rejected by men who seek to replace the greatest scripture with their own doctrine. Jesus Christ affirmed in the gospels that Deuteronomy 6:4 is the foremost and greatest commandment. The greatest scripture: Hebrew Bible, Deuteronomy 6:4: "Hear, O Israel! The L-RD is our G-d, the L-RD is One! You shall love the L-RD your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." Total allegience to, and love for the One great G-D! G-D's requirement for ALL humanity is KINDNESS. Hebrew Bible, Micah 6:8: And what does the L-RD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your G-D.
98. 92 - if you read anything i wrote in the past...
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (09.15.06)
you'd know that i criticize israel all of the time. israel has major problems, but what you describe as "mass killings of Arabs/Muslims" is not accurate. my wife is an israeli arab and she loves her country, especially when she sees the oppression of her fellow arab christains living under the tyranny of their fellow arab (muslim) brothers. here we live in freedom, worship in freedom, and can openly speak our minds in freedom. but not in her hometown neighborhood where muslims live - we must act like we are unwelcome guests in her own street. for what? for not being muslim. when this is the case for arab christian brothers, what is israel supposed to do? you are wrong when you speak of israel's past behavior. you are wrong when you say jews act like they do nothing wrong. you are wrong about israel's fear (it is real and i feel it, too, when muslims try to kill me). you are completely wrong about the borders, and you are wrong about the money disparity. the muslims in the area have said, without changing from the beginning, that they will settle for nothing less than every grain of sand that israel possesses. if you think that is just rhetoric, you are naive. things have fundamentally changed on israel's side. sure they need to change some more but the muslims haven't changed a thing, only gotten more radical and extreme. the problem with the hatred here is not israel, but it is the hearts of the ones who hate. life is not fair, the world is not fair, but to hate as these people do is beyond any excuse.
99. DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE AGAIN!!!! Iran are gd!
human786 ,   UK   (09.16.06)
The grounds on which this article are based, if there are any at all, are rong. I know so many muslims, who want peace. if you research into the history of what has happened, you will see how teh anger of muslims towards israel has been formed. they have seen their brothers and families killed on a daily basis, and seen no one speak out. they have seen their religion trampled upon on a daily basis. they see and hear about israel ABDUCTING and KILLING so many of their palestinian brothers daily. and you expect them not to get angry. stupidity. secondly, is that jihad is so misunderstood by the outside world. if read Osama bin Laden's interview (not saying i am fdor or against him) with Peter Taylor, you would have of read bin laden's goals. not terrorism, but the removal of american troops from arab lands. NOT TERRORISM. furthermore he had said he wanted dialogue with America. he wanted negotiations. not only that but mr moshe states that iran has made nuclear weapons and wants them as fact. IT IS NOT A FACT. infact the IEAE has said that Iran has no trace of nuclear weapons. they said that america was lying. AMERICA AND ISRAEL are lying. sounds familar, huh. de ja vous. well remember the "WMD" of Iraq. and where are they now. that was a "mistake" on america's behalf that cost over 1million lives. DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE AGAIN!!!
100. 92
Gerald ,   usa   (09.16.06)
Obviously Mike you are another terrorist apologist. Israel would not mount one more attack if they were not provoked. You cannot say that about muslim terrorists or muslims in general. Israel only fights back when attacked first. As far as money is concerned, why should the US give any money to a corrupt, inept government who will only spend it to promote more violence and hatred towards Israel and the US. The fact that we gave any money at all is mind boggling. The US gives aid and support to Israel because they are a civilized country stuck in the middle of a bunch of third world, backwards tribes. By the way, where are the oil rich muslim countries in all this. They provide little aid. They didn't do it when the sunami hit and they won't do it now. It is funny how muslims think the US should provide aid to people who would behead each and everyone us if giving the slightest chance. And yet our government chooses to do so anyway, over my objections. Also, the rest of the planet does not agree with anything you have said. Only muslims and their sympathizers. That is why you are getting so many negative responses. You are only proving what the professor has said, muslims will NEVER live peacefully side by side with JEWS.
101. To(#94) A.K , DXB
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (09.16.06)
Nope, I never supported the Hezbis when they violated the freedom and right of others. I agree with you about the bad guys. But instead of getting rid of them, I think they need to take a course on civility. Everybody is welcom to stay.. Diversity is the essence of every civilized country. We helped the Armenian settle in Lebanon and gave them rights under the Lebanese Law. We like our Armenian citizens and we share with them the inhumane treatment that the Turks brought upon them. But, we cannot brand every body according to our wishes. There are good guys and bad guys. Its a sad story, but we have to treat every one with civility and hope that with rational, we can win the minds and hearts of the underprivilidged. Amir
102. Reply to Tayfun - 64.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (09.16.06)
Tayfun, What you don't understand or ever will accept is that Jesus Christ is God. You place Him below Mohammed in terms of standing and that is blasphemous. You follow a false gospel by a false prophet for a false god so really there is no conjoining in any way of our beliefs. However God is calling out men and women from all kinds and creeds to be His and you never know, you might just be one of them.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.17.06)
Do Islamists not fear Master of the Universe, the G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who gave the Promised Land to Jews? Exodus 9:1 Thus says the L-RD, the G-d of the Hebrews, "Let My people go, that they may serve Me" Exodus 5:2 But Pharaoh said, "Who is the L-RD that I should obey His voice" On March 27, 2002, at the Park Hotel in Netanya, terrorists targeted for murder Jews honoring and thanking G-D for His great mercy: Exodus 12:14 “you shall celebrate it as a feast to the L-RD” Exodus 12:42 “It is a night to be observed for the L-RD for having brought them out from the land of Egypt; this night is for the L-RD, to be observed by all the sons of Israel throughout their generations.” The Muslim human bomb killer murdered 30 Israelis as the Jews obeyed G-D, taking part in the Passover meal. 140 Jewish innocents were injured. The bomb was filled with nails and other metal pieces to maximize the suffering of survivors. On August 19, 2003, terrorists targeted for murder Jews who worship G-D. The Muslim human bomb killer blew himself up on the bus as Jews returned from prayer at the Western wall. The Temple Mount, the holiest place on earth, is Judaism's holiest site. The gruesome attack-the bomb packed with metal pieces, killed 22 Jews and injured 134, many seriously. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Hebrew Bible, not once in the Koran. If Jesus Christ had lived in our day, from the time Jesus was in his mother's womb, he would be targeted for murder by IslamoFascist religious supremacists for being a Jew living in his homeland of Israel. The Palestinian Authority hailed as heroes the terrorists who brutally murdered defenseless 8 months pregnant Jewish Gaza mother, Tali Hatuel, and four little daughters in Gush Katif in May 2004. In defiance of Israel's G-D, and massively breaking G-D's law given to Moses: "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER" the Palestinian Authority teach through their mosques, media, summer camps, and public education system, that murdering Jews is a religious obligation. Human bomb killers of Jewish innocents are revered and considered heroes by PA society. Effigies of burning buses are features of PA school pageants and summer camps. Streets and soccer teams are named after suicide bombers. Broadcast from Gaza mosque, Oct 13 2000, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, on Palestinian Authority TV (transcribed by Memri): "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them..."
104. Living with Islam
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (09.17.06)
According to a senior Islamic teacher from Pakistan the rules are surrender and convert, surrender and submit, or, die. His words not mine although phrased by me. Now if that is the norm then moderate Muslims must be the abnormal. In other words moderate Muslims are the extremists because in some way they defy the rule. Yet they don't defy it too much as we see by their absence from the ranks of protestors against terrorism. But when it comes to protests against Israel and America these moderates are there in numbers. So the question shouldn't be can we live with Islam but do we want to live with Islam? Convert, live in submission or die, these are your choices but not all. You could stand up and say never.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.17.06)
There NEVER was an Arab country of Palestine. Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. In the 1948 Islamic invasion and illegal occupation of the Jewish Holy Land, Jordan destroyed 58 sacred synagogues in Jerusalem. Since 1996, Rachel's Tomb, near Bethlehem, has been attacked by Muslim snipers, bombs and Molotov cocktails. In October 2000, Muslims torched and destroyed the ancient synagogue in Jericho. In 2005, Muslims desecrated and destroyed sacred Gaza synagogues. Joseph is the beloved Bible hero of Jews and Christians. Muslims murdered IDF soldiers at Joseph's Tomb. Muslim mobs BURNED BIBLES and Jewish prayer books that gave praise and glory to the One great G-D, and destroyed the Tomb. In the Islamic invasion and filthy desecration of Jesus Christ' birthplace, Church of Nativity, BIBLES were TORN UP for TOILET PAPER. Inscribed in the Bibles are the Laws G-D gave to Moses; the Laws our Western civilization is founded on: Exodus 20: "You shall not murder" "You shall not commit adultery" "You shall not steal" "You shall not bear false witness" "You shall not covet" Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death" Leviticus 24:17 "If a man takes the life of any human being, he shall surely be put to death" Global Islamists seek the total destruction of Western civilization. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Hebrew Bible, not once in the Koran. G-D designated the Temple Mount to the Jews for His worship and prayer only. Muslims on the Temple Mount repeatedly engage in massive rock throwing at Jews, turning the HOLIEST place on earth into a common place of violence! Muslims have perpetrated massive desecration and destruction at Judaism's HOLIEST site, the Temple Mount. The OFFENSE to G-D is enormous! The Temple Mount must be returned to its Jewish owners immediately!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.17.06)
Road Map architects U.S. EU UN - PA/PLO/Hamas political/religious agenda keeps Palestinian Authority Christians persecuted. Take BETHLEHEM and other CHRISTIAN towns inside the green line now! PLO terrorists conducted barbaric jihad against Lebanon's Christians murdering huge numbers. Click on photo gallery - 20,000 Christians handicapped by PLO atrocities. PLO savagery was rewarded - PLO terrrorists were implanted into Israel as "peace" partners through Oslo Peace Accords to continue bloody jihad. Christians in PA areas suffer horrendous persecution under cruel occupation of PA/PLO and other terrorist organizations. Christianity Dying In Its Birthplace By Daniel Pipes | September 13, 2005 "What some observers are calling a pogrom took place near Ramallah, West Bank, on the night of Sep. 3-4. That’s when fifteen Muslim youths from one village, Dair Jarir, rampaged against Taybeh, a neighboring all-Christian village of 1,500 people. The Ajajs and their friends broke into houses and stole furniture, jewelry, and electrical appliances. They threw Molotov cocktails at some buildings and poured kerosene on others, then torched them. The damage included at least 16 houses, some stores,a farm, and a gas station. The assailants vandalized cars, looted extensively, and destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary. “It was like a war,” one Taybeh resident told The Jerusalem Post. Hours passed before the Palestinian Authority security and fire services arrived. The fifteen assailants spent only a few hours in police detention, then were released. As for Khouriyye, the Palestinian police arrested him, kept him jail, and (his family says) have repeatedly beat him. A cousin, Suleiman Khouriyye, pointed to his burned house. “They did this because we’re Christians. They did this because we are the weaker ones.” The Khouriyyes and others recall the assailants shouting Allahu Akbar and anti-Christian slogans: “Burn the infidels, burn the Crusaders.” This assault fits a larger pattern. According to the Catholic Custodian of the Holy Land, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Christians in the Bethlehem region alone have suffered 93 cases of injustice in 2000-04. In the worst of these, in 2002, Muslims murdered the two Amre sisters, 17 and 19 years old, whom they called prostitutes. A post-mortem, however, showed the teenagers to have been virgins – and to have been tortured on their genitals. “Almost every day – I repeat, almost every day – our communities are harassed by the Islamic extremists in these regions,” Pizzaballa says. “And if it’s not the members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad, there are clashes with … the Palestinian Authority.” In addition to the Islamists, a “Muslim land mafia” is said to operate. With PA complicity. it threatens Christian land and house owners, often succeeding to compel them to abandon their properties. The campaign of persecution has succeeded...Bethlehem and Nazareth, historic Christian towns for nearly two millennia, are now primarily Muslim. In 1922, Christians outnumbered Muslims in Jerusalem; today, Christians amount to a mere 2 percent of that city’s population." "Islamic mafia accused of persecuting Holy Land Christians" Every single agreement has been broken by the PA/PLO, rendering Oslo, Road Map and ALL agreements NULL AND VOID. IDF, HELP! Stop Islamic cruelty. Liberate Christians from ALL terrorist organizations now!
107. The Way of Islam 101 - More links
malcolm   (09.17.06)
More educational links on what Islam has in store for all. Bat Ye'or is the world's foremost scholar on the subject. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! - Patrick Henry
Knave Dave ,   Honolulu, Hawaii, US   (09.17.06)
"Iran's regime is seeking Armageddon" As are Christian Fundamentalists when they urge Jews to take intractable positions with respect to occupation of the Holy Land. They do this because they believe it will speed the time toward the second coming of Jesus, Christ (Greek for "messiah") As are Jewish Fundamentalists who take intractable positions in order to bring on the arrival of "moshiach." So, Fundamentalists in all three major religions could not care less if they bring on Armageddon because they believe it will bring the arrival of their messiah. "Islam is a messianic religion… from the very beginning, it talked about the end of the world," Sharon said. In Islam, "Allah is the king of the end of days," Sharon explained, before addressing the Shiite Islam guiding Iran. As is true of Christianity and Judaism. The difference is that Judaism and Christianity do not advocate jihad, though their most Fundamentalist adherents don't mind if they happen to bring on something much greater than jihad, so long as they are not the ones launching the actual attacks. In light of all the recent Muslim attacks against churches over a few words by the pope, they won't have to launch the actual attacks. They know the Muslims are already itching at the trigger.
Knave Dave ,   Honolulu, Hawaii, US   (09.17.06)
"[the] Iranian regime genuinely believes that the Shiite messiah, the twelfth Imam (also known as the Mahdi), 'is here. And he will come. And first, he will establish the Shiite house of Ali. This is a time of messianic expectation.'" Such messianic expectation also existed at the time of Jesus Christ. Jews all around him were asking, "Are you the one?" The one what? The predicted Messiah because the Jewish prophet Daniel had predicted that the Messiah would come during the same years in which Jesus was living. Now, Muslims, Christians and some Orthodox Jews are also anticipating the coming of their "messiah." For Christians, they expect it to be the second coming of the one who came during the last period of wide expectation. Jesus came on the scene shortly before the time when the temple was destroyed, and now we live in a time (the first time in 2,000 years) in which people are actually working to rebuild the temple. One could say we live shortly before the time in which the temple will be actually be rebuilt ... or its reconstruction attempted -- an act that would certainly bring a war like Armageddon. Jesus also lived forty years before the time in which Jews were expelled from the land in the Roman diaspora, and we are now forty years after the time in which Jews reclaimed the same land (Jerusalem in particular) in the "Six-Day War." --David Haggith
110. The Time Is Now!
Marcos David ,   Santo Andre, Brazil   (09.18.06)
The time to stop Iran is now. But seem what the nations are sleeping. The Iran president wants the END of Israel and USA. This is the dream of Islamic world and those that doesn't know the G-d of Israel. They don't know these words: Love, Peace, Harmony, Life and are ready to explode and kill anyone who says that they are wrong. But they are wrong! They are crazy! These men are blind. They don´t know what they doing... Israel! Look and pray to your G-d and your Messiah. He is your SALVATION! Don´t accept another man like your savior and SOLUTION. Israel! Wake up! Look for Israel's G-d! Wait Israel in the L-rd! A christian zionist from Brazil... Wake up People of Zion!
111. Islam and Israel
safiya ,   NJ, USA   (09.18.06)
Cut the nonsense about the end of times. As long as there is no legitimate palestinian state in the west bank and gaza, there wil never be peace in the ME. NEVER EVER.
112. To(#105-106)Linda Rivera , New York
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (09.18.06)
Dear Linda, Now you can turn off the fury and turn on the peace loving side of your soul and try to share with all of us a balanced view from a "Non-propagandist web sites" such as those of "Free-Leb" and Daniel Pipes and the like of Falwell who serve only to add fuel to fire. Please relax and for your own soul, try to read more from as many good web sites as you can afford in order to help yourself, to help others to understand the full picture. Only by stating Facts, Truth and honesty that all religions so profoundly and so endlessly try to instill on all the people on earth, do we ever try to understand each other and realize that in each of us, there lies a peaceful reckoning for all to live together. Peace for all Amir
113. Reply to Amir - 112.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (09.18.06)
Amir, Give or take a few words and you get what the first Pope uttered when he unleashed the crusades across the world. Exactly the same as when Mohammed realised that the world was not listening to him and decided the sword was a better motivator. Both are religions that were imposed at the point of a sword, the former by the power of an Emperor with legions at his back and the latter by a dreamer with fanaticism behind him. Both's leaders believed that they were acting for God and still do, but they were/are no different from any other religious entities since opposition to the Gospel started with Cain and was institutionalised later by Nimrod and Semiramis. Still the same ambitious traits to take over that which belongs to God of which Israel is but a figure and type. The one word that is common to them but never seems enacted upon is peace. It flows like a river from the lips of men who do not know its meaning as they use it in promise of a better future for all who would just accept their ways. God Himself said that there would be no peace so who is right, you or Him?
114. confused
DS ,   Jersey city nj   (09.18.06)
Islam is nothing like your explanation it has no comparisons to Christianity or the Jewish faith that links these 2 together-many Jews believe in Yeshua as the Messiah-you also forget that the Messiah was promised only to Isra'el-no other religion can honestly make that claim-so in order for your version to work muslims need to come to faith in the G-d of the Bible-Jesus is the Son of G-d,He is the only way for redemption-He is retuning to Jerusalem to reign no were else and every knee will bow to Him and every tounge wil confess that Yeshua is Moshiach-we will celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles for ever-we become one with the G-d of Isra'el no other god has any claim to this-dont let todays version of Christianity create the bench mark for the Christian church has largly forgotten its Jewish heritage,Jesus was born a Jew he lived and worshipped as a Jew,died and ressurected as a Jew,and sits at the right hand of Elohim asa Jew-guess what He is returning as a Jew as well-so you better get it right before He does-He wont be forgiving when He comes next time He comes as Judge-So islam doesnt see Jesus the same way the Bible reveals Him,further more the koran commands the murder of Jews and Christians-so your version just adds to the confusion of islam as well-I feel sorry for the muslim world you have been betrayed by a lie that has no spiritual,or historical truth to it-history portrays a differnt mohammed and islam than the believers would like the world to know about-you still have time to repent and give your heart to the One true Living G-d,the G-d of Isra'el!
115. How paranoid
John ,   USA   (09.18.06)
I suppose this is the ultimate paranoid view. What about peace with Jordan and Egypt? What about Jews and Muslims defending Jerusalem from the Crusaders invaders? I think Israel is such a prisoner of its siege mentality that you get the "educated" people coming up with this trash. Remember Rabbi Baruch Goldstein? How can a man of god murder with such impunity? I think Israel should lock up these crazies for inciting violence and hatred in a place that cannot tolerate anymore killing. Don't you think this view is self defeating?
116. Excellent analysis
enzo ,   london, uk   (09.18.06)
Excellent analysis! I agree 100% with Prof. Sharon. I have spent alot of time reading and researching this subject (among other things) and I have to admit it: it is true and accurate! Congratulations!
117. #112 re Rivera and the truth of teh Hebrew bible
Rustum ,   London, UK   (09.18.06)
I very much doubt if Ms Rivera can actually read the Hebrew bible - as she is a born again Christian. Therefore I think we can take her statements with one gigundo pinch of salt as well as her general long-winded interfering ravings which are simply the product of the delusional imagination of either a full-blooded racist or a salaried neo-Con bigot.
118. Who really is Ahmadinejad?
LMB ,   TEXAS   (09.18.06)
With Ahmadinejad pushing for an Armageddon make him the "AntiChrist"?
119. Merlin - Negative of a picture
BK ,   TX, USA   (09.19.06)
I'm no fan of Bush and I understand what you're getting at by bringing in the "evangelists". The fact is that if you understand a biblical perspective (both Jewish and Christian) you see that neither group (Jews or Christians) "want this to happen", it's simply understood that it will happen, and when Moshiach returns he will bring peace. Don't by into the religion of peace pablum. It's simply not true, even historically.
120. #31
Bruce ,   TX, USA   (09.19.06)
"If we open the door". Nice thought but why is it our job to open the door. I agree that some Muslims are just like us, but if push comes to shove, they will most likely follow their clerics. The ones that need to do the door opening are the Muslims that don't want Armaggedon. Something tells me there may not be enough of to turn the tide.
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