Security around pope beefed up
Nir Magal and agencies
Published: 17.09.06, 00:00
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171 Talkbacks for this article
31. Pope Comments
Mike ,   NY, USA   (09.17.06)
Why is is that Muslims are yelling about the Pope's comments. How come these people never run into the streets when planes fly into buidlings or their fellow religious observers blow up innocent people on trains? Why is it that the President of Iran can critisize other religions and that is ok. I'm tired of the double standrad
32. Wake Up America
SG ,   NY NY   (09.17.06)
The Muslim religion is not a peaceful religion as they would like us to believe. Is it true the Koran speaks of killing all Christians and Jews? I am still waiting for the rest of the Muslim world to condemn the actions of their fellow Muslims who are torching Catholic churches and kill in the name of Allah. (Don't forget to add God willing.). So far I haven't seen any Muslim 'peace marches' or any Muslims who come forward to say their religion is being hijacked. Why is that?
33. Hmmm...
Belinda ,   Detroit, MI   (09.17.06)
Let me get this straight- "Muslims are NOT violent, and if you say anything different, we will burn your churches down!". Did that sum it up?
34. Muslim reaction
robert dovekind ,   new york , usa   (09.17.06)
How ironic that the Pope's remark has triggered the exact angry and violent reaction which actually confirms the Pope's remarks about the violence and hatred of a religion which converts at the point of a sword. If the Muslims really want to defeat the Pope's remarks, let them renounce violence, hatred, church burnings, beheading, and all forms of jihad for all time. Then they will get and truly deserve an apology. Until then, the 14th Century Archbishop quoted by the Pope is calling it like it is.
35. spread by sword
Sean ,   Ireland   (09.17.06)
Its mainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black as we ourselves as catholics also spread religion by the sword (Inquistion, etc). However, we don't today and thats the difference. The Pope must not back down. He was correct. Its time for Moslems to go home from Europe to back where they belong in their own countries. They talk down about Christians and Jews, let them now learn that we don't view them as much more than idol worshippers at all.
36. arab world has low self esteem
arnold ,   NYC   (09.17.06)
thats why they throw a hissy fit everytime they are offended. arabs say whatever vile things they want about other countries, other religions. but they cant take it in return. get over it arabs enough of this low self esteem cry baby attitude. its year twenty o six, come join the rest of us in the world. you arent special
Roger Cotton ,   Little Rock USA   (09.17.06)
Where is the Roman Catholic doctrine of papal infallibility in all this? Is the Church prepared at this juncture to retreat from this long held belief? If His Holiness is forced to "eat his words" to mollify the Muslims, what will that do to Catholic believers? This is getting good....
Sam ,   Detroit,MI,USA   (09.17.06)
I like the comments that I read from senior Muslim officials: "Islam is a peaceful religion" ,let's threaten the Pope and blow up Churches- which are Arabic by the way- so the world can see what a great religion Islam really is, way to go! I am not Catholic and might disagree with a lot with the Catholic theology but way to go Pope, you Rock! To #6 : Amen!
39. God will protect the Pope from the evil-doers.
Daisy ,   USA   (09.17.06)
If the Nazi Muslims hurt one hair on the Pope's head they will be hell to pay!
40. I feel sorry for Muslims
Mark Twain ,   Mid America, USA   (09.17.06)
I feel sorry for the good God fearing muslims. They have to watch the idiots from their religion act like idiots, and listen to some of their leaders preach anger. When will world leaders quit cowering to the muslim extremists and speak their mind like they do about others, like Christians. Don't back down and cower to threats from nuts. It will only encourage them to demand there way even more. Like a little child. Rosie tried to compare the danger of Christian extremists to Muslim extremists. Most muslims want gays among others, dead. Most Christians don't want gays dead, they want them saved. I also wonder about the word "Racist" when it comes to Muslims. They hate the Jews and think they are less than human and are not deserving of anything. Would that make them, "Racists". I've met wonderfull people from all kinds of faiths. I wish people had more faith in their own faith than to scream about mere words that the pope simply repeated. A lot of evil has been done in the name of politics and then blamed on religion. In the case of many of the extremist reactions from Muslims. I believe these things are propelled by the leaders who are puppeted by others to expand the power base and influence for themselves and that is more important to them than whether something "mean" was said about their prophet. Think of all the bad things that have been said about Christ. Remember the last temptation of Christ or "Piss Christ"? The KKK are considered racists, and should be. The muslim extremists remind me of the KKK in the old news stories, etc. Islam is a shrinking because they are killing each other off. And scaring others away.
41. Intimidation
Alex ,   New York, USA   (09.17.06)
So they try to intimidate us to silence. That is a big mistake ... They do not understand that we are just tolerating them. But now ...
42. Muslims to Pope:
Robert W. ,   NYC   (09.17.06)
Muslims to Pope: "Take back what you said about Muslims being violent or we'll kill you."
43. Demand apology?
Jeff ,   USA   (09.17.06)
Am I the only one that finds it fascinating that the pope is being asked to apologize for a comment, but the Imams of Iran, Al-Qaida, and the President of Iran are not? Got one for you: Attack my country again, and we turn Mecca into glass!
44. War! good! let all the religious crazies kill each other,
secular ,   canada   (09.17.06)
the rest of the world will be better off!
45. the pope's comment
exaltacion ,   calif, usa   (09.17.06)
the islamo-fascists have been after christians (not only catholics) and jews for sometime. it is about time that a strong leader from this faith start telling it as it is. we have been respecting their faith and had been tiptoeing to be PC, but enough is enough!!!!!
46. The Pope can now "rest his case"
DK ,   Hutch USA   (09.17.06)
The resulting violent out burst in the Muslin world just again serves to confirm the very truth in the Pope's words. If this were a court of law, he can now say, "I rest my case!" God bless the Pope for standing for truth, even when it hurts. (I am not Catholic, by the way.)
47. Violence?
Jane E ,   Scranton, USA   (09.17.06)
So the Moslems rage over the accusation that theirs is a "violent" religion, and retaliate by burning the Pope in effigy and bombing Christian churches. Obviously, their idea of violence does not coincide with what of the rest of the world considers violent.
48. So confused
Jon ,   California   (09.17.06)
"In Gaza City, militants opened fire from a car at a Greek Orthodox church, striking the facade. A policeman at the scene said he saw a Mitsubishi escape with armed men inside. Explosive devices were set off at the same Gaza church on Friday, causing minor damage." And they are saying he's wrong?
49. Hypocrites!
CV ,   United States   (09.17.06)
The Pope is right to not apologize. These Muslims who destroy churches in reponse are hypocrites, these same who assert Islam spreads peacefully. What has the world come to when a man cannot even speak or criticize or challenge the position of others? These Muslims are doing more than reacting against the Pope's words (which weren't even his), they are openly defying our basic right to free speech, seeking to impose Islamic law upon us.
50. Islam is a religion of piece
The Eagle ,   St Petersburg   (09.17.06)
The new Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, said that the pope's position on Islam is unmistakably in line with Vatican teaching that the Church "esteems Muslims, who adore the only God." The ONLY GOD? Please explain to the Vatican the god of Islam is Allah(also known as "Black, the Moon Rock"). This of course is not the same God worshipped by Christians and Jews. Islam, the religion of peace, and they'll kill you to prove it. Stop the Luna-cy.
51. These people need new entertainment
Lucia ,   USA   (09.17.06)
to stop them from thinking about rioting all the time. Maybe lap dances from virgins would distract them. Deploy the virgin lap dancing troops to Gaza, pronto!
52. #5 Cleo
Jane   (09.17.06)
He apologized for the fact that Muslims were upset. He did not apologize for what he said. We all know how sensitive Muslims are to the truth about themselves.
53. How do they respond to the Pope?
LEE ,   NY, USA   (09.17.06)
He calls them violent and they respond with violence. What a surprise!
54. religious leader with spine! :-)
congratulations ,   long live this pope   (09.17.06)
Nothing wrong in guiding his flock in the right direction
55. West is blind
Paj ,   New York   (09.17.06)
Why are so many in the West blind to these ongoing threats? These people want to take us back to the 1400's. They have no tolerance for anything West nor of liberal thinking or lifestyle. These people are very scarry.
56. an excuse for an uprise
Julian ,   Palm Beach, USA   (09.17.06)
first and foremost, the pope was adressing a private academic audience and the media is partly to blame for spreading the controversy so greatly. his aim was not to insult Islam, but to provide an understanding of the current situation of Holy War from a historical perspective.
57. Security around pope beefed up
Jukka Moisio ,   Nacka Sweden   (09.17.06)
Oh, times they are a changing...a couple of decades ago, I wouldn't have given an earfull for what the Pope says or not. But when we all come to a point, when this gentleman has to beef up his security while viciously attacked by a considerable part of certain, religio-politico movement, there's reason to ponder, what it is that happens. The Catholic leader gives a type of lecture,where he emphasizes the role of reason and moderation for ALL religions and cites a 14th-century Bysantic Church leader stating the then obvious use of violence by Islam of promoting it's cause. A kind of saying the inevitable: violence leads to violence, and religious violence is a vicious form of that by trying to hide the violent nature of the said religion behind threats and aggression. Well, what happened next? Threats and aggressive commentaries from all over the---- yes, muslim world... Talk about evidence. If it so was needed. Sheesh.
58. Isn't it Ironic...
Nate Phelps ,   Cranbrook, Canada   (09.17.06)
So the Muslim world is in uproar...angry mobs are spewing threats of violence and some are even following through. I found the following paragraph incredibly ironic: "...In a phone call to The Associated Press, a group calling itself the "Lions of Monotheism" claimed responsibility for those attacks, saying they were carried out to protest the pope's remarks in a speech this week in Germany linking Islam and violence." Does anyone else see the utter hypocracy in this??? These mindless idiots are proving the very point they are protesting with their actions. How in the world do they expect the rest of us to view them?!? Angry, raging animals screaming that they will destroy the world because the world has the nerve to observe that they are acting like angry, raging animals.
59. Pope
caitlin ,   charleston USA   (09.17.06)
Perhaps if the peace-loving Muslims who have been driven to violence by the words of a man quoting another man, or by cartoons drafted by someone in a free nation, or by authors who choose to write books in countries with freedom os speech -- thought to actually READ the Pope's remarks in their entirety, they might be able to take a breath. But we all know that is beside the point. Muslim leaders WANT to inflame the ignorant in their midsts. From whence comes their power. God forbid they ever focus that energy on real education and economic development and the jobs that would make "their people" less miserable. It's not as if jobs and education will cause them to lose their faith - rather it will cause them to lose their dependence on those who exploit them, inflame them and hold them back for their OWN political purposes. They are not men of God. I struggle to describe that I think they are -- but they are not good, they are not holy, they are full of hate that they stoke to infect all of those around them. And they are pathetically insecure. Is this what Muhammad envisioned when he took that night flight to Jerusalem?
60. HUH?!??!
CB1 ,   USA   (09.17.06)
Let's see if I understand properly... the muslims are upset because the pope accused them of being violent. So to protest his comments they are firebombing churches and threatening to destroy more churches??? um... like they are trying to prove him right or something?!?!
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