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Expert: No peace with Muslims, ever
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 14.09.06, 16:38
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61. TO # 19 After Nuke there is nothnig
Lars ,   Finland   (09.14.06)
I can not understand arrogant praising about who has the greatest power or who has nuclear arms. The cold reality is, that after nuclear war there is no another world. The whole human kind has destroyed itself. There are no winners. We all will lose !!
62. #58 Scott: I cannot disagree with anything you wrote
steve ,   USA   (09.14.06)
I agree with you, Professor Sharon is wrong to think any of the nations will take out Iran's nuclear capability. Even Mr. Bush is politically impotent. So, if it is to be done, that leaves Israel alone in the world; an Israel whose leaders recently bowed to Mr. Bush, Secretary Rice and France; bowed to an ignominious United Nations' cease fire that saved Iran's proxy in Lebanon. As you wrote, it does not look good.
63. regarding#1
Reuven ,   Santa Cruz   (09.14.06)
Prpfessor's Sharon's communication is accurate and reflects reality, particularly regarding Iran's leadership. If you are looking for a bigot, look in the mirror!
64. Muslim Messiah is Jesus Christ just as Christians
Tayfun_Turkey ,   Istanbul   (09.14.06)
Muslims accept Jesus Christ as Messiah to come like all Christians believe. Shiit are not different they also accept this. Mahdi is not Shiit messiah, Mahdi (with all muslims in his part) will make war with Anti-Christ (deccal) who refuse Messiah. In that case that Professor may be deccal. All religions are messianic Jews, Christian and Muslims. Only difference, Jews does not accept Christ as Jesus-Messiah but expect another to come(first time). Christians and Muslims believe Jesus Christ is Messiah and will come to World again. In fact Muslims accept all Jewish Prophets (Moses and others) as God's prophets and A muslim MUST believe first Tevrat (Old Testament ), Bible and Kuran are books of God. But Muslims believed they are altered later and they are not all genuine as first came to Prophets. I think This professor knows everthing very well but delibrately lying about Shiites. What a honor for a university "scientist". Professor For Sale!
DIANA   (09.14.06)
66. #40, malcolm, thanks for the link; we forget too easily.
AK   (09.14.06)
67. to 16
The Persian from post # 14 is another ignoramus. Actually, lots of them see the need to write here. They don't understand that their rubbish has no impact here.
68. To #20, I dont think you know what Zionism and Chosen are
David, chosen person ,   Boston, USA   (09.14.06)
We are the chosen people. We are supposed to make Tikkun Olam, heal the world, make it a better place. Personally, I think thats a pretty good thing to try and do. THATS why we are the Chosen People. We are Chosen to help the world. It doesnt make anyone else better or worse. As for Zionism. If you look at the history of the land, Jews didnt kick out the native Arabs, but British and Arabs kicked out all the native Jews. Israel is Jewish and democratic and have a thriving Arab minority. It isnt perfect, but it pretty good. Dont think that Arabs have it bad it Israel. There are grievences all over, Ashkenazi vs Sephardi, religious vs secular, and MUCH more. Guess what, thats a democracy. Zionism is about respect fo the land, for our history, for our present, for our future, and guess what, it ISNT at the expense of anyone else. Arabs chose not to make a second Arab Palestinian state from 47-67. So dont believe they really want one now. On the oherhand, Jordan Palestine BANS Jews from ciizenship and kicked out ALL Naive Jews. Jews got screwed, getting less than 25% of our land and still want Tikkun Olam. ITs time for Arab and Islamic world to start building and stop destroying.
69. More Educational Links
malcolm   (09.15.06)
The politically correct media will whitewash over it. The far left will outright bash anyone who exposes it. The Jew/Israel loathers, especially in the UK (BBC, The Guardian, Church of England) will go on the offensive against Israel to fudge over and confuse it. The Muslims themselves are instructed by the Koran to conceal it. But anyone outside of Islam has an obligation to know it. Everyone has a responsibility to educate himself or herself in such an environment where so many different special interests are blocking the truths about Islam that affect everyone on the planet today. Here's some more links and I hope everyone keeps and eye out and contributes more. German political scientist, Matthias Kuntzel, has an in depth site. Read him before a fatwah is issued on his life (God forbid). Then check out Robert Spencer's site. He is fluent in the Koran and most of it’s commentaries. He is not afraid to reveal all the sentences omitted in the Korans the Saudis distributed by the 10s of thousands to US college campuses in order to brainwash American students right after 9/11. In one sentence Mohamed proclaims in the name of Allah that Jews are the decedents of monkeys and pigs. And of course there is the hated LGF, a vortex of truths that has recently busted many lies (Green helmet guy, BBC’s Orla Guerin, CAIR etc.)
70. there was always
Fares ,   cleveland   (09.15.06)
there was always peace in the holy land until 1948 when you decided that it is all yours . from that point on there will be no peace until you change your mind....
71. #68...
ZidaneTheGreat ,   USA   (09.15.06)
"We are the chosen people. We are supposed to make Tikkun Olam, heal the world, make it a better place. Personally, I think thats a pretty good thing to try and do..." If killing innocent children in Lebanon and putting Palestinians in death camps is how you make the world better, thanks I will not take it. Words of a such a self righteous, such a narcissist culture and nation!
72. If Muslims wanted peace they could have done it since 1948
Alan ,   SA   (09.15.06)
73. # 70 More Lies...Here's the truth
malcolm   (09.15.06)
There was no peace in the Holy Land before 1948. And a major contributor to the murder of Jews in the Holy Land pre 48 and a fomenter of intense Jew hate throughout the Arab world was none other than Yasser Arafat’s uncle, Haj” Amin el Husseini”. Personal friend to Hitler – Mass murderer – and exporter of Nazi Jew hate propaganda that thrives throughout the entire Muslim world to this day.
74. The Ignorance of Non-muslims is staggering
Leila ,   USA   (09.15.06)
I am shocked at the ignorant remarks of a Professor,I am sure he can learn Islam from muslims,rather than those stupid remarks about the Shias and their belief in Mehdi,Arent the jews also awaiting a Messiah,HOw can he depict our Messiah as violent.If this is the true face of Israeli Intellectuals,All i can say is YOU GUYS NEED HELP!PRONTO ((Islam is Love))
75. Alan Muslims are aching for Peace
Leila ,   USA   (09.15.06)
Muslims want Peace alright,Who wouldnt?But not on terms that suit Israel and wich are impartial,Why not come up with a air,just Peace that guarantees Peace for you all.
76. #73
Mir ,   Orlando, FL   (09.15.06)
Did you even read the article on this Yaser Arafat's relative? Here's something I got from the link that you posted: "William Ziff, in his book "The Rape of Palestine," summarizes: * Implicated in the [1920] disturbances was a political adventurer named Haj Amin al Husseini. Haj Amin, was sentenced by a British court to fifteen years hard labor. Conveniently allowed to escape by the police, he was a fugitive in Syria. Shortly after, the British then allowed him to return to Palestine where, despite the opposition of the muslim High Council who regarded him as a hoodlum, Haj Amin was appointed by the British High Commissioner as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem for life. [P. 22]" Now, it was the British High Commissioner that appointed him DESPITE the opposition of the Muslim High Council. And to the rest, who support the professor's claims, you guys need to tune in to alternative media before passing judgements on what Islam does, and what it does not support or preach. Muslims do not want to Force God's hand by expediting the second coming of Jesus, that is the dream of Christians who support the Zionists in their quest to erect the temple at the site of Islam's third holiest site in the heart of Jerusalem.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.15.06)
PA/PLO are the recipients of mega U.S. tax dollars. Americans are immorally forced to finance jihad against Jews and Americans. The planned genocide of Jews by PA/PLO/Hamas, Hizbullah-Syria-Iran et al, breaks international law and must be addressed by the International Criminal Court. The U.S. EU, UN Road Map Islamic Terror State Two in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem will reduce Israel to an INDEFENSIBLE 6-10 miles wide at mid-section, thus enabling a second Holocaust of Jews. The Palestinian Authority teach through their mosques, media, summer camps, and public education system, that murdering Jews is a religious obligation. Human bomb killers of Jewish innocents are revered and considered heroes by PA society. Palestinian Authority society are taught murdering Jews is the highest goal in life and attains paradise: The Palestinian Authority hailed as heroes the terrorists who brutally murdered defenseless 8 months pregnant Jewish Gaza mother, Tali Hatuel, and four little daughters in Gush Katif in May 2004. Thousands of Palestinian Authority Muslims celebrate in the streets and pass out sweets whenever Jewish innocents, including children, are murdered by human bomb killers. Effigies of burning buses are features of PA school pageants and summer camps. Streets and soccer teams are named after suicide bombers. Adults and children train in terrorist training camps. Terrorists have been captured at Israeli checkpoints, posing as ambulance drivers, doctors and patients. Terrorists have hidden explosive suicide belts under gurneys carrying sick children and in the garments of pregnant women. Red Crescent ambulances transport terrorists, weapons and bombs. Broadcast from Gaza mosque, Oct 13 2000, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, on Palestinian Authority TV (transcribed by Memri): "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them..."
78. #64 Muslim Jesus-Isa RADICALLY DIFFERENT from Bible Jesus
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (09.15.06)
You state that the Bible has been altered. Be specific! Exactly what are you claiming has been altered? Bible scholars from Judaism and Christianity would be more than happy to discuss this important issue with Koran scholars !!! Jesus Christ, the Israeli Jew, practiced Judaism and taught from the Hebrew Bible. Jesus taught that G-D's Laws must be obeyed, as: "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER"
79. This is just hate speech
Murad ,   Redmond, USA   (09.15.06)
This is simply zionist Islamophobic hate speech. The "problem" between Israel and the Islamic/Arab world is the occupation of Palestine, not some kind of theological debate over armagedden. Repression and opression breed resentment anNo matter how much you hate us and no matter what you do, Islam is not going any where so try to learn to live with us. hatred. When Palestinian men see their babies, wives, sisters and parents suffering, and humiliated, they fight back in whatever way they can. Yes some of their actions are reprehensible. But you can't blame Islam for that. The source of their rage is the occupation. Frankly it's mind boggling that the children of Holocaust survivors are unable to recognize this and continue oppressing another people. There is no blood lust that Muslims posses or Islam perpetuates. Just think about it for a second. There are more than 1 billion Muslims in the world. Islam has been around for 1400 years. If we all really were blood thirsty bastards as Prof. Sharon claims, Jews would certainly not have survived under Muslim rule and there would be no Mizrahi Jews in Israel. Also I realize that a lot of people hate Islam and Muslims nowadays. But I want you to know one thing. No matter how much you hate us and no matter what you do, Islam is not going any where so try to learn to live with us in peace. We certainly want to. Just stop occupying our lands and stealing our oil.
80. to #71
Moshe ,   Boston, Mass   (09.15.06)
You wrote: "If killing innocent children in Lebanon and putting Palestinians in death camps is how you make the world better, thanks I will not take it. Words of a such a self righteous, such a narcissist culture and nation!" #1 You are a lier, the statements above are fascist lies. #2 We are The Chosen People, and we do need approval from goyim but from G-d alone. #3 The Oral Torah says that all the prophesies after the time of Ezdra (time between the two Beit HaMikdash) are either Fools or Children. So much for the Lunatic from the tribe of Hashem with his poisoness rubbish.
81. Cut ahmadenijad's dick off
Laura   (09.15.06)
In fact that should be the punishment for all muslim "men".
A.K ,   DUBAI   (09.15.06)
Im a turkoman iraqi and i agree what the professor is saying is 100% true so true, my dad was abducted by arab/fascist islamo terrorists and they released him , naturally we paid a ransom, and i will live to tell this terrorizing story. these people are the evil gog and magog of the bible kick them out of Iraq and expell them and give us the land of babylon back so we can establish our state and fight Arab Terror
83. What an Idiot...
Moshe Dayyan ,   Tel Aviv   (09.15.06)
Professor Moshe Sharon is one idiot with no clue. If it's up to me, I'll clean up this world from idiots like Sharon.
84. To(#82) A.K , DUBAI ( Bravo, well said.)
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (09.15.06)
A.K. --> KKK I left you a message in the other site. I really, really wrote something good about you. You should go there and read it. I am proud of you man. Now, let me go over this piece of your rational for a sec: If you are Babylonian, and the Lebanese are Phoenicians, and the Syrians are Assyrians, and the Palestinians are Philistines, and the Egyptians are Pharos and the .. Uhhh... I lost count. The only true people living in Middle East are the Jews, because, the Jews are Jews, past, present and future... You see, the Jews haven’t changed that much at all, like the Essins. You A.K --> KKK on the other hand, have changed and if you snooze, you looze. Hey, by the way, I am really sorry for your dad’s ordeal. But, I assure you; hundreds of Arabs including Iraqi Shiites and Sunnis among other Arab nationals get snatched and have to pay ransom for the terrorist to free their beloved ones. I am glad you are safe in Dubai. Please don't tell the Emirates there that you said something about getting back Babylon and kicking the Arabs out. In Dubai, they also kidnap kids for "Camel Jockeys". So Bozo, forget about your Babylon dream, it’s a stupid argument anyway. Don't you have better thing to say man.. Unless you want to ride a Camel... Amir
85. Professor cut bread with Hitler in 1940.
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (09.15.06)
86. To(#57) Mike, Israel, (formerly Iran)
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (09.15.06)
Miky, Are you saying that if an idiot bomb and kill innocent people means that he is a true Muslim and that all the Muslims subscribe to his ills? Since you lived in the US, have you ever heard of collective punishment for all the families of criminals in US Jails. Do you know how poor your argument is? Man, you are using the term, "Collective punishment" covertly. Since you enjoy branding every Muslim as a "Jihadist", then I assure you that you are an "Anti-Semite" according to your own definition. Don't throw stones at others if your house is made of glass. Be fair and sound in your argument. Don't just succumb to verbal diarrhea simply because its easy to do so. This is bad civility at its best and you are simply encouraging more hate and ignorance among your standard elk. Think wisely and let us hear your true point. Islam is not what Osama and other Jihadist claim. Have you ever wondered if this is true Islam, or is it in your own mind that you stop short in rationalizing what’s going on. Have you ever spoken to a Muslim person before? Have you ever been involved in a true dialogue with an interfaith group before? Did you not learn in college that you cannot submit a paper without doing research? Have you ever wondered what Islam stands for? Did you just simply read about Islam from Osama Bin Laden? Did you know more about Islam from these who bombed Madrid and London? If I want to learn about Christianity, do you think I would read about the Crusades and what they did to thousands of Arab Christians, Muslims and Jews? Think wisely and help others to draw a better picture of others. It is your obligation to reach for the truth and facts. Amir
87. What Jews and Israel think about Jesus Christ?
Tayfun_Turkey ,   Istanbul   (09.15.06)
Obviously they insult Jesus Christ as Faker and Mentally ill. Muslims BELIEVE Christian BIBLE is GOD's BOOK, sent to Jesus Christ and also Muslim BELIEVE Jesus Messiah will come to this world again as Quran says this. We say with respect Mother Mary for Mother of Jesus. There are differences even among Christian sects not to menion Muslim /Christian beliefs but basis is the same. So I wonder what Christians find commont with Israel insulting their Prophet? It seems they are turned to Clowns under the domination of Zionist in their countries.
88. Question for Rustum - 1.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (09.15.06)
Rustum, You use strong language of denial so please tells us what it is about what the writer says that is drivel? Unless I am wrong many readings teach that this is exactly what the Iranian clerics and their front man believe and that is why they search for the ultimate weapon. But if you have the truth please tell us because as the targets I think we should know.
89. Reply to Robert - 13.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (09.15.06)
Robert, How can Israel stay out of it since they are target no 1. It is about correcting the inheritance so it must be so and when that is accomplished, us next. That is the promise given to Isaac rather than Ishmael. Sarah represents Zion, God's chosen while Hagar represents Sinai, the bondwoman and it was for Sarah's offspring that the promise was made. This is the problem that Shia Islam means to correct by wiping out the Israel and the Jews. It then makes them the only inheritor from Abraham. The only thing is that God is alive and well, while Abraham is not, in the earthly terms, so they have to contend with that so the outcome is obvious. Israel is very much involved.
90. 86 - did you read what i said??
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (09.15.06)
i asked fatima how she considers 9-11 defending self and property, in her own words. collective punishment - that's what happened on 9-11. that's also what happened in north israel by hizbullah. that's what happens when palesinians thry to bomb me, when i have absolutely NOTHING to do with this conflict. it's not osama only, it is about every other islamic jihadi that does every immoral thing in the name of islam. do i know islam? yes - i am married to an arab from israel, who grew up in fear of the "religion of peace" people around her. i have a hard time hearing from people like you who talk about "true islam" but i've never seen it in action as you claim. just the hate from those who kill and the civilians who support them (check the poll data), but curious silence from everyone else. how many hundreds of years ago were the crusades? compared to the islamic crusades of today, how many people were killed back then? did you do your research? why complain about an event from a thousand years ago when something much worse is happening to this very day? at least that sect of christianity didn't last since it was an exception. islam has been doing the jihad thing from the beginning UNTIL THIS MINUTE. i have no part in this conflict, but yet i am marked for death by religious yet sinful people, full of hate and thirsty for my blood. don't tell me that this is not islam when they scream 'jihad' as they try to kill me. your empty words don't mean a lot.
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